Helper to create QuestionnaireFragment with appropriate Bundle arguments.
A matcher to provide QuestionnaireItemViewHolderFactoryMatchers for custom Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemType. The application needs to provide a QuestionnaireItemViewHolderFactoryMatchersProviderFactory in the DataCaptureConfig so that the QuestionnaireFragment can get instance of QuestionnaireItemViewHolderFactoryMatchersProvider.
An Boolean extra to control if the questionnaire is read-only. If review page and read-only are both enabled, read-only will take precedence.
A URI extra for streaming a JSON encoded questionnaire.
A JSON encoded string extra for a questionnaire. This should only be used for questionnaires with size at most 512KB. For large questionnaires, use setQuestionnaire(questionnaireUri: Uri)
The launch context allows information to be passed into questionnaire based on the context in which the questionnaire is being evaluated. For example, what patient, what encounter, what user, etc. is "in context" at the time the questionnaire response is being completed:
A URI extra for streaming a JSON encoded questionnaire response.
A JSON encoded string extra for a prefilled questionnaire response. This should only be used for questionnaire response with size at most 512KB. For large questionnaire response, use setQuestionnaireResponse(questionnaireResponseUri: Uri)
A Boolean extra to show or hide the Cancel button in the questionnaire. Default is true.
A Boolean extra to show questionnaire page as a default/long scroll with the previous/next/submit buttons anchored to bottom/end of page. Default is false.
Setter to show/hide the Submit anyway button. This button is visible by default.
A Boolean extra to show or hide the Submit button in the questionnaire. Default is true.
To accept a configurable text for the submit button
A Boolean extra to control whether the asterisk text is shown.
A Boolean extra to control whether the optional text is shown.
A Boolean extra to control whether the required text is shown.
A Boolean extra to control if a review page is shown. By default it will be shown at the end of the questionnaire.
A Boolean extra to control if the review page is to be opened first. This has no effect if review page is not enabled.