Class PrefixSearchTable<K,V>


public final class PrefixSearchTable<K,V> extends Object
A lookup table that stores prefix (a list of keys of type K) -> value mappings.

For example, if the table maps [a, b] prefix to a value "foo", when you search by [a, b, c], it will find the [a, b] -> foo mapping.

Conceptually it's a "Trie" except it searches by a list of key prefixes instead of string prefixes.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • get Link icon

      public Optional<V> get(List<? extends K> compoundKey)
      Searches the table for the longest prefix match of compoundKey.
      the value mapped to the longest (non-empty) prefix of compoundKey if present
      IllegalArgumentException - if compoundKey is empty
      NullPointerException - if compoundKey is null or any key element is null
    • getAll Link icon

      public BiStream<List<K>,V> getAll(List<? extends K> compoundKey)
      Searches the table for prefixes of compoundKey and returns a lazy BiStream of all mappings in ascending order of prefix length.

      If no non-empty prefix exists in the table, an empty BiStream is returned.

      To get the longest matched prefix, use get(java.util.List<? extends K>) instead.

      BiStream of the matched prefixes of compoundKey and the mapped values
      IllegalArgumentException - if compoundKey is empty
      NullPointerException - if compoundKey is null or any key element is null
    • toBuilder Link icon

      public PrefixSearchTable.Builder<K,V> toBuilder()
      Returns a new builder initialized with the same prefix mappings in this table.
    • builder Link icon

      public static <K, V> PrefixSearchTable.Builder<K,V> builder()
      Returns a new builder.