Google APIs Client Library for C++
googleapis::client Namespace Reference

namespace th


class  CredentialStore
 Base class for a data store of persisted credentials. More...
class  CredentialStoreFactory
 Creates a CredentialStore. More...
class  FileCredentialStoreFactory
 A concrete CredentialStore that writes to files. More...
class  OAuth2ClientSpec
 A data object containing specifying the client information to present to the OAuth 2.0 server. More...
class  ThreadsafeString
 Implements a threadsafe string. More...
class  ThreadsafePrimitive
 For internal use only. More...
class  OAuth2Credential
 Specifies an OAuth 2.0 Credential. More...
struct  OAuth2RequestOptions
 Options for overriding the default attributes in an OAuth2AuthorizationFlow when making OAuth2TokenRequests. More...
class  OAuth2TokenRequest
 The base class for token-related requests made to an OAuth 2.0 server. More...
class  OAuth2RevokeTokenRequest
 A concrete OAuth2TokenRequest for revoking access and refresh tokens. More...
class  OAuth2ExchangeAuthorizationCodeRequest
 A concrete OAuth2TokenRequest for turning an authorization code into access and refresh tokens. More...
class  OAuth2RefreshTokenRequest
 A concrete OAuth2TokenRequest for obtaining a new access token from a refresh token. More...
class  OAuth2AuthorizationFlow
 Mediates interaction with the user, client and an OAuth 2.0 server to obtain credentials for accessing protected resources. More...
class  OAuth2InstalledApplicationFlow
 Manages credentials using OAuth 2.0 installed application flow. More...
class  OAuth2WebApplicationFlow
 Manages credentials using OAuth 2.0 web application flow. More...
class  OAuth2PendingAuthorizations
 Manages callbacks for outstanding authorization code requests. More...
class  WebServerAuthorizationCodeGetter
 An adapter to use webserver with OAuth2AuthorizationFlows. More...
class  Base64Codec
 Provdes a codec for encoding and decoding reader streams using Base64. More...
class  Base64CodecFactory
 CodecFactory for creating and configuring Base64Codecs. More...
class  Codec
 Provides an interface for encoding and decoding data. More...
class  CodecFactory
 A factory for creating Codec instances. More...
class  CodecReader
 A helper class for implementing CodecReaders. More...
class  DataReader
 Interface for reading from an asynchronous binary data stream. More...
class  DataWriter
 Interface for writing into synchronous binary data stream. More...
class  JsonCppData
 Base class for data objects using JsonCpp for underlying state. More...
class  JsonCppArray
 Base class template for a JsonCppData object that is an array. More...
class  JsonCppDictionary
 Denotes a JsonCppData instance that is a dictionary. More...
class  JsonCppAssociativeArray
 Denotes an associative array from string to values of type T. More...
class  JsonCppCapsule
 Helper class for constructing new top-level JsonCppData instances. More...
class  JsonCppAbstractIterator
 A helper class for index or key-based iterators. More...
class  JsonCppConstIndexIterator
 Iterator for index-based JsonCppDataArray. More...
class  JsonCppConstAssociativeIterator
 Iterator for JsonCppDataAssociativeArray. More...
class  OpenSslCodec
 Provdes a codec for encrypting and decrypting reader streams using OpenSSL. More...
class  OpenSslCodecFactory
 CodecFactory for creating and configuring OpenSslCodecs. More...
class  SerializableJson
 An abstract interface for data objects used to denote JSON compatability. More...
class  ClientServiceRequest
 Base class for requests made to a ClientService. More...
class  ClientService
 Base class for denoting a cloud service. More...
class  MediaUploadSpec
 Specifie the media upload interface for an endpoint. More...
class  MediaUploader
 Uploader for using Google media upload protocols. More...
class  BaseServiceRequestPager
 Base class for component that pages through REST results. More...
