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Class GuiceFilter

Apply this filter in web.xml above all other filters (typically), to all requests where you plan to use servlet scopes. This is also needed in order to dispatch requests to injectable filters and servlets:

This filter must appear before every filter that makes use of Guice injection or servlet scopesservlet scopes functionality. Typically, you will only register this filter in web.xml and register register any otherother filters (and servlets) using a ServletModule. @author (Bob Lee) @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna)

Class GuiceServletContextListener

As of Guice 2.0 you can still use (your subclasses of) {@code GuiceServletContextListener} classclass as a logical place to create and configure your injector. This will ensure the injector injector isis created when the web application is deployed. @author Kevin Bourrillion ( @since 2.0
Class GuiceServletContextListener, Injector getInjector()

Override this method to create (or otherwise obtain a reference to) your your injector.

Class InstanceFilterBinding

A binding to a single instance of a filter. @author @since 3.0

Class InstanceServletBinding

A binding to a single instance of a servlet. @author @since 3.0

Class LinkedFilterBinding

A linked binding to a filter. @author @since 3.0

Class LinkedServletBinding

A linked binding to a servlet. @author @since 3.0

Class RequestParameters

Apply this to field or parameters of type {@code Map} when you want the HTTPHTTP request parameter map to be injected. @author (Bob Lee)

Class RequestScoper, CloseableScope open()

Opens up the request scope until the returned object is closed. Implementations should ensureensure (e.g. by blocking) that multiple threads threads cannot open the same request scope concurrently. It isis allowable to open open the same request scope on the same thread, as long as open/close calls are correctly nested.

Class ScopingOnly

Annotates a GuiceFilter that provides scope functionality, but but doesn't dispatch to ServletModule bound servlets or filters. @author (Isaac Shum) @since 4.0

Class ServletModule

Configures the servlet scopes and creates bindings for the servlet API API objects so you can injectinject the request, response, session, etc.

You should subclass this module to register servlets and and filters in the .configureServlets() method. @author (Bob Lee) @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna)

Class ServletModule, void configureServlets()

Servlet Mapping EDSL

Part of the EDSL builder language for configuring servlets servlets and filters with guice-servlet. Think of this as an in-code replacement for web.xml. Filters and servlets are configured herehere using simple java method calls. Here is a typical typical example of registering a filter when creatingcreating your Guice injector:

   Guice.createInjector(..., new ServletModule() {

     {@literal @}Override
     protected void configureServlets() {
This registers a servlet (subclass of {@code HttpServlet}) called {@code MyServlet} to service any web pages ending in {@code .html}. You can also use a path-style syntax to register servlets:
Every servlet (or filter) is required to be a singleton. If you cannot annotate the class directly, you should add a separate {@code bind(..).in(Singleton.class)} rule elsewhere in in youryour module. Mapping a servlet that is bound under any other scope is an error.

Dispatch Order

You are free to register as many servlets and filters as you like this way. They will will bebe compared and dispatched in the order in which the filter methods are called:

   Guice.createInjector(..., new ServletModule() {

     {@literal @}Override
     protected void configureServlets() {
       filter("*.jpg").through(new MyJpgFilter());
       // etc..

       serve("*.jpg").with(new MyServlet());
       // etc..
This will traverse down the list of rules in lexical order. For example, a url url "{@codecode /my/file.js}" (after it runs through the matching filters) will first first be compared against thethe servlet mapping:
And failing that, it will descend to the next servlet mapping:
Since this rule matches, Guice Servlet will dispatch to {@code MyServlet}. These These two mappingmapping rules can also be written in more compact form using varargs syntax:
       serve("*.html", "/my/*").with(MyServlet.class);
This way you can map several URI patterns to the same servlet. A similar syntax is alsois also available for filter mappings.

Regular Expressions

You can also map servlets (or filters) to URIs using regular expressions:
This will map any URI containing the text "ajax" in it to {@code MyAjaxServlet}. Such as:

Initialization Parameters

Servlets (and filters) allow you to pass in init params params using the {@code } tag inin web.xml. You can similarly pass in parameters to to Servlets and filters registered inin Guice-servlet using a java.util.Map of parameter parameter name/value pairs. For example, toto initialize {@code MyServlet} with two parameters parameters ({@code name="Dhanji", site=""}) youyou could write:
  Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
  params.put("name", "Dhanji");
  params.put("site", "");

      serve("/*").with(MyServlet.class, params)

Binding Keys

You can also bind keys rather than classes. This lets you hide hide implementations withwith package-local visbility and expose them using using only a Guice module and an annotation:
      filter("/*").through(Key.get(Filter.class, Fave.class));
Where {@code Filter.class} refers to the Servlet API interface and {@code Fave.class} is a custom binding annotation. Elsewhere (in one of your own modules) you can bind this this filter'ss implementation:
See for more information on binding syntax.

