
Stores properties for retrying uploads.

Consistency is maintained with RetrySettings as much as possible. There are some notable differences:




















__construct(array  $settings = []) : mixed

Constructs an instance.


array $settings

{ Required. Settings for configuring the retry behavior. All parameters are required except $retriesEnabled which is optional and it defaults based on the other settings provided.

@type bool    $retriesEnabled Optional. Enables retries. If not specified, the value is
              determined using the $retryableCodes setting. If $retryableCodes is empty,
              then $retriesEnabled is set to false; otherwise, it is set to true.
@type int     $maxNumRetries The maximum number of retries to attempt.
@type array   $retryableCodes The Status codes that are retryable. Each status should be
              either one of the string constants defined on {@see \Google\ApiCore\ApiStatus}
@type array   $retryableExceptions The exceptions that are retryable. Each exception
              should be a class in {@see \Google\Photos\Library\V1\GuzzleHttp\Exception}
@type int     $initialRetryDelayMillis The initial delay of retry in milliseconds.
@type int     $retryDelayMultiplier The exponential multiplier of retry delay.
@type int     $maxRetryDelayMillis The max delay of retry in milliseconds.
@type int     $singleTimeoutMillis The timeout for a single attempt in milliseconds.


