



AddEnrichmentToAlbumRequest Request to add an enrichment to a specific album at a specific position.
AddEnrichmentToAlbumResponse The enrichment item that's created.
Album Representation of an album in Google Photos.
AlbumPosition Specifies a position in an album.
AlbumPosition_PositionType This class is deprecated. Use Google\Photos\Library\V1\AlbumPosition\PositionType instead.
BatchCreateMediaItemsRequest Request to create one or more media items in a user's Google Photos library.
BatchCreateMediaItemsResponse List of media items created.
BatchGetMediaItemsRequest Request to retrieve a list of media items.
BatchGetMediaItemsResponse Response to retrieve a list of media items.
ContentCategory This is a set of pre-defined content categories that you can filter on.
ContentFilter This filter allows you to return media items based on the content type.
ContributorInfo Information about the user who added the media item. Note that this information is included only if the media item is within a shared album created by your app and you have the sharing scope.
CreateAlbumRequest Request to create an album in Google Photos.
DateFilter This filter defines the allowed dates or date ranges for the media returned.
DateRange Defines a range of dates. Both dates must be of the same format. For more information, see <a href="#Date">Date</a>
EnrichmentItem An enrichment item.
Filters Filters that can be applied to a media item search.
FiltersBuilder Provides an easier interface for constructing {@link Filters} objects.
GetAlbumRequest Request to retrieve a specific album.
GetMediaItemRequest Request to retrieve a specific media item from the user's Google Photos library.
GetSharedAlbumRequest Request to retrieve a specific shared album.
JoinSharedAlbumRequest Request to join a shared album on behalf of the user. This uses a shareToken which can be acquired via the shareAlbum or listSharedAlbums calls.
JoinSharedAlbumResponse Response to successfully joining the shared album on behalf of the user.
LeaveSharedAlbumRequest Request to leave a shared album on behalf of the user. This uses a shareToken which can be acquired via the or listSharedAlbums or getAlbum calls.
LeaveSharedAlbumResponse Response to successfully leaving the shared album on behalf of the user.
ListAlbumsRequest Request to retrieve the list of albums created by the user.
ListAlbumsResponse List of albums requested.
ListMediaItemsRequest Request to list all media items in a user's Google Photos library.
ListMediaItemsResponse List of all media items from the user's Google Photos library.
ListSharedAlbumsRequest Request to retrieve the user's list of shared albums. This will return the list of albums corresponding to the user's 'Sharing' tab in the Google Photos app.
ListSharedAlbumsResponse List of shared albums requested.
Location Represents a physical location.
LocationEnrichment An enrichment containing a single location.
MapEnrichment An enrichment containing a map, showing origin and destination locations.
MediaItem Representation of a media item (such as a photo or video) in Google Photos.
MediaItemResult Result of retrieving a media item.
MediaMetadata Metadata for a media item.
MediaTypeFilter This filter defines the type of media items to be returned, for example, videos or photos. All the specified media types are treated as an OR when used together.
MediaTypeFilter_MediaType This class is deprecated. Use Google\Photos\Library\V1\MediaTypeFilter\MediaType instead.
NewEnrichmentItem A new enrichment item to be added to an album, used by the `albums.addEnrichment` call.
NewMediaItem New media item that's created in a user's Google Photos account.
NewMediaItemResult Result of creating a new media item.
Photo Metadata that is specific to a photo, such as, ISO, focal length and exposure time. Some of these fields may be null or not included.
PhotosLibraryClient Service Description: Service which allows developers to perform the following actions on behalf of the user: - upload media items directly to their Google Photos library - create albums - add media items (including album enrichments) to albums - list and download content from their Google Photos library - filter results by media type, date range or content category - create, join, and access shared albums.
PhotosLibraryGrpcClient Service which allows developers to perform the following actions on behalf of the user: - upload media items directly to their Google Photos library - create albums - add media items (including album enrichments) to albums - list and download content from their Google Photos library - filter results by media type, date range or content category - create, join, and access shared albums
SearchMediaItemsRequest Request to search for media items in a user's library.
SearchMediaItemsResponse List of media items that match the search parameters.
ShareAlbumRequest Request to make an album shared in Google Photos.
ShareAlbumResponse Response to successfully sharing an album.
SharedAlbumOptions Options that control the sharing of an album.
ShareInfo Information about albums that are shared. This information is only included if you created the album, it is shared and you have the sharing scope.
SimpleMediaItem A simple media item to be created in Google Photos via an upload token.
TextEnrichment An enrichment containing text.
UnshareAlbumRequest Request to unshare a shared album in Google Photos.
UnshareAlbumResponse Response of a successful unshare of a shared album.
UploadRetrySettings Stores properties for retrying uploads.
Video Metadata that is specific to a video, for example, fps and processing status.
VideoProcessingStatus Processing status of a video being uploaded to Google Photos.