class  ServiceRequestPager
 A pager over referenced REST APIs having a standard paging interface. More...
class  EncapsulatedServiceRequestPager
 A ServiceRequestPager that owns the request and data objects. More...
class  CurlHttpTransport
 A concrete HttpTransport that is implemented using the open source CURL library. More...
class  CurlHttpTransportFactory
 Factory for creating CurlHttpTransport instances. More...
class  HtmlScribe
 Specialized HttpScribe that produces HTML transcripts. More...
class  AuthorizationCredential
 The abstraction used to pass credentials also contains knowledge about how to use the credentials to authorize requests. More...
class  HttpRequest
 Denotes an HTTP request to be sent to an HTTP server. More...
class  HttpResponse
 Captures the response from HttpRequest invocations. More...
class  HttpScribeCensor
 Determines what is appropriate for scribes to record. More...
class  HttpScribe
 Base class for scribe to log HTTP message activity. More...
class  HttpEntryScribe
 A high level but still abstract class for intercepting HTTP requests. More...
class  HttpTransportErrorHandler
 forward declaration More...
class  HttpTransportOptions
 Configures options on an HttpTransport instanceEach HttpTransport instance maintains its own options however typically the default options are set on the HttpTransportFactory so that the options will apply to all transport instances. More...
class  HttpTransportLayerConfig
 Specifies the implementation components for the TransportLayer. More...
class  HttpTransport
 Abstract interface defining an HTTP transport will be specialized for different concrete mechanisms for interacting with HTTP servers. More...
class  HttpTransportFactory
 Abstract interface for creating concrete HttpTransport instances. More...
struct  RequestHeaderLess
 Comparator for using headers in standard template library collections. More...
class  HttpRequestOptions
 Specifies per-request options that control its behavior. More...
class  HttpRequestState
 Denotes the current state of an HttpRequest's lifecycel. More...
class  HttpStatusCode
 This is a helper class for interpreting standard HTTP status codes. More...
class  JsonPlaybackTransport
 A fake transport that plays back from a JSON scribed transcript. More...
class  JsonPlaybackTransportFactory
 A transport factory for creating JsonPlaybackTransport. More...
class  JsonScribe
 Specialized HttpScribe that produces JSON transcripts. More...
class  MockHttpTransportErrorHandler
 Mock transport error handler for testing with GMock. More...
class  MockAuthorizationCredential
 Mock authorization credential for testing with GMock. More...
class  MockHttpRequest
 Mock http request for testing GMock. More...
class  MockHttpTransport
 Mock http request for testing GMock. More...
class  MockHttpTransportFactory
 Mock http transport factory for testing GMock. More...
class  VersionInfo
class  WebServerResponse
 Abstract class for responses to WebServerRequests into the AbstractWebServerThis is different from the HttpResponse class in the transport layer which are client-side responses. More...
class  WebServerRequest
 Abstract class for invocations into the AbstractWebServerThis is different from the HttpRequest class in the transport layer which are client-side requests. More...
class  AbstractWebServer
 A minimal abstract interface for embedded webservers. More...
class  DateTime
 Represents a date convertable among various standard date represenations including RFC 3339 used by JSON encodings. More...
class  SensitiveFileUtils
 Helper functions for managing sensitive files. More...
class  MongooseWebServer
 Provides a web server for samples and testing. More...
class  UriTemplate
 Provides the ability to produce concrete URLs from templated ones. More...
class  ParsedUrl
 Parses a url as described in 2.4 of RFC 1808. More...


