2020 | afl++ | | AFL++: Combining incremental steps of fuzzing research. | |
2020 | WEIZZ | | Automatic Grey-box Fuzzing for Structured Binary Formats. | |
2020 | Entropic | | Boosts libFuzzer performance by changing how weights are assigned to seeds. | |
2020 | Ankou | | Guiding Grey-box Fuzzing towards Combinatorial Difference. | |
2019 | AFL++ | | afl++ is afl with community patches. | |
2019 | MOpt-AFL | | AFL with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). | |
2019 | AFLSmart | | AFLSmart is a smart input-structure aware greybox fuzzer. | |
2019 | Eclipser | | Grey-box Concolic Testing on Binary Code. | |
2018 | FairFuzz | | A targeted mutation strategy for increasing greybox fuzz testing coverage. | |
2016 | AFLFast | | Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing as Markov Chain. | |
2016 | laf-intel | | LLVM instrumentation passes that help fuzzers. | |
2015 | HonggFuzz | | A security oriented, feedback-driven, evolutionary, easy-to-use fuzzer. | |
2014 | libFuzzer | | libFuzzer is in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine. | |
2014 | AFL | | The mother of coverage guided fuzzers. | |