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XLS Tools

An index of XLS developer tools.


Constructs a binary decision diagram (BDD) using a given XLS function and prints various statistics about the BDD. BDD construction can be very slow in pathological cases and this utility is useful for identifying the underlying causes. Accepts arbitrary IR as input or a benchmark specified by name.


Prints numerous metrics and other information about an XLS IR file including: total delay, critical path, codegen information, optimization time, etc. This tool may be run against arbitrary IR not just the fixed set of XLS benchmarks. The output of this tool is scraped by run_benchmarks to construct a table comparing metrics against a mint CL across the benchmark suite.


Rewrites an XLS IR function in terms of its ops' fundamental AND/OR/NOT constituents, i.e., makes all operations boolean, thus it's "booleanifying" the function.


Lowers an XLS IR file into Verilog. Options include emitting a feedforward pipeline or a purely combinational block. Emits both a Verilog file and a module signature which includes metadata about the block. The tool does not run any XLS passes so unoptimized IR may fail if the IR contains constructs not expected by the backend.

For a detailed list of codegen options including I/O configurations, please visit the codegen options page.


Dumps delay information about an XLS function including per-node delay information and critical-path.

Ir Evaluation

There are two different programs that can be used to simulate XLS designs depending on the type of design. eval_ir_main is used to simulate fn designs and eval_proc_main is used to simulate proc and block irs. Both binaries support running using the JIT to simulate at high performance.


Evaluates an XLS IR file with user-specified or random inputs. Includes features for evaluating the IR before and after optimizations which makes this tool very useful for identifying optimization bugs.

This tool accepts two [mutually exclusive] optional args, --input_validator_expr and --input_validator_path, which allow the user to specify an expression to "filter" potential input values to discard invalid ones. For both, the filter must be a function, named validator, and must take params of the same layout as the function under test. This function should return true if the inputs are valid for the function and false otherwise. --input_validator_expr lists the function as an inline command-line argument, whereas --input_validator_path holds the path to a .x file containing the validation function.


Simulates an XLS IR proc network or block. The tool accepts a list of inputs to provide to the channels of the proc/ports of the block and a list of expected outputs. One can also specify how many cycles to simulate the block/proc for, including simulating to input exhaustion. Port naming options like those of codegen_main are also present to encode how to translate channel names into the block ready/valid/data ports.

Node Coverage

eval_ir_main and eval_proc_main can generate data coverage reports using the --output_node_coverage_stats_[text]proto={file} flag. This generates a NodeCoverageStatsProto with information about which bits of every node were observed set. This can be used to validate transformations and gain insights into how the code performs.

Jit Inspection

One can use the jit:aot_compiler_main to inspect the jit code produced by our jits.

% bazel-bin/xls/jit/aot_compiler_main \
              --output_asm code.asm \
              --output_llvm_ir code_llvm.ll \
              --output_llvm_opt_ir code_llvm.opt.ll \
              --output_object code.o \
              --llvm_opt_level=3 \

This produces files containing the assembly code, the LLVM IR, the LLVM IR after optimization, and the object file. If the llvm optimizer is crashing try passing --llvm_op_level=0 to disable it.

Note: LLVM can change significantly and bytecode is not always compatible between versions. If possible, LLVM tools built at the same commit as the JIT should be used to interact with the generated llvm bytecode. This can be done by building the LLVM tools using bazel build from the XLS repo.


Tool for reducing IR to a minimal test case based on an external test.


Prints summary information/stats on an IR [Package] file. An example:

$ bazel-bin/xls/tools/ir_stats_main bazel-genfiles/xls/modules/
Package "fp32_add_2"
  Function: "__float32__is_inf"
    Signature: ((bits[1], bits[8], bits[23])) -> bits[1]
    Nodes: 8

  Function: "__float32__is_nan"
    Signature: ((bits[1], bits[8], bits[23])) -> bits[1]
    Nodes: 8

  Function: "__fp32_add_2__fp32_add_2"
    Signature: ((bits[1], bits[8], bits[23]), (bits[1], bits[8], bits[23])) -> (bits[1], bits[8], bits[23])
    Nodes: 252


Verifies that two IR files (for example, optimized and unoptimized IR from the same source) are logically equivalent.


Runs XLS IR through the optimization pipeline.

Standard flags include:

  • --top=NAME: Override/set the top function/proc. This is required if a function/proc is not already marked as top in the IR.
  • --opt_level=NUMBER: Change the optimization level. This should be used with care as the differences between optimization levels are less defined for xls than they are in tools such as clang. Defaults to 3.

Several flags which control the behavior of individual optimizations are also available. Care should be used when modifying the values of these flags.

