The per-Entity mesh and shader data.
fplbase::Mesh * | mesh |
| The fplbase::Mesh for this Entity.
std::vector< fplbase::Shader * > | shaders |
| A vector of fplbase::Shader for this Entity.
mathfu::vec4 | tint |
| A mathfu::vec4 specifying the tinting for the Entity in RGBA.
std::string | mesh_filename |
| A std::string of the filename for the mesh, used for exporting.
std::vector< std::string > | shader_filenames |
| A std::string of the filenames for the shaders, used for exporting.
float | z_depth |
| The z distance corresponding to the depth of where the Entity should be rendered.
unsigned char | culling_mask |
| A bit field determining which types of culling are applied to the Entity.
unsigned char | pass_mask |
| A bit field determining during which render passes to render this Entity.
bool | visible |
| A bool determining if this Entity should be rendered.
bool | initialized |
| A bool indicating if this RenderMesh is initialized.
bool | default_pose |
| A bool determining if the Entity should be rendered in the default pose.
uint8_t | num_shader_transforms |
| The number of shader transforms in the shader_transforms array.
mathfu::AffineTransform * | shader_transforms |
| A mathfu::AffineTransform array that contains the shader transforms.
std::string | debug_name |
| The debug name of this mesh.