
kCTF is a Kubernetes-based infrastructure for CTF competitions


Users are reporting a challenge is down, the author is offline, and you don’t know how long the challenge has been broken. The challenge had no healthcheck configured, and there’s no documentation. Someone forgot to test the task. A nightmare come true.

This guide will show you how to troubleshoot a broken challenge, assuming you don’t know how the challenge works. The guide is divided into three parts that take you through troubleshooting a task in different environments:

Note: The commands in this guide use the kctf-chal-troubleshooting placeholder as the name of the broken challenge, replace this placeholder with the actual name of your challenge.

Remember to run source kctf/activate on your CTF directory before running any of the following commands.

Troubleshooting with Docker

Building and running Docker

A good place to start is to check if the Docker image works. It can happen that an author makes a small change to a Dockerfile which then breaks the task. A challenge that doesn’t even start usually indicates that something is broken.

To build the Docker image, run:

kctf chal debug docker

This will output any errors when building the image and something like this towards the end:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                  PORTS                     NAMES
81d06c71f6b5        kctf-chal-troubleshooting   "/bin/sh -c '/usr/bi…"   1 second ago        Up Less than a second>1337/tcp   unruffled_payne

Notice that there’s a PORTS column that tells you that port 32780 in your local machine is mapped to port 1337 inside the container. The challenge should work if you connect to the local port (exchange “32780” with your local port in the following command):

nc localhost 32780

If the challenge is very broken, it still won’t work. If you enter anything, nothing will happen. Another possible way in which the challenge could be broken, is if there was an error running the command, in which case connecting to the challenge will also not work (it would just exit).

You can actually check if the challenge is still running a few seconds after starting it, by running:

docker ps -f ancestor=kctf-chal-troubleshooting

If you don’t see the challenge running anymore, that’s a good indication that the task failed to even start. If the challenge is still running, but connecting to it fails, then the challenge started properly but there’s some runtime error.

Either way, the next step would be to read the Docker logs.

Looking at the logs

If the challenge builds, but running it doesn’t work, the best thing to try is to read the Docker logs. To get the Docker logs, run:

docker logs $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=kctf-chal-troubleshooting)

If the challenge is a pwnable, you might see an error formatted like this:

[E][2020-02-02T20:20:02+0200][1] void subproc::subprocNewProc(nsjconf_t*, int, int, int, int)():204 execve('/bin/sh') failed: No such file or directory

That’s an nsjail error. In this case, it is complaining that /bin/sh failed and returned the error No such file or directory.

If your challenge is based on the apache-php example, you will see Apache access/error logs instead, but either way, to continue to debug you need to find out what is going on inside the challenge.

Shell into the Docker image

To continue debugging, you can get a “shell” into the container with docker exec. To do so run:

docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=kctf-chal-troubleshooting) bash

Once inside, you can inspect the environment in which the challenge is running. For example, you can list the current processes:

ps aux

This way you can find out what is currently running on the task, but you could also find this out by reading the Dockerfile and checking the CMD that is configured there.

Here you can also inspect other logs (if any) as well as check the permissions on the filesystem. The next step in debugging would be to run the command on the shell directly and see if you can get new information.

The next troubleshooting step is to find out where nsjail is being called. For pwnables, nsjail will be running directly as the listening service, and for web tasks, it would run as a CGI script when PHP files are executed.

Debugging nsjail

The configuration for nsjail usually lives in /config. You will want to run nsjail again with the same command that Docker attempted, but for testing. Nsjail supports overriding the configuration via command line arguments added after the --config flag. If nsjail is configured to work in “listening” mode (e.g. listening on a port), then you can override that to run in run_once mode by adding the flag -Mo:

/usr/bin/nsjail --config /config/nsjail.cfg -Mo

This should trigger the same error as the one found in docker logs from the previous step, however, now you can enable more verbose options if you run:

/usr/bin/nsjail --config /config/nsjail.cfg -Mo -v

This should output more errors, and these errors should provide more details about what went wrong.

Troubleshooting with Kubernetes

If everything works in Docker, the problem might be higher up (in Kubernetes). The first step to debug this would be to check if the challenge works in a local cluster. Follow the instructions here for getting the task running in KIND.

Basic commands

Once the local cluster is running, you can follow similar steps as above for debugging.

First, change to the namespace of the challenge by running:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kctf-chal-troubleshooting

To retrieve the status of the challenge, run:

kubectl get deployment/chal

To read execution logs, run:

kubectl logs deployment/chal -c challenge

To obtain a shell into a pod, run:

kubectl exec -it deployment/chal -c challenge

However, there are a few additional commands for debugging Kubernetes-specific errors.

Inspecting a Kubernetes Deployment

A basic understanding of Kubernetes (as described in kCTF in 8 minutes) is a useful prerequisite, but this guide should be intuitive enough to roughly understand what is happening even without knowledge of Kubernetes.

The most common way to troubleshoot will be using the kubectl describe command. This command tells you everything Kubernetes knows about a challenge. You should start by describing the “deployment” by running:

kubectl describe deployment/chal

The most interesting parts of this command are the:

If the deployment worked, you should see that the challenge tried to create one or two “pods” (you can think of a pod as a replica) in Events (at the end). Otherwise, the Status will tell you that it wasn’t able to do so for some Reason. This usually means that the configuration files were manually modified by the author of the task, so it’s a good moment to investigate the change history of the files below the k8s directory of the challenge directory.

Looking into the pods

The next step is to look into the replicas of the challenge (the pods). You can list the pods for a specific challenge by running:

kubectl get pods --selector=app=kctf-chal-troubleshooting

This should tell you the status of the task; a healthy challenge should look like this:

NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
apache-php-9877d8b7c-k89zw   2/2     Running   0          24h
apache-php-9877d8b7c-t2p4k   2/2     Running   0          24h

Notice that READY says 2/2, which means 2 out of 2 containers are ready. If there’s an error, you might see that RESTARTS has a number larger than 0, or READY displays 1/2 or 0/2.

To debug this, run:

kubectl describe pods --selector=app=kctf-chal-troubleshooting

This will describe the pod; similar to deployment these fields will be of interest:

A healthy challenge should have “running” as the Status and the State. Any other Status/State will be explained under Reason.

If the Reason doesn’t make sense, you can find more information under Events. Ideally, the last line of Events should be:

Normal   Created          71m             ...     Created container challenge

Otherwise, the Event will explain what the problem was.

Troubleshooting remotely

Get your hat and your boots ready, because you are now going to be testing on production! This is probably the last resort, and the most likely to not fix any problems (and rather introduce new ones), but this is an unavoidable step, as often errors are easier to debug in production.

Basic troubleshooting

The commands available for kCTF are similar to the ones available for Docker and kubectl.

To get the status of a challenge, run:

kctf chal status

To shell into a challenge, run:

kctf chal debug ssh

To shell into the healthcheck, run:

kctf chal debug ssh --container=healthcheck

To obtain remote logs, run:

kctf chal debug logs

In addition, you can run any kubectl command as described in the section Inspecting a Kubernetes Deployment.

Restarting or redeploying

A good first step is to restart the challenge. To do so run:

kubectl rollout restart deployment/chal

Note: To make Kubernetes automatically restart flaky challenges, you should have a healthcheck.

To redeploy the challenge (for example, if the challenge works well locally in a local cluster), run:

kctf chal start

This will deploy the local challenge to the remote cluster.

To temporarily undo a bad rollout, run:

kubectl rollout undo deployment/chal