

Album Representation of an album in Google Photos.
ContributorInfo Information about the user who added the media item. Note that this information is included only if the media item is within a shared album created by your app and you have the sharing scope.
DateRange Defines a range of dates. Both dates must be of the same format. For more information, see <a href="#Date">Date</a>
MediaItem Representation of a media item (such as a photo or video) in Google Photos.
MediaMetadata Metadata for a media item.
Photo Metadata that is specific to a photo, such as, ISO, focal length and exposure time. Some of these fields may be null or not included.
SharedAlbumOptions Options that control the sharing of an album.
ShareInfo Information about albums that are shared. This information is only included if you created the album, it is shared and you have the sharing scope.
Video Metadata that is specific to a video, for example, fps and processing status.
VideoProcessingStatus Processing status of a video being uploaded to Google Photos.