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Added Classes
ScopingException Exception thrown when there was a failure entering request scope.
ScopingOnly Annotates a GuiceFilter that provides scope functionality, but doesn't dispatch to ServletModule bound servlets or filters.

Changed Classes and Interfaces

Apply this filter in web.xml above all other filters (typically), to all requests where you plan to use servlet scopes.

GuiceServletContextListener As of Guice 2.0 you can still use (your subclasses of) {@code GuiceServletContextListener} class as a logical place to create and configure your injector.
InstanceFilterBinding A binding to a single instance of a filter.
InstanceServletBinding A binding to a single instance of a servlet.
LinkedFilterBinding A linked binding to a filter.
LinkedServletBinding A linked binding to a servlet.
ServletModule Configures the servlet scopes and creates bindings for the servlet API objects so you can inject the request, response, session, etc.
ServletModule.FilterKeyBindingBuilder See the EDSL examples at ServletModule.configureServlets()
ServletModule.ServletKeyBindingBuilder See the EDSL examples at ServletModule.configureServlets()
ServletModuleBinding A binding created by ServletModule.
ServletModuleTargetVisitor A visitor for the servlet extension.
ServletScopes Servlet scopes.