
abstract fun sort(parameter: StringClientParam, order: Order)

When sorting is applied on a field with repeated values (e.g. Patient.GIVEN ), the order is defined by the value of the repeated values in the resource (e.g. HumanName.given for Patient).

If there are two Patients p1 and p2 as follows

"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "p1",
"name": [
"family": "Cooper",
"given": [


"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "p2",
"name": [
"family": "Cooper",
"given": [

Then sorting the patients in ascending or descending order with their given i.e Patient.GIVEN depends on the smallest (1, 3) or largest (2, 4) given in the first name respectively .

abstract fun sort(parameter: NumberClientParam, order: Order)
abstract fun sort(parameter: DateClientParam, order: Order)

When sorting is applied on a field with repeated values, defined by the value of the repeated values in the resource.

See also

(parameter: StringClientParam, order: Order) for more details.