
The following is a glossary which aims to give a short definition of many Rust terms. For translations, this also serves to connect the term back to the English original.

  • allocate:
    Dynamic memory allocation on the heap.
  • argument:
    Information that is passed into a function or method.
  • Bare-metal Rust:
    Low-level Rust development, often deployed to a system without an operating system. See Bare-metal Rust.
  • block:
    See Blocks and scope.
  • borrow:
    See Borrowing.
  • borrow checker:
    The part of the Rust compiler which checks that all borrows are valid.
  • brace:
    { and }. Also called curly brace, they delimit blocks.
  • build:
    The process of converting source code into executable code or a usable program.
  • call:
    To invoke or execute a function or method.
  • channel:
    Used to safely pass messages between threads.
  • Comprehensive Rust 🦀:
    The courses here are jointly called Comprehensive Rust 🦀.
  • concurrency:
    The execution of multiple tasks or processes at the same time.
  • Concurrency in Rust:
    See Concurrency in Rust.
  • constant:
    A value that does not change during the execution of a program.
  • control flow:
    The order in which the individual statements or instructions are executed in a program.
  • crash:
    An unexpected and unhandled failure or termination of a program.
  • enumeration:
    A data type that holds one of several named constants, possibly with an associated tuple or struct.
  • error:
    An unexpected condition or result that deviates from the expected behavior.
  • error handling:
    The process of managing and responding to errors that occur during program execution.
  • exercise:
    A task or problem designed to practice and test programming skills.
  • function:
    A reusable block of code that performs a specific task.
  • garbage collector:
    A mechanism that automatically frees up memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.
  • generics:
    A feature that allows writing code with placeholders for types, enabling code reuse with different data types.
  • immutable:
    Unable to be changed after creation.
  • integration test:
    A type of test that verifies the interactions between different parts or components of a system.
  • keyword:
    A reserved word in a programming language that has a specific meaning and cannot be used as an identifier.
  • library:
    A collection of precompiled routines or code that can be used by programs.
  • macro:
    Rust macros can be recognized by a ! in the name. Macros are used when normal functions are not enough. A typical example is format!, which takes a variable number of arguments, which isn't supported by Rust functions.
  • main function:
    Rust programs start executing with the main function.
  • match:
    A control flow construct in Rust that allows for pattern matching on the value of an expression.
  • memory leak:
    A situation where a program fails to release memory that is no longer needed, leading to a gradual increase in memory usage.
  • method:
    A function associated with an object or a type in Rust.
  • module:
    A namespace that contains definitions, such as functions, types, or traits, to organize code in Rust.
  • move:
    The transfer of ownership of a value from one variable to another in Rust.
  • mutable:
    A property in Rust that allows variables to be modified after they have been declared.
  • ownership:
    The concept in Rust that defines which part of the code is responsible for managing the memory associated with a value.
  • panic:
    An unrecoverable error condition in Rust that results in the termination of the program.
  • parameter:
    A value that is passed into a function or method when it is called.
  • pattern:
    A combination of values, literals, or structures that can be matched against an expression in Rust.
  • payload:
    The data or information carried by a message, event, or data structure.
  • program:
    A set of instructions that a computer can execute to perform a specific task or solve a particular problem.
  • programming language:
    A formal system used to communicate instructions to a computer, such as Rust.
  • receiver:
    The first parameter in a Rust method that represents the instance on which the method is called.
  • reference counting:
    A memory management technique in which the number of references to an object is tracked, and the object is deallocated when the count reaches zero.
  • return:
    A keyword in Rust used to indicate the value to be returned from a function.
  • Rust:
    A systems programming language that focuses on safety, performance, and concurrency.
  • Rust Fundamentals:
    Days 1 to 3 of this course.
  • Rust in Android:
    See Rust in Android.
  • Rust in Chromium:
    See Rust in Chromium.
  • safe:
    Refers to code that adheres to Rust's ownership and borrowing rules, preventing memory-related errors.
  • scope:
    The region of a program where a variable is valid and can be used.
  • standard library:
    A collection of modules providing essential functionality in Rust.
  • static:
    A keyword in Rust used to define static variables or items with a 'static lifetime.
  • string:
    A data type storing textual data. See String vs str for more.
  • struct:
    A composite data type in Rust that groups together variables of different types under a single name.
  • test:
    A Rust module containing functions that test the correctness of other functions.
  • thread:
    A separate sequence of execution in a program, allowing concurrent execution.
  • thread safety:
    The property of a program that ensures correct behavior in a multithreaded environment.
  • trait:
    A collection of methods defined for an unknown type, providing a way to achieve polymorphism in Rust.
  • trait bound:
    An abstraction where you can require types to implement some traits of your interest.
  • tuple:
    A composite data type that contains variables of different types. Tuple fields have no names, and are accessed by their ordinal numbers.
  • type:
    A classification that specifies which operations can be performed on values of a particular kind in Rust.
  • type inference:
    The ability of the Rust compiler to deduce the type of a variable or expression.
  • undefined behavior:
    Actions or conditions in Rust that have no specified result, often leading to unpredictable program behavior.
  • union:
    A data type that can hold values of different types but only one at a time.
  • unit test:
    Rust comes with built-in support for running small unit tests and larger integration tests. See Unit Tests.
  • unit type:
    Type that holds no data, written as a tuple with no members.
  • unsafe:
    The subset of Rust which allows you to trigger undefined behavior. See Unsafe Rust.
  • variable:
    A memory location storing data. Variables are valid in a scope.