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The follow sections describe how to install the packages required to use fplutil libraries and tools.

Android SDK


Download and install:

  • Android SDK, required to build Android applications.
    Download the latest Android SDK and unpack it to a directory on your machine.
  • Java 1.7 required to use Android tools.
    • For example, on systems that support apt-get...
      sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
  • Apache Ant, required to build Android applications with fplutil.
    • For example, on systems that support apt-get...
      sudo apt-get install ant

OSX / Windows

Download and install:

  • Android SDK, required to build Android applications.
    Download the latest Android SDK package and unpack to a directory on your machine.
  • Java 1.7, required to use Android tools.
    Download the Java 1.7 installer and run it to install.
  • Apache Ant, required to build Android applications with fplutil.
    Download the latest version of Apache Ant and unpack it to a directory.

Android NDK

Download and install:

  • Android NDK, required to develop Android native (C/C++) applications.
    Download and unpack the latest version of the Android NDK to a directory on your machine.
    • Tested using android-ndk-r10e.



Download and install:

  • Python 2.7, required to use fplutil tools.
    For example, on a systems that support apt-get...
    sudo apt-get install python

OSX / Windows

Download and install:

Configure the Command Line Environment


  • Add the sdk/tools directory from the Android SDK installation directory to the PATH variable.
    • For example, if the Android SDK is installed in /home/androiddev/adt the following line should be added to user's bash resource file ~/.bashrc.
      export PATH="$PATH:/home/androiddev/adt/sdk/tools"
  • Add the Android NDK directory to the PATH variable.
    • For example, if the Android NDK is installed in /home/androiddev/ndk the following line should be added to the user's bash resource file ~/.bashrc.
      export PATH="$PATH:/home/androiddev/ndk"
  • Make sure Java 1.7 is selected in the event multiple Java versions are installed on the system. For example, on Ubunutu run update-java-alternatives to select the correct Java version.


  • Add the sdk/tools directory from the Android SDK installation directory to the PATH variable.
    • For example, if the Android SDK is installed in /home/androiddev/adt the following line should be added to user's bash resource file ~/.bash_profile.
      export PATH="$PATH:/home/androiddev/adt/sdk/tools"
  • Add the Android NDK directory to the PATH variable.
    • For example, if the Android NDK is installed in /home/androiddev/ndk the following line should be added to the user's bash resource file ~/.bash_profile.
      export PATH="$PATH:/home/androiddev/ndk"
  • Add the Apache Ant install directory to the PATH variable.
    • For example, if Apache Ant is installed in /home/androiddev/apache-ant, the following line should be added to the user's bash resource file ~/,basrhc.
      export PATH="$PATH:/home/androiddev/apache-ant/bin"


See Setting Windows Environment Variables.