  • --rm_rewrites_pb=FILE: Used to pass a proto describing the ram rewrites to be performed.
  • --inline_procs=true|false: Whether to enable or disable inlining all procs into a single mega-proc. Defaults to false.
  • --convert_array_index_to_select=NUMBER: Controls the maximum number of dimensions an array can have to allow xls to convert accesses to the array into select chains. This can have complicated impacts on the area and delay of the generated code.
  • --use_context_narrowing_analysis=true|false: Controls whether to use contextual information to optimize range calculations. This can in some circumstances reveal additional optimization opportunities but it can be quite slow. Defaults to false.
  • --optimize_for_best_case_throughput=true|false: Controls whether to optimize aggressively for best case throughput, even at the cost of area. This will aggressively optimize to create opportunities for improved throughput, but at the cost of constraining the schedule and thus increasing area. Defaults to false.

Debugging/Experimenting with Optimizations

There are also several flags which are used for debugging and understanding the behavior of the standard optimization pipeline itself and the passes which make up the pipeline. These flags should mostly be used for testing and debugging purposes only.

  • --passes=PIPELINE_SPEC: Allows one to specify an explicit optimization pipeline to use instead of the standard one. The pipeline is specified by listing passes using their short-names. Different passes are space separated. Fixed-point combinations of passes are specified by surrounding them with square-brackets '[]'. For example, to run the pipeline 'inlining' then 'arith_simp' and 'dce' to fixed-point then 'narrowing' and a final 'dce' the flag would be set to inlining [ arith_simp dce ] narrowing dce. This can be used to test odd interactions between specific or single passes.
  • --passes_bisect_limit=NUMBER: Tells opt_main to cease pipeline execution after running NUMBER passes. This can be used to narrow down misbehaving passes. This flag works with both custom --passes pipelines and the standard pipeline.
  • --ir_dump_path=FOLDER: Tells opt_main to dump files containing all the intermediate states of the optimizations IRs into files in that particular directory. Each file is named so they sort lexicographically in the order they were created. The names include the pass-number, the pass run and whether the pass made any changes to the output.
  • --skip_passes=NAME1,NAME2,...: Tells opt_main to skip execution of specific named passes (specified using the short-name of the pass). This does not otherwise modify the pipeline being used and the pass is considered to have finished successfully without making any changes. Multiple passes may be passed at once separated by commas.

Tool to calculate and print a summary of the BOM (bill of materials) elements from ModuleSignatureProto protobuf files produced using the --output_signature_path codegen argument.

Features include;

  • Combining the data from multiple protobuf files.
  • Output in fancy human readable table.
  • Output machine readable CSV (common separate values) file for loading into other tools (like Google Sheets).
  • Filtering output to a single value type like BOM_KIND_ADDER.

Running the following commands;

bazel build //xls/examples/protobuf:varint_encode_sv
bazel run //xls/tools:print_bom -- --root_path $PWD/bazel-bin/xls/examples/protobuf/

should produce the following output;

Found 1 protobuf files.
 * "bazel-bin/xls/examples/protobuf/varint_encode_u32.sig.textproto"

 |                   Kind |             Op | Input Width | Output Width | Count |
 |    BOM_KIND_COMPARISON |             ne |           4 |            1 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           7 |            1 |     2 |
 |                        |                |          11 |            1 |     1 |
 |                        |                |          18 |            1 |     1 |
 |                        |                |          25 |            1 |     1 |
 | BOM_KIND_INSIGNIFICANT |          array |           8 |           40 |     1 |
 |                        |      bit_slice |          32 |            4 |     1 |
 |                        |                |          32 |            7 |     4 |
 |                        |                |          32 |           11 |     1 |
 |                        |                |          32 |           18 |     1 |
 |                        |                |          32 |           25 |     1 |
 |                        |         concat |           1 |            2 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           2 |            3 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           4 |            8 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           7 |            8 |     4 |
 |                        |        literal |           0 |            1 |     2 |
 |                        |                |           0 |            2 |     2 |
 |                        |                |           0 |            3 |     2 |
 |                        |                |           0 |            4 |     2 |
 |                        |                |           0 |            7 |     2 |
 |                        |                |           0 |           11 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           0 |           18 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           0 |           25 |     1 |
 |                        |          tuple |          40 |           43 |     1 |
 |          BOM_KIND_MISC |     input_port |           0 |           32 |     1 |
 |                        |    output_port |          43 |            0 |     1 |
 |                        |  register_read |           0 |           32 |     1 |
 |                        |                |           0 |           43 |     1 |
 |                        | register_write |          32 |            0 |     1 |
 |                        |                |          43 |            0 |     1 |
 |        BOM_KIND_SELECT |            sel |           2 |            2 |     2 |
 |                        |                |           3 |            3 |     2 |

To save the details about the comparison operators to a machine readable CSV file you can do;

bazel run //xls/tools:print_bom -- --root_path=$PWD/bazel-bin/xls/examples/protobuf/ --output_as=csv --op_kind=BOM_KIND_COMPARISON > my.csv

which will produce a CSV file which looks like the following;

Kind,Op,Input Width,Output Width,Count


Interpreter for DSLX code and test-runner.

