BindingScopingVisitor<V> |
Visits each of the strategies used to scope an injection. |
BindingTargetVisitor<T, V> |
Visits each of the strategies used to find an instance to satisfy an injection. |
ConstructorBinding<T> |
A binding to the constructor of a concrete clss. |
ConvertedConstantBinding<T> |
A binding created from converting a bound instance to a new type. |
Element |
A core component of a module or injector. |
ElementVisitor<V> |
Visit elements. |
ExposedBinding<T> |
A binding to a key exposed from an enclosed private environment. |
HasDependencies |
Implemented by bindings , providers and instances that expose their dependencies explicitly. |
InjectionListener<I> |
Listens for injections into instances of type I . |
InstanceBinding<T> |
A binding to a single instance. |
LinkedKeyBinding<T> |
A binding to a linked key. |
PrivateElements |
A private collection of elements that are hidden from the enclosing injector or module by
default. |
ProviderBinding<T extends Provider<?>> |
A binding to a Provider that delegates to the binding for the provided type. |
ProviderInstanceBinding<T> |
A binding to a provider instance. |
ProviderKeyBinding<T> |
A binding to a provider key. |
ProviderWithDependencies<T> |
A provider with dependencies on other injected types. |
ProviderWithExtensionVisitor<T> |
A Provider that is part of an extension which supports a custom
BindingTargetVisitor. |
TypeConverter |
Converts constant string values to a different type. |
TypeEncounter<I> |
Context of an injectable type encounter. |
TypeListener |
Listens for Guice to encounter injectable types. |
UntargettedBinding<T> |
An untargetted binding. |