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The android module contains functions that make it easy to build, deploy and run Android applications.

For reference the complete source is in examples/buildutil/android.py.

The following code parses arguments to the script and creates an android.BuildEnvironment instance which is used to perform Android specific build operations...

1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
2 buildutil.android.BuildEnvironment.add_arguments(parser)
3 args = parser.parse_args()
5 env = buildutil.android.BuildEnvironment(args)

The following code then copies the NDK native-plasma sample to the example directory...

1 samplename = 'native-plasma'
2 samplepath = os.path.join(env.ndk_home, 'samples', samplename)
3 shutil.rmtree(samplename, True)
4 shutil.copytree(samplepath, samplename)

The native-plasma application is built using ndk-build to build the native (C/C++) component and ant to build the Java component and APK...

1 (rc, errmsg) = env.build_all()

Finally, the resultant APK is archived in a zip file...

1 env.make_archive(['apks'], 'output.zip', exclude=['objs', 'objs-debug'])


The linux module contains functions that make it easy to build applications that use cmake in conjunction with the make generator for Unix-like operating systems (e.g Linux and OSX).

For reference the complete source is in examples/buildutil/linux.py.

The following code, parses arguments to the script and creates an linux.BuildEnvironment instance which is used to perform Linux specific build operations...

1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
2 buildutil.linux.BuildEnvironment.add_arguments(parser)
3 args = parser.parse_args()
5 env = buildutil.linux.BuildEnvironment(args)

The example application prints the preprocessor MESSAGE to the standard output stream. So this is passed as a flag to CMake...

1 env.cmake_flags = '-DMESSAGE="Hello, World!"'

The application is built by running CMake followed by make...

1 env.run_cmake()
2 env.run_make()

Finally, the build artifacts are archived in a zip file called output.zip...

1 env.make_archive(['Hello'], 'output.zip')