Google APIs
Many of Google APIs are accessible using gRPC. The proto definition of those APIs are published on GitHub, and can be used with Rejoiner to create a GraphQL gateway to Google APIs. This gateway server can be hosted on the Google Could Platform allowing all roundtrips to take place within the high-speed Google network.
Calls can be made using the standard Query annotation.
ListenableFuture<Document> getDocument(
GetDocumentRequest request, FirestoreClient client) {
return apiFutureToListenableFuture(client.getDocumentCallable().futureCall(request));
Java clients are published for some of these APIs, which helps with authentication and other concerns.
The GaxSchemaModule
provides additional support to automatically generate
queries and mutations based on RPCs in these services.
public final class FirestoreSchemaModule extends GaxSchemaModule {
protected void configureSchema() {
serviceToFields(FirestoreClient.class, ImmutableList.of("getDocument", "listDocuments")));
ImmutableList.of("createDocument", "updateDocument", "deleteDocument")));
Additional fields can be added to types defined in these APIs.