How to Contribute

We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are just a few small guidelines you need to follow.

Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.

You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again.

Code reviews

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Community Guidelines

This project follows Google's Open Source Community Guidelines.

Directory structure

  • book - you're reading it!
  • demo - a very simple demo example
  • examples - will gradually fill with more complex examples
  • parser - code which parses a single include_cpp! macro. Used by both the macro (which doesn't do much) and the code generator (which does much more, by means of engine below)
  • engine - all the core code for actual code generation.
  • macro - the procedural macro which expands the Rust code.
  • gen/build - a library to be used from scripts to generate .cc and .h files from an include_cxx section.
  • gen/cmd - a command-line tool which does the same.
  • src (outermost project) - a wrapper crate which imports the procedural macro and a few other things.

Where to start reading

The main algorithm is in engine/src/, in the function generate(). This asks bindgen to generate a heap of Rust code and then passes it into engine/src/conversion to convert it to be a format suitable for input to cxx.

However, most of the actual code is in engine/src/conversion/

At the moment we're using a slightly branched version of bindgen called autocxx-bindgen. It's hoped this is temporary; some of our changes are sufficiently weird that it would be presumptious to try to get them accepted upstream until we're sure autocxx has roughly the right approach.

How to develop

If you're making a change, here's what you need to do to get useful diagnostics etc. First of all, cargo run in the demo directory. If it breaks, you don't get much in the way of useful diagnostics, because stdout is swallowed by cargo build scripts. So, practically speaking, you would almost always move onto running one of the tests in the test suite. With suitable options, you can get plenty of output. For instance:

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=autocxx_engine=info cargo test --all test_cycle_string_full_pipeline -- --nocapture

This is especially valuable to see the bindgen output Rust code, and then the converted Rust code which we pass into cxx. Usually, most problems are due to some mis-conversion somewhere in engine/src/conversion. See here for documentation and diagrams on how the engine works.

You may also wish to set AUTOCXX_ASAN=1 on Linux when running tests. To exercise all the code paths related to generating both C++ and Rust side shims, you can set AUTOCXX_FORCE_WRAPPER_GENERATION=1. The test suite doesn't do this by default because we also want to test the normal code paths. (In the future we might want to parameterize the test suite to do both.)

Reporting bugs

If you've found a problem, and you're reading this, thank you! Your diligence in reporting the bug is much appreciated and will make autocxx better. In order of preference here's how we would like to hear about your problem:

  • Raise a pull request adding a new failing integration test to
  • Minimize the test using tools/reduce, something like this: target/debug/autocxx-reduce file -d "safety!(unsafe_ffi)" -d 'generate_pod!("A")' -I ~/my-include-dir -h my-header.h -p problem-error-message -- --remove-pass pass_line_markers This is a wrapper for the amazing creduce which will take thousands of lines of C++, preprocess it, and then identify the minimum required lines to reproduce the same problem.
  • Use the C++ preprocessor to give a single complete C++ file which demonstrates the problem, along with the include_cpp! directive you use. Alternatively, run your build using AUTOCXX_REPRO_CASE=repro.json which should put everything we need into output.h. If necessary, you can use the CLANG_PATH or CXX environment variables to specify the path to the Clang compiler to use.
  • Failing all else, build using cargo clean -p <your package name> && RUST_LOG=autocxx_engine=info cargo build -vvv and send the entire log to us. This will include two key bits of logging: the C++ bindings as distilled by bindgen, and then the version which we've converted and moulded to be suitable for use by cxx.

Unfortunately, linking C++ binaries is a complex area subject in itself, and we won't be able to debug your linking issues by means of an autocxx bug report. Assuming you're using autocxx's support, the actual C++ build and managed by the cc crate. You can find many of its options on its Build type. If you need to bring in an external library, you may also need to emit certain print statements from your to instruct cargo to link against that library.

How to contribute to this manual

More examples in this manual are very welcome!

Because autocxx examples require both Rust and C++ code to be linked together, a custom preprocessor is used for this manual. See one of the existing examples such as in to see how to do this.