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Removed Classes and Interfaces
BindingEdge.Factory Factory interface for BindingEdges.
DependencyEdge.Factory Factory interface for DependencyEdges.
GrapherModule Module for the common bindings for InjectorGrapher.
GraphingVisitor BindingTargetVisitor that adds nodes and edges to the graph based on the visited Binding.
ImplementationNode.Factory Factory interface for ImplementationNodes.
InterfaceNode.Factory Factory interface for InterfaceNodes.
NodeAliasFactory Factory for aliasing one node ID to another.
NodeIdFactory Factory for abstract identifiers for elements on the graph.
Renderer Interface for the service that renders the graph.
StringNodeIdFactory IdFactory implementation that for String node IDs.

Added Classes and Interfaces
AbstractInjectorGrapher Abstract injector grapher that builds the dependency graph but doesn't render it.
Parameters used to override default settings of the grapher.
Alias Alias between two nodes.
AliasCreator Creator of node aliases.
DefaultRootKeySetCreator Root key set creator that starts with all types that are not Guice internal types or the Logger type.
Edge Edge in a guice dependency graph.
EdgeCreator Creator of graph edges to render.
InstanceNode Node for instances.
Node Node in a guice dependency graph.
NodeCreator Creator of graph nodes.
NodeId ID of a node in the graph.
NodeId.NodeType Type of node.
RootKeySetCreator Creator of the default starting set of keys to graph.

Changed Classes and Interfaces
BindingEdge Edge that connects an interface to the type or instance that is bound to implement it.
DependencyEdge Edge from a class or InjectionPoint to the interface node that will satisfy the dependency.
ImplementationNode Node for types that have and are bound to InterfaceNodes.
InjectorGrapher Guice injector grapher.
InterfaceNode Node for an interface type that has been bound to an implementation class or instance.
NameFactory Interface for a service that provides nice Strings that we can display in the graph for the types that come up in
TransitiveDependencyVisitor that returns a Collection of the Keys of each Binding's dependencies.