Offline Mode


Table of contents

OSV-Scanner now supports offline scanning as an experimental feature. Offline scanning checks your project against a local database instead of calling the API.

This feature is experimental and might change or be removed with only a minor version update.

Specify database location

Our offline features require the use of a local database, the location of which is determined through the use of the OSV_SCANNER_LOCAL_DB_CACHE_DIRECTORY environment variable.

The local database file structure is in this form:


Where {local_db_dir} can be set by the OSV_SCANNER_LOCAL_DB_CACHE_DIRECTORY environment variable.

If the OSV_SCANNER_LOCAL_DB_CACHE_DIRECTORY environment variable is not set, OSV-Scanner will attempt to look for the database in the following locations, in this order:

  1. The location returned by os.UserCacheDir
  2. The location returned by os.TempDir

The database can be downloaded manually or by using the --experimental-download-offline-databases flag.

Offline option

The offline database flag --experimental-offline causes OSV-Scanner to scan your project against a previously downloaded local database. OSV-Scanner will not download or update the local database, nor will it send any project or dependency information anywhere. When a local database is not present, you will get an error message. No network connection is required when using this flag.

osv-scanner --experimental-offline ./path/to/your/dir

Download offline databases option

The download offline databases flag --experimental-download-offline-databases allows OSV-Scanner to download or update your local database when running in offline mode, to make it easier to get started. This option only works when you also set the offline flag.

osv-scanner --experimental-offline --experimental-download-offline-databases ./path/to/your/dir

Manual database download

Instead of using the --experimental-download-offline-databases flag to download the database, it is possible to manually download the database.

A downloadable copy of the OSV database is stored in a GCS bucket maintained by OSV: gs://osv-vulnerabilities

This bucket contains zip files containing all vulnerabilities for each ecosystem at: gs://osv-vulnerabilities/<ECOSYSTEM>/

E.g. for PyPI vulnerabilities:

gsutil cp gs://osv-vulnerabilities/PyPI/ .

You can also download over HTTP via<ECOSYSTEM>/

A list of all current ecosystems is available at gs://osv-vulnerabilities/ecosystems.txt.

Set the location of your manually downloaded database by following the instructions here.


  1. Commit level scanning is not supported.