XLS Talks
2024-03-11: XLS @ UCSC Agile HW Design (CSE228A Winter 2024)
In this talk we:
- Create some XLS-generated hardware & tests interactively in a colab environment! All of XLS is Apache2 Licensed OSS!
- Cover from basic to more advanced examples using our Rust-inspired (expression-oriented, immutable, communicating-process) dataflow DSL
- Discuss the possibility space of ways to express and generate hardware, and where XLS falls in that space
- Touch on how we've learned lessons from the past travails of HLS
- And show a whole bunch of other goodies...
- 2022-03-01: XLS @ LATTE'22: note that this is a keynote talk and so spans a bunch of projects, vs being XLS-specific.
- 2021-10-13: XLS @ CROSS'21
- 2020-10-15: XLS @ CROSS'20