The --compare flag allows to also cross-checks that the conversion to IR and JIT compilation of the IR produces the same values.

$ bazel run -c opt //xls/dslx:interpreter_main -- $PWD/xls/dslx/stdlib/std.x
[ RUN UNITTEST  ] sizeof_signed_test
[            OK ]

Note that this binary takes a command line argument --dslx_path which indicates where the binary should search for .x files on import (i.e. an import resolution path). Try to use this sparingly, but it is useful for pointing at installation locations where DSLX modules have been placed.

In a Bazel environment this binary is encapsulated in an xls_dslx_test target


Command line utility for attempting to prove a quickcheck property via SMT translation. Invoke this tool as:

prove_quickcheck_main $ENTRY_FILE $QUICKCHECK_NAME

And it will attempt to prove the given quickcheck property over the entire input domain. Example:

$ bazel run -c opt //xls/dslx:prove_quickcheck_main -- $PWD/xls/dslx/stdlib/std.x convert_to_from_bools
Proven! elapsed: 115.419669ms


Currently an error code is returned if it cannot be proven, but it does not dump a counterexample to terminal. A temporary workaround is to use --alsologtostderr --v=1 until that functionality is completed.


Auto-formatter for DSLX code (i.e. .x files). This is analogous to rustfmt / clang-format.

To format a file in-place, use the -i flag:

$ bazel build -c opt //xls/dslx:dslx_fmt
$ echo 'fn f(x:u32)->u32{x}' > /tmp/my_file.x
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/dslx/dslx_fmt -i /tmp/my_file.x
$ cat /tmp/my_file.x
fn f(x: u32) -> u32 { x }

Without the -i flag the formatted result is given in the standard output from the tool and the input file path remains unchanged.

Note: there is also a Bazel build construct to ensure files remain auto-formatted using the latest dslx_fmt results:

load("//xls/build_rules:xls_build_defs.bzl", "xls_dslx_fmt_test")

    name = "my_file_dslx_fmt_test",
    src = "my_file.x",

Also see the Bazel rule documentation for xls_dslx_fmt_test.


Tool for converting DSLX code (i.e. whole .x files or functions/procs inside of .x files) into XLS IR.

$ bazel build -c opt //xls/dslx/ir_convert:ir_converter_main
$ echo 'fn f(x:u32)->u32{x}' > /tmp/my_file.x
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/dslx/ir_convert/ir_converter_main /tmp/my_file.x > /tmp/
$ cat /tmp/
package my_file

file_number 0 "/tmp/my_file.x"

fn __my_file__f(x: bits[32]) -> bits[32] {
  ret x: bits[32] = param(name=x)


Takes in a proto schema and a textproto instance thereof and outputs a DSLX module containing a DSLX type and constant matching both inputs, respectively.

Not all protocol buffer types map to DSLX types, so there are some restrictions or other behaviors requiring explanation:

  1. Only scalar and repeated fields are supported (i.e., no maps or oneofs, etc.).
  2. Only recursively-integral messages are supported, that is to say, a message may contain submessages, as long as all non-Message fields are integral.
  3. Since DSLX doesn't support variable arrays and Protocol Buffers don't support fixed-length repeated fields. To unify this, all instances of repeated-field-containing Messages must have the same size of their repeated members (declared as arrays in DSLX). This size will be calculated as the maximum size of any instance of that repeated field across all instances in the input textproto. For example, if a message Foo has a repeated field bar, and this message is present multiple times in the input textproto, say as:
      foo: {
        bar: 1
      foo: {
        bar: 1
        bar: 2
      foo: {
        bar: 1
        bar: 2
        bar: 3

    the DSLX version of Foo will declare bar has a 3-element array. An accessory field, bar_count, will also be created, which will contain the number of valid entries in an actual instance of Foo::bar.

    The "Fields" example in ./xls/tools/testdata/proto_to_dslx_main.* demonstrates this behavior.


Allows you to interactively run various parts of the compiler, including parsing/type checking (:reload), lowering/optimization (:ir), Verilog codegen (:verilog [identifier]), and LLVM codegen (:llvm, not yet implemented). You can also inspect the IR types of identifiers with :type, and even imported identifiers can be accessed with :type foo::bar.

animated GIF


Runs a Verilog block emitted by XLS through a Verilog simulator. Requires both the Verilog text and the module signature which includes metadata about the block.