typedef Callback2< const
util::Status &, const
StringPiece & > 
 Callback used to process authorization codes received from the OAuth 2.0 server.
typedef std::map< string,
string, RequestHeaderLess
 Collection of HTTP headers (without repeated headers).
typedef std::multimap< string,
string, StringCaseLess > 
 Collection of HTTP headers (allows repeated header values).
typedef Callback1< HttpRequest * > HttpRequestCallback
 Denotes a callback function that takes an HttpRequest* parameter.


DataReaderNewManagedInvalidDataReader (util::Status status, Closure *deleter)
 Returns a data reader that is always in an error state.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedInvalidDataReader (util::Status status)
 Returns an unmanaged invalid data reader.
DataReaderNewManagedInMemoryDataReader (const StringPiece &data, Closure *deleter)
 Reads from a contiguous byte array.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedInMemoryDataReader (const StringPiece &data)
 Creates an unmanaged InMenoryDataReaderThis is shorthand for NewManagedInMemoryDataReader(data, NULL)
DataReaderNewManagedInMemoryDataReader (string *data)
 Returns a managed reader that consumes a dynanic input string.
DataReaderNewManagedInMemoryDataReader (const string &data)
 Creates a managed InMemoryDataReader from an existing string.
DataReaderNewManagedBufferedDataReader (DataReader *reader, int64 buffer_bytes)
 Returns an InMemoryDataReader that returns the content from another data reader.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedBufferedDataReader (DataReader *reader, int64 buffer_bytes)
 Similar to NewUManagedBufferdDataReader but the caller retains ownership of the original reader.
DataReaderNewManagedBufferedDataReader (DataReader *reader, int64 buffer_bytes, Closure *deleter)
 A general form of a managed BufferedDataReader.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedCompositeDataReader (const vector< DataReader * > &readers)
 Returns an unmanaged composite DataReader that reads directly from one or more other data readers.
DataReaderNewManagedCompositeDataReader (const vector< DataReader * > &readers, Closure *deleter)
 Returns a managed composite DataReader that reads directly from one or more other data readers.
Closure * NewCompositeReaderListAndContainerDeleter (vector< DataReader * > *readers)
 Creates a managed closure that deletes an entire vector of readers when run.
DataReaderNewManagedFileDataReader (const StringPiece &path, Closure *deleter)
 Creates a managed DataReader that reads its byte stream from a file on disk.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedFileDataReader (const StringPiece &path)
 Creates an unmanaged DataReader that reads its byte stream from a file on disk.
DataReaderNewManagedIstreamDataReader (std::istream *stream, Closure *deleter)
 Creates a managed reader that reads its byte stream from a generic C++ std::istream of unknown length.
DataReaderNewManagedIstreamDataReaderWithLength (std::istream *stream, int64 length, Closure *deleter)
 Creates a managed reader that reads its byte stream from a generic C++ std::istream of unknown length.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedIstreamDataReader (std::istream *stream)
 Creates an unmanaged reader that reads its byte stream from a generic C++ std::istream of unknown length.
DataReaderNewUnmanagedIstreamDataReaderWithLength (std::istream *stream, int64 length)
 Creates an unmanaged reader that reads its byte stream from a generic C++ std::istream of a known length.
DataWriterNewFileDataWriter (const StringPiece &path)
 Creates a data writer that rewrites the file at the given path.
DataWriterNewFileDataWriter (const StringPiece &path, const FileOpenOptions &options)
 Creates a data writer that rewrites the file at the given path with control over how the file is created.
DataWriterNewStringDataWriter (string *s)
 Creates a data writer that rewrites the given string.
DataWriterNewStringDataWriter ()
 Creates an in-memory data writer that encapsulates the memory it uses.
template<typename T >
void ClearCppValueHelper (T *value)
 Converts a Json::Value into C++ value.
template<typename T >
const T JsonValueToCppValueHelper (const Json::Value &value)
template<typename T >
JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper (Json::Value *value)
template<typename T >
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper (const T &value, Json::Value *storage)
template<typename T >
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper (const Json::Value &storage, T *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< int16 > (int16 *value)
 Explicit templated get implementation specific to int.
const int16 JsonValueToCppValueHelper< int16 > (const Json::Value &value)
int16 JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< int16 > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< int16 > (const int16 &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< int16 > (const Json::Value &storage, int16 *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< int32 > (int32 *value)
const int32 JsonValueToCppValueHelper< int32 > (const Json::Value &value)
int32 JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< int32 > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< int32 > (const int32 &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< int32 > (const Json::Value &storage, int32 *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< int64 > (int64 *value)
const int64 JsonValueToCppValueHelper< int64 > (const Json::Value &value)
int64 JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< int64 > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< int64 > (const int64 &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< int64 > (const Json::Value &storage, int64 *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< uint16 > (uint16 *value)
const uint16 JsonValueToCppValueHelper< uint16 > (const Json::Value &value)
uint16 JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< uint16 > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< uint16 > (const uint16 &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< uint16 > (const Json::Value &storage, uint16 *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< uint32 > (uint32 *value)
const uint32 JsonValueToCppValueHelper< uint32 > (const Json::Value &value)
uint32 JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< uint32 > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< uint32 > (const uint32 &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< uint32 > (const Json::Value &storage, uint32 *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< uint64 > (uint64 *value)
