Reranker Framework (ReFr)
Reranking framework for structure prediction and discriminative language modeling
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCreranker::CandidateA class to represent a candidate in a set of candidates that constitutes a training instance for a reranker
oCreranker::CandidateSetA class to hold a set of candidates, either for training or test
oCreranker::CandidateSetIteratorAn interface specifying iteration over CandidateSet instances, using Java-style semantics (sorry, die-hard C++ iterator fans)
oCreranker::CandidateSetProtoReaderA class to fill in a CandidateSet based on a CandidateSetMessage, crucially constructing new Candidate instances from each CandidateMessage inside the CandidateSetMessage
oCreranker::CandidateSetProtoWriterA class to construct a CandidateSetMessage from a CandidateSet instance
oCreranker::CandidateSetReaderA class for reading streams of training or test instances, where each training or test instance is a reranker::CandidateSet object
oCreranker::CandidateSetWriterA class for writing streams of training or test instances, where each training or test instance is a reranker::CandidateSet object
oCreranker::Constructor< T >An interface with a single virtual method that constructs a concrete instance of the abstract type T
oCreranker::Constructor< Candidate::Comparator >
oCreranker::Constructor< CandidateSet::Scorer >
oCreranker::Constructor< ExecutiveFeatureExtractor >
oCreranker::Constructor< FeatureExtractor >
oCreranker::Constructor< Model >
oCreranker::Constructor< Model::UpdatePredicate >
oCreranker::Constructor< Model::Updater >
oCreranker::Constructor< ModelProtoReader >
oCreranker::Constructor< ModelProtoWriter >
oCreranker::DelKey< T >
oCreranker::DelKey< double >
oCreranker::DelKey< int >
oCreranker::DelKey< string >
oCreranker::EnvironmentAn interface for an environment in which variables of various types are mapped to their values
oCreranker::FactoryBaseAn interface for all Factory instances, specifying a few pure virtual methods
oCreranker::FactoryConstructibleAn interface to make it easier to implement Factory-constructible types by implementing both required methods to do nothing
oCreranker::FactoryContainerA class to hold all Factory instances that have been created
oCreranker::FeatureVector< K, V, Map >A class to represent a feature vector, where features are represented by unique identifiers, and feature values are represented by the template type
oCreranker::FeatureVector< int, double >
oCreranker::FeatureVector< int, int >
oCreranker::FeatureVector< string, double >
oCreranker::FeatureVectorReader< FV >A class to de-serialize FeatureVector instances from FeatureVecMessage instances
oCreranker::FeatureVectorReader< FeatureVector< string, V > >Partial specialization of the FeatureVectorReader class for feature vectors whose unique identifiers for features are string objects
oCreranker::FeatureVectorReader< reranker::FeatureVector< int, double > >
oCreranker::FeatureVectorWriter< FV >A class to serialize FeatureVector instances to FeatureVecMessage instances
oCreranker::FeatureVectorWriter< FeatureVector< string, V > >Partial specialization of the FeatureVectorWriter class for feature vectors whose unique identifiers for features are string objects
oCreranker::FeatureVectorWriter< reranker::FeatureVector< int, double > >
oCreranker::FeatureVectorWriter< reranker::FeatureVector< string, double > >
oChadooputil.HadoopInterfaceA simple class interface for running hadoop commands
oCreranker::Model::HookAn interface for specifying a hook to be run by a Model instance
oCreranker::InitializersA container for all the member initializers for a particular Factory-constructible instance
oCreranker::InterpreterProvides an interpreter for assigning primitives and Factory-constructible objects to named variables, as well as vectors thereof
oCreranker::KernelFunctionAn interface specifying a kernel function for two FeatureVector instances
oCreranker::MemberInitializerAn interface for initializers of members of a Factory-constructible object
oCreranker::ModelReaderKnows how to create Model instances that have been serialized to a file
oCreranker::NgramExtractorExtracts n-gram features from an arbitrary vector of string tokens
oCreranker::ReducerAbstract base-class for a streaming reducer
oCreranker::StreamInitializerAn interface that allows for a primitive, Factory-constructible object or vector thereof to be initialized based on the next token or tokens from a token stream
oCreranker::StreamTokenizerA simple class for tokenizing a stream of tokens for the formally specified language used to construct objects for the Reranker framework
oCreranker::StringCanonicalizerA class that stores a canonical version of string objects in a static data structure
oCreranker::SymbolsAn interface specifying a converter from symbols (strings) to int indices
oCreranker::TimeA simple class to hold the three notions of time during training: the current epoch, the current time index within the current epoch, and the absolute time index
oCreranker::StreamTokenizer::TokenInformation about a token read from the underlying stream
oCreranker::TokenizerA very simple tokenizer class
oCreranker::TrainingVectorSetA class to hold the several feature vectors needed during training (especially for the perceptron family of algorithms), as well as for performing the updates to those feature vectors (again, with the perceptron family of algorithms in mind)
oCreranker::TypeName< T >We use the templated class TypeName to be able to take an actual C++ type and get the type name string used by the Interpreter and Environment classes
oCreranker::TypeName< bool >A partial specialization so that an object of type bool converts to "bool"
oCreranker::TypeName< double >A partial specialization so that an object of type double converts to "double"
oCreranker::TypeName< int >A partial specialization so that an object of type int converts to "int"
oCreranker::TypeName< shared_ptr< T > >A partial specialization so that an object of type shared_ptr<T>, where T is some Factory-constructible type, converts to the string produced by TypeName<T>
oCreranker::TypeName< string >A partial specialization so that an object of type string converts to "string"
oCreranker::TypeName< vector< T > >A partial specialization so that an object of type vector<T> gets converted to the type name of T followed by the string "[]", equivalent to the result of executing the following expression:
oCreranker::UidGetter< T >A simple class that provides a layer of abstraction when retrieving objects to represent unique identifiers for features
oCreranker::UidGetter< string >A specialization for when feature uid’s are string objects, where StringCanonicalizer::Get is used to provide a canonical string instance
oCreranker::ValueString< T >A template class that helps print out values with ostream& operator support and vectors of those values
oCreranker::ValueString< bool >A partial specialization of the ValueString class to support printing of boolean values
oCreranker::ValueString< shared_ptr< T > >A partial specialization of the ValueString class to support printing of shared_ptr's to objects, where we simply print the typeid name followed by a colon character followed by the pointer address
oCreranker::ValueString< string >A specialization of the ValueString class to support printing of string values
oCreranker::ValueString< vector< T > >A partial specialization of the ValueString class to support printing of vectors of values
\Creranker::VarMapBaseA base class for a mapping from variables of a specific type to their values