
class SignInPrompt(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, phoneDataLayerAppHelper: PhoneDataLayerAppHelper)

Functions to display a sign-in prompt.



CoroutineScope used to make the call to launch the app on the watch.


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constructor(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, phoneDataLayerAppHelper: PhoneDataLayerAppHelper)


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fun getIntent(context: Context, nodeId: String, @DrawableRes image: Int, topMessage: String, bottomMessage: String, positiveButtonLabel: String? = null, negativeButtonLabel: String? = null): Intent

Returns the Intent to display a sign-in prompt to the user.

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suspend fun performAction(nodeId: String)

Performs the same action taken by the prompt when the user taps on the positive button.

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Returns a AppHelperNodeStatus that meets the criteria to show this prompt, otherwise returns null.