A default icon implementation to be used with a Chip that accepts an icon as slot. This implementation displays an icon with a circular progress indicator around it. The progress indicator is in an indeterminate state and spins indefinitely.
Modifier to apply to this layout node.
Image or icon to be displayed in the center of this view.
True if it should display the icon with in a large size.
A Painter that is displayed while the icon image is loading.
The color of the progress indicator that is around the icon.
The color of the background for the progress indicator.
A default icon implementation to be used with a Chip that accepts an icon as slot. This implementation displays an icon with a circular progress indicator around it. The progress indicator express the proportion of completion of an ongoing task.
The progress of this progress indicator as a percentage where 0.0 represents no progress and 100.0 represents completion. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range 0..100F.
Modifier to apply to this layout node.
Image or icon to be displayed in the center of this view.
True if it should display the icon with in a large size.
A Painter that is displayed while the icon image is loading.
The color of the progress indicator that is around the icon.
The color of the background for the progress indicator.