Simple driver for Z3IrTranslator - converts a given IR function into its Z3 representation and outputs that translation as SMTLIB2.

First obtain an XLS IR file:

$ bazel build -c opt //xls/

And then feed that XLS IR file into this binary:

$ bazel run -c opt //xls/solvers:smtlib_emitter_main -- --ir_path \
(bvadd (concat #b0 x) (concat #b0 y))

To turn it into "gate level" SMTLib, we can do a pre-pass through the booleanify_main tool:

$ bazel run -c opt //xls/tools:booleanify_main -- --ir_path \
   $PWD/bazel-bin/xls/examples/ \
   > /tmp/
$ bazel run -c opt //xls/solvers:smtlib_emitter_main -- \
    --ir_path /tmp/
(let ((a!1 (bvand (bvor ((_ extract 0 0) x) ((_ extract 0 0) y))
                  (bvnot (bvand ((_ extract 0 0) x) ((_ extract 0 0) y))))))
(let ((a!2 (bvor (bvand (bvor #b0 #b0) (bvnot (bvand #b0 #b0)))
                 (bvor (bvand ((_ extract 0 0) x) ((_ extract 0 0) y))
                       (bvand a!1 #b0))))
      (a!3 (bvand (bvand (bvor #b0 #b0) (bvnot (bvand #b0 #b0)))
                  (bvor (bvand ((_ extract 0 0) x) ((_ extract 0 0) y))
                        (bvand a!1 #b0)))))
  (concat (bvand a!2 (bvnot a!3))
          (bvand (bvor a!1 #b0) (bvnot (bvand a!1 #b0))))))


Uses a SMT solver (i.e. Z3) to prove properties of an XLS IR program from the command line. Currently the set of "predicates" that the solver supports from the command line are limited, but in theory it is capable of solving for arbitrary IR-function-specified predicates.

This can be used to uncover opportunities for optimization that were missed, or to prove equivalence of transformed representations with their original version.


Parses a cell library ".lib" file and extracts boolean formulas from it that determine the functionality of cells. This is useful for LEC of the XLS IR against the post-synthesis netlist.


Performs terminal-based color code highlighting of a DSL file.


Dumps type information that has been deduced for a given DSL file.

Development Tools


For C++ development, you might need a compilation database to have good support in your IDE. You can create the compile_flags.txt by running this script.


To run clang-tidy and create a report of things that might be worthwhile fixing, use the following script:


(Note, this will be pretty slow on the first run, but it caches results and will only reprocess changed files in subsequent runs).

The output of the clang-tidy runs shows up in the xls_clang-tidy.out file which is formatted just like an output from a compiler. So to quickly work with these, you can use cat xls_clang-tidy.out as your 'compiler invocation' in your IDE (e.g. M-x compile in emacs) and step through next-error locations as usual.

Build dependency cleaner

For a well-defined build, it is necessary to have all implicit library dependencies due to #includes explicitly defined in the deps = [...] in the BUILD rules (and not unnecessarily keep superfluous ones).

To automatically check and repair these, there is the build cleaner. It takes a bazel pattern, in the simplest case just ...:

xls/dev_tools/ ...

If there are changes needed, it will emit a set of buildozer commands to edit the necessary BUILD files. You can automatically apply these by just sourcing the output of the script (assuming buildozer is installed):

source <(xls/dev_tools/ ...)

This also simplifies development: Just modify a library, include whatever headers are necessary (You can use clang-tidy from above to find if there are missing includes), and then use the build-cleaner to add all necessary dependencies. Even if you start a new library, just specify the sources, and build-cleaner will automagically add all the necessary deps.

The build cleaner will also remove unambiguously not needed dependencies.

build_cleaner keep

If you encounter a situation in which the build cleaner attempts to remove a dependency that you know you need (but you don't need to include a header it provides), then this is likely because that library provides features only available by means of linking (e.g. some global registration of sorts).

In that case make sure that that library is marked with alwayslink = True; it will then not be considered for dependency-removal.

In the rare case that this is not possible, you can annotate a dependency that you don't want to see removed with a comment in the deps line: # build_cleaner: keep.

This should rarely be needed. If you ever run into that situation, there are examples for both cases in the codebase.

Golden Comparison Files

To re-generate golden reference files (for all test targets that use golden reference file comparisons), run:



Reads an ir file and prints a protobuf describing the interfaces of the contained code. The interfaces consist of the names of the procs, blocks, and functions and the names and types of all of their inputs and outputs. Information about what channels are defined and other useful details is also included. Take a look at xls_ir_interface.proto for what the interface contains.