const uint64 JsonValueToCppValueHelper< uint64 > (const Json::Value &value)
uint64 JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< uint64 > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< uint64 > (const uint64 &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< uint64 > (const Json::Value &storage, uint64 *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< bool > (bool *value)
const bool JsonValueToCppValueHelper< bool > (const Json::Value &value)
bool JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< bool > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< bool > (const bool &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< bool > (const Json::Value &storage, bool *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< float > (float *value)
const float JsonValueToCppValueHelper< float > (const Json::Value &value)
float JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< float > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< float > (const float &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< float > (const Json::Value &storage, float *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< double > (double *value)
const double JsonValueToCppValueHelper< double > (const Json::Value &value)
double JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< double > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< double > (const double &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< double > (const Json::Value &storage, double *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< string > (string *value)
const string JsonValueToCppValueHelper< string > (const Json::Value &value)
string JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< string > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< string > (const string &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< string > (const Json::Value &storage, string *value)
void ClearCppValueHelper< DateTime > (DateTime *value)
const DateTime JsonValueToCppValueHelper< DateTime > (const Json::Value &value)
DateTime JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< DateTime > (Json::Value *value)
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< DateTime > (const DateTime &val, Json::Value *storage)
void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< DateTime > (const Json::Value &storage, DateTime *value)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, SerializableJson &data)
 Syntactic sugar for data.LoadFromStream(&stream).
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SerializableJson &data)
 Syntactic sugar for data.StoreToStream(&stream)
HttpTransportLayerConfigGetGlobalHttpTransportLayerConfiguration ()
 Returns global instance for the global configuration.
util::error::Code ErrnoCodeToStatusEnum (int errno_code)
 Determine status error::Code to use from a standard Posix errno code.
util::Status StatusFromErrno (int errno_code, const StringPiece &msg="")
 Create a status from a standard Posix errno code.
util::error::Code HttpCodeToStatusEnum (int http_code)
 Determine status error::Code to use from a standard HTTP response status code.
const string HttpCodeToHttpErrorMessage (int http_code)
 Determine the standard HTTP error message for a given code.
util::Status StatusFromHttp (int http_code, const StringPiece &msg="")
 Create a status from a standard HTTP response status code.
util::Status StatusOk ()
 Creates a standard OK status.
util::Status StatusAborted (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard ABORTED status.
util::Status StatusCanceled (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard CANCELLED status.
util::Status StatusDataLoss (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard DATA_LOSS status.
util::Status StatusDeadlineExceeded (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard DEADLINE_EXCEEDED status.
util::Status StatusInternalError (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard INTERNAL status.
util::Status StatusInvalidArgument (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard INVALID_ARGUMENT status.
util::Status StatusOutOfRange (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard OUT_OF_RANGE status.
util::Status StatusPermissionDenied (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard PERMISSION_DENIED status.
util::Status StatusUnimplemented (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard UNIMPLEMENTED status.
util::Status StatusUnknown (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard UNKNOWN status.
util::Status StatusResourceExhausted (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED status.
util::Status StatusFailedPrecondition (const StringPiece &msg)
 Creates a standard FAILED_PRECONDITION status.
string GetTestingTempDir ()
 Returns the temporary directory created for running the current test.
string ResolveUrl (const StringPiece &base_url, const StringPiece &new_url)
 Resolve a [possibly] relative url into an absolute url.
string JoinPath (const StringPiece &a, const StringPiece &b)
 Join two fragments together into a path.
string EscapeForUrl (const StringPiece &s)
 Escape a string so that it is valid in a URL.
bool UnescapeFromUrl (const StringPiece &s, string *to)
template<typename T >
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue (const T &value)
 Templated function that encodes a primitive C++ value for use in a URL.
template<typename T >
void AppendIteratorToUrl (const T &begin, const T &end, const StringPiece param_name, string *target)
 Templated function that encodes a C++ STL container for use as in a URL.
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< char > (const char &value)
 Implements append a character value into a URL.
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< bool > (const bool &value)
 Implements append a boolean value into a URL.
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< float > (const float &value)
 Implements append a float value into a URL.
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< double > (const double &value)
 Implements append a double value into a URL.
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< string > (const string &value)
 Implements append a string value into a URL.
string CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< DateTime > (const DateTime &value)
 Implements append a DateTime value into a URL.

