An open source project by FPL.
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Integration Options

MathFu is designed as a C++ header only library to simplify the process of including the library in projects. MathFu provides the following options for using it in a project:

Before diving into using MathFu in your project, we recommend you spend some time building and running the unit tests for each platform you wish to target by working through the following sections:

Manual Compiler Configuration

The following directories need to be added to the include paths of a project to build the default configuration:

  • mathfu/include
  • vectorial/include
    • If vectorial was downloaded with the MathFu project, this will be located under the dependencies/ directory.

In addition, to compile with SIMD enabled an architecture specific flag must be specified:

Architecture Compiler Flag
x86 Android GCC / Clang -msse
x86_64 Android GCC / Clang -msse4.1
x86 GCC / Clang -msse4.1
ARM GCC / Clang -mfpu=neon
x86 Visual Studio /arch:SSE2

For example, to compile the following file test.cpp against MathFu with gcc for x86:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mathfu/vector.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
mathfu::Vector<float, 3> v1(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f), v2(3.0f, 2.5f, 0.5f), v3;
v3 = v1 + v2;
printf("%.1f %.1f %.1f\n", v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
return 0;

requires the following command line (assuming vectorial is in the mathfu/dependencies directory):

g++ -Imathfu/include -Imathfu/dependencies/vectorial/include test.cpp -msse4.1

In addition, MathFu provides a set of build configuration options that are controlled using preprocessor symbols described by Build Configuration.


MathFu uses a CMake project to build unit tests and benchmarks for Linux, OS X and Windows.

CMake is used to generate a platform projects for each target platform:

If you're not familiar with CMake, see the following sections to learn how to build on each platform:

In addition to building the MathFu unit tests and benchmarks, the MathFu CMake project can be used in developers own projects by:

  • Disabling the build of unit tests and benchmarks using the options:
    • mathfu_build_benchmarks
    • mathfu_build_tests
  • Including the CMake project.
  • Using the mathfu_configure_flags function to add the appropriate include directories and compiler flags for the project.

For example, in a CMakeLists.txt project file which contains the executable mygame:

# Include MathFu in this project with test and benchmark builds disabled
# then add MathFu compiler flags to the mygame build target.
set(mathfu_build_benchmarks OFF CACHE BOOL "")
set(mathfu_build_tests OFF CACHE BOOL "")
add_subdirectory(path/to/mathfu mathfu)

MathFu build options (see Build Configuration) can be configured with the mathfu_configure_flags function using the optional arguments enable_simd and force_padding. For example:

Function Call Build Configuration
mathfu_configure_flags(mygame) Default, SIMD & padding enabled.
mathfu_configure_flags(mygame TRUE FALSE) SIMD enabled & padding disabled.
mathfu_configure_flags(mygame FALSE) SIMD disabled.

See the function comment in the CMakeLists.txt file for more information.

Android NDK Makefiles

If you're not familiar developing applications with the Android NDK, see Building for Android first.

To use MathFu with an Android NDK makefile project, add the following lines to your project's file.

# Add the empty MathFu static library target to configure the project.
# This is used to build your project's shared library, this should already
# be in your makefile.
# Add the directory containing MathFu to the module search path.
$(call import-add-path,$(abspath path/to/mathfu/..))
# Import the MathFu project.
$(call import-module,mathfu/jni)

MathFu build options (see Build Configuration) can be configured by linking against the different static libraries the MathFu project builds:

Library Build Configuration
libmathfu Default configuration, SIMD and padding enabled.
libmathfu_no_padding SIMD enabled (if supported), padding disabled.
libmathfu_no_simd SIMD disabled, padding disabled.