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Specifies what shell is used. Default is which bash.

$.shell = '/usr/bin/bash'

Or use a CLI argument: --shell=/bin/bash


Specifies a spawn api. Defaults to require('child_process').spawn.

To override a sync API implementation, set $.spawnSync correspondingly.


Specifies the command that will be prefixed to all commands run.

Default is set -euo pipefail;.

Or use a CLI argument: --prefix='set -e;'


Like a $.prefix, but for the end of the command.

$.postfix = '; exit $LastExitCode' // for PowerShell compatibility


Specifies whether to prefer node_modules/.bin located binaries over globally system installed ones.

$.preferLocal = true

await $`c8 npm test`

You can also specify a directory to search for local binaries:

$.preferLocal = '/some/to/bin'
$.preferLocal = ['/path/to/bin', '/another/path/bin']


Specifies a function for escaping special characters during command substitution.


Specifies verbosity. Default is false.

In verbose mode, zx prints all executed commands alongside with their outputs.

Or use the CLI argument: --verbose to set true.


Suppresses all output. Default is false.

Via CLI argument: --quiet sets $.quiet = true.


Specifies an environment variables map.

Defaults to process.env.


Specifies a current working directory of all processes created with the $.

The cd() func changes only process.cwd() and if no $.cwd specified, all $ processes use process.cwd() by default (same as spawn behavior).


Specifies a logging function.

import {LogEntry, log} from 'zx/core'

$.log = (entry: LogEntry) => {
  switch (entry.kind) {
    case 'cmd':
      // for example, apply custom data masker for cmd printing


Specifies a timeout for the command execution.

$.timeout = '1s'
$.timeoutSignal= 'SIGKILL'

await $`sleep 999`


Holds the default configuration values. They will be used if the corresponding $ options are not specified.

$.defaults = {
  cwd:            process.cwd(),
  env:            process.env,
  verbose:        false,
  quiet:          false,
  sync:           false,
  shell:          true,
  prefix:         'set -euo pipefail;',   // for bash
  postfix:        '; exit $LastExitCode', // for powershell
  nothrow:        false,
  stdio:          'pipe', // equivalent to ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']
  detached:       false,
  preferLocal:    false,
  spawn:          childProcess.spawn,
  spawnSync:      childProcess.spawnSync,
  log:            $.log,
  killSignal:     'SIGTERM',
  timeoutSignal:  'SIGTERM'

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