Interface StringFormat.Template<T>

Enclosing class:

public static interface StringFormat.Template<T>
A template that will produce instances of type T, after filling the template placeholders with the given variadic parameters.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the string representation of the format.
    with(Object... params)
    Returns an instance of T from the string format filled with params.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • with Link icon

      T with(Object... params)
      Returns an instance of T from the string format filled with params.

      The correctness of the number of parameters and them being in the expected order (as defined by the template's placeholders) is checked by a compile-time plugin so for example template("WHERE id = {user_id} AND name = {name}").with(name, userId) will fail to compile.

    • toString Link icon

      String toString()
      Returns the string representation of the format.
      toString in class Object