

GWP-ASan is a low-overhead sampling-based utility for finding heap-use-after-frees and heap-buffer-overflows in production. GWP-ASan is a recursive acronym: “GWP-ASan Will Provide Allocation Sanity”.

Why not just use ASan?

For many cases you should use ASan (e.g., on your tests). However, ASan comes with average execution slowdown of 2x (compared to -O2), binary size increase of 2x, and significant memory overhead. For these reasons, ASan is generally impractical for use in production (other than in dedicated canaries). GWP-ASan is a minimal-overhead alternative designed for widespread use in production.

How to use GWP-ASan

You can enable GWP-ASan by calling tcmalloc::MallocExtension::ActivateGuardedSampling(). To adjust GWP-ASan’s sampling rate, see below.

When GWP-ASan detects a heap memory error, it prints stack traces for the point of the memory error, as well as the points where the memory was allocated and (if applicable) freed. These stack traces can then be symbolized offline to get file names and line numbers.

GWP-ASan will crash after printing stack traces.

CPU and RAM Overhead

For guarded sampling rates above 100M (the default), CPU overhead is negligible. For sampling rates as low as 8M, CPU overhead is under 0.5%.

RAM overhead is up to 512 KB on x86_64, or 4 MB on PowerPC.

What should I set the sampling rate to?

tcmalloc::MallocExtension::SetGuardedSamplingRate sets the sampling rate for GWP-ASan. GWP-ASan will guard allocations approximately every GuardedSamplingRate bytes allocated. Thus, lower values will generally increase the the chance of finding bugs but will also have higher CPU overhead.

For applications that cannot tolerate any CPU overhead, we recommend using TCMalloc’s default sampling rate. If your application can tolerate some CPU overhead, we recommend a sampling rate of 8MB.



Does GWP-ASan report false positives?

No. GWP-ASan crashes because your program accessed unmapped memory, which is always a true bug, or a sign of hardware failure (see below).

How do I know a GWP-ASan report isn’t caused by hardware failure?

The vast majority of GWP-ASan reports we see are true bugs, but occasionally faulty hardware will be the actual cause of the crash. In general, if you see the same GWP-ASan crash on multiple machines, it is very likely there’s a true software bug.

Can GWP-ASan cause queries of death (QoD) in my production?

Since GWP-ASan finds bugs with very low probability, QoD is generally not a concern. Even if there is a reliable way to trigger a bug, GWP-ASan will only detect it and crash on a tiny fraction of actual occurrences, allowing the other 99.9% to continue without crashing.

Other versions of GWP-ASan

Separate implementations of GWP-ASan exist for Chromium and Android. For GWP-ASan for Chromium see here. For Android, see here.