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Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed from a class to an interface. Changed from non-abstract to abstract.

Removed Constructors
InjectorGrapher(BindingTargetVisitor<Object, Collection<Key<?>>>, BindingTargetVisitor<Object, Void>, Renderer)  

Removed Methods
void graph() Renders a graph with the bound Renderer.
InjectorGrapher of(Injector) Sets the Injector to graph.
InjectorGrapher rootedAt(Key[]) Sets an initial group of Keys to use as the starting point for the graph.
InjectorGrapher rootedAt(Class[]) Sets an initial group of Classes to use as the starting point for the graph.

Added Methods
void graph(Injector) Graphs the guice dependency graph for the given injector using default starting keys.
void graph(Injector, Set<Key<?>>) Graphs the guice dependency graph for the given injector using the given starting keys and their transitive dependencies.