
Interface Summary
CheckedFuture<V,E extends Exception> A CheckedFuture is an extension of Future that includes versions of the get methods that can throw a checked exception and allows listeners to be attached to the future.
ListenableFuture<V> This interface defines a future that has listeners attached to it, which is useful for asynchronous workflows.
TimeLimiter Produces proxies that impose a time limit on method calls to the proxied object.
UninterruptibleFuture<V> A Future whose get calls cannot be interrupted.

Class Summary
AbstractCheckedFuture<V,E extends Exception> A delegating wrapper around a ListenableFuture that adds support for the AbstractCheckedFuture.checkedGet() and AbstractCheckedFuture.checkedGet(long, TimeUnit) methods.
AbstractExecutionThreadService Base class for services that can implement AbstractExecutionThreadService.startUp(), and AbstractExecutionThreadService.shutDown() methods.
AbstractFuture<V> An abstract implementation of the Future interface.
AbstractIdleService Base class for services that do not need a thread while "running" but may need one during startup and shutdown.
AbstractListenableFuture<V> An abstract base implementation of the listener support provided by ListenableFuture.
AbstractService Base class for implementing services that can handle AbstractService.doStart() and AbstractService.doStop() requests, responding to them with AbstractService.notifyStarted() and AbstractService.notifyStopped() callbacks.
Callables Static utility methods pertaining to the Callable interface.
DaemonThreadFactory Wraps another ThreadFactory, making all new threads daemon threads.
ExecutionList A list of (Runnable, Executor) pairs that guarantees that every Runnable that is added using the add method will be executed in its associated Executor after is called.
Executors Factory and utility methods for Executor, ExecutorService, and ThreadFactory.
FakeTimeLimiter A TimeLimiter implementation which actually does not attempt to limit time at all.
ForwardingFuture<V> A Future which forwards all its method calls to another future.
ForwardingService A Service that forwards all method calls to another service.
Futures Static utility methods pertaining to the Future interface.
ListenableFutureTask<V> A FutureTask that also implements the ListenableFuture interface.
NamingThreadFactory A ThreadFactory which decorates another ThreadFactory to set a name on each thread created.
SimpleTimeLimiter A TimeLimiter that runs method calls in the background using an ExecutorService.
ValueFuture<V> A simple ListenableFuture that holds a value or an exception.

Exception Summary
UncheckedTimeoutException Unchecked version of TimeoutException.