Detailed Description

namespace thread

namespace util

Function Documentation

void ClearCppValueHelper ( T *  value) [inline]

Converts a Json::Value into C++ value.

generic is for objects

This just normalizes the third party api so that we dont have to special case the name of the method for each different template type.

void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< bool > ( bool *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< DateTime > ( DateTime *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< double > ( double *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< float > ( float *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< int16 > ( int16 *  value) [inline]

Explicit templated get implementation specific to int.

void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< int32 > ( int32 *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< int64 > ( int64 *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< string > ( string *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< uint16 > ( uint16 *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< uint32 > ( uint32 *  value) [inline]
void googleapis::client::ClearCppValueHelper< uint64 > ( uint64 *  value) [inline]
string googleapis::client::CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< bool > ( const bool &  value) [inline]

Implements append a boolean value into a URL.

string googleapis::client::CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< char > ( const char &  value) [inline]

Implements append a character value into a URL.

string googleapis::client::CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< DateTime > ( const DateTime &  value) [inline]

Implements append a DateTime value into a URL.

string googleapis::client::CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< double > ( const double &  value) [inline]

Implements append a double value into a URL.

string googleapis::client::CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< float > ( const float &  value) [inline]

Implements append a float value into a URL.

string googleapis::client::CppValueToEscapedUrlValue< string > ( const string &  value) [inline]

Implements append a string value into a URL.

Returns global instance for the global configuration.

The global configuration is not used internally so changing this has no effect on the core runtime library. It is available to be used by applications and libraries that wish to link with this module and use it to share information. A more general solution that does not require global state is to create your own HttpTransportLayerConfig.

The library retains ownership of this instance however the caller can modify its attributes to configuration the runtime.

Returns the temporary directory created for running the current test.

This function is only avalable when using googleapis_test_main for tests.

const T JsonValueToCppValueHelper ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const bool googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< bool > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const DateTime googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< DateTime > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const double googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< double > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const float googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< float > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const int16 googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< int16 > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const int32 googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< int32 > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const int64 googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< int64 > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const string googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< string > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const uint16 googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< uint16 > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const uint32 googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< uint32 > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
const uint64 googleapis::client::JsonValueToCppValueHelper< uint64 > ( const Json::Value &  value) [inline]
T JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
bool googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< bool > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
double googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< double > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
float googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< float > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
int16 googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< int16 > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
int32 googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< int32 > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
int64 googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< int64 > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
string googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< string > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
uint16 googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< uint16 > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
uint32 googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< uint32 > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
uint64 googleapis::client::JsonValueToMutableCppValueHelper< uint64 > ( Json::Value *  value) [inline]
std::ostream& googleapis::client::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SerializableJson &  data 
) [inline]

Syntactic sugar for data.StoreToStream(&stream)

   string json = ...;
   istringstream input(json);
   data << input;
std::istream& googleapis::client::operator>> ( std::istream &  stream,
SerializableJson &  data 
) [inline]

Syntactic sugar for data.LoadFromStream(&stream).

   ostringstream output;
   output << data;


void SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper ( const Json::Value &  storage,
T *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< bool > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
bool *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< DateTime > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
DateTime *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< double > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
double *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< float > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
float *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< int16 > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
int16 *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< int32 > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
int32 *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< int64 > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
int64 *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< string > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
string *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< uint16 > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
uint16 *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< uint32 > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
uint32 *  value 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetCppValueFromJsonValueHelper< uint64 > ( const Json::Value &  storage,
uint64 *  value 
) [inline]
void SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper ( const T &  value,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< bool > ( const bool &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< DateTime > ( const DateTime &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< double > ( const double &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< float > ( const float &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< int16 > ( const int16 &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< int32 > ( const int32 &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< int64 > ( const int64 &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< string > ( const string &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< uint16 > ( const uint16 &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< uint32 > ( const uint32 &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
void googleapis::client::SetJsonValueFromCppValueHelper< uint64 > ( const uint64 &  val,
Json::Value *  storage 
) [inline]
util::Status googleapis::client::StatusAborted ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard ABORTED status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusCanceled ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard CANCELLED status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusDataLoss ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard DATA_LOSS status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusDeadlineExceeded ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard DEADLINE_EXCEEDED status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusFailedPrecondition ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard FAILED_PRECONDITION status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusInternalError ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard INTERNAL status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusInvalidArgument ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard INVALID_ARGUMENT status.

Creates a standard OK status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusOutOfRange ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard OUT_OF_RANGE status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusPermissionDenied ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard PERMISSION_DENIED status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusResourceExhausted ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusUnimplemented ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard UNIMPLEMENTED status.

util::Status googleapis::client::StatusUnknown ( const StringPiece &  msg) [inline]

Creates a standard UNKNOWN status.

bool googleapis::client::UnescapeFromUrl ( const StringPiece &  s,
string *  to 
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