Multiple Modules

It is sometimes useful to capture servlet and filter mappings from multiple different different modules. This is essential if you want to package and offer drop-in Guice plugins that that provide servletservlet functionality.

Guice Servlet allows you to register several instances of {@code ServletModule} to your injector. The order in which these modules are installed determines the dispatch order oforder of filters and the precedence order of servlets. For example, if you had two servlet modules, {@code RpcModule} and {@code WebServiceModule} and they each contained a filter that mapped mapped toto the same URI pattern, {@code "/*"}:

In {@code RpcModule}:

In {@code WebServiceModule}:
Then the order in which these filters are dispatched is determined by the order in which thewhich the modules are installed:
   install(new WebServiceModule());
   install(new RpcModule());
In the case shown above {@code WebServiceFilter} will run first. @since 2.0
Class ServletModule, ServletContext getServletContext()

This method only works if you are using the GuiceServletContextListener to createto create your injector. Otherwise, it returns null. @return The current servlet context. @since 3.0

Class ServletModuleBinding

A binding created by ServletModule. @author (Sam Berlin) @since 3.0

Class ServletModuleTargetVisitor

A visitor for the servlet extension.

If your BindingTargetVisitor implements this interface, bindings created by using ServletModule will be visited through this interface. @since 3.0 @author (Sam Berlin)

Class ServletModuleTargetVisitor, V visit(InstanceFilterBinding)

Visits a filter binding created by ServletModule.filter where where FilterKeyBindingBuilder.through is called with a Filter.

If multiple patterns were specified, this will be called multiple times.

Class ServletModuleTargetVisitor, V visit(InstanceServletBinding)

Visits a servlet binding created by ServletModule.serve where ServletKeyBindingBuilder.with, is called with an HttpServlet.

If multiple patterns were specified, this will be called multiple times.

Class ServletModuleTargetVisitor, V visit(LinkedFilterBinding)

Visits a filter binding created by ServletModule.filter, where where FilterKeyBindingBuilder.through is called with a Class or Key.

If multiple patterns were specified, this will be called multiple times.

Class ServletModuleTargetVisitor, V visit(LinkedServletBinding)

Visits a servlet binding created by ServletModule.serve where where ServletKeyBindingBuilder.with, is called with a Class or Key.

If multiple patterns were specified, this will be called multiple times.

Class ServletScopes, Callable<T> continueRequest(Callable<T>, Map<Key<?>, Object>)

Wraps the given callable in a contextual callable that "continues" the the HTTP request in anotheranother thread. This acts as a way of transporting transporting request context data from the request processingprocessing thread to to worker worker threads.

There are some limitations:

The returned callable will throw a ScopingException when called called if the HTTP requestrequest scope is still active on the current thread. @param callable code to be executed in another thread, which depends on on the request scope. @param seedMap the initial set of scoped instances for Guice to seed the the request scope with. To To seed a key with null, use {@code null} as as the value. @return a callable that will invoke the given callable, making the request request context available to context available to it. @throws OutOfScopeException if this method is called from a non-request request thread, or if thethe request has completed. @since 3.0 @deprecated You probably want to use {@code transferRequest} instead

Class ServletScopes, boolean isRequestScoped(Binding<?>)

Returns true if {@code binding} is request-scoped. If the binding is a a linked key binding and and belongs to an injector (i. e. itit was retrieved via via Injector.getBinding()), then this method will also return true if the target binding is request-scoped. @since 4.0
Class ServletScopes, Callable<T> scopeRequest(Callable<T>, Map<Key<?>, Object>)

Scopes the given callable inside a request scope. This is not the same same as the HTTP requestrequest scope, but is used if no HTTP request scope is in in progress. In this way, keys can be scopedscoped as @RequestScoped and exist exist in non-HTTP requests (for example: RPC requests) as well as in HTTP request threads.

The returned callable will throw a ScopingException when called called if there is aa request scope already active on the current thread. @param callable code to be executed which depends on the request scope. Typically in another Typically in another thread, but not necessarily so. @param seedMap the initial set of scoped instances for Guice to seed the the request scope with. To To seed a key with null, use {@code null} as as the value. @return a callable that when called will run inside the a request scope scope that exposes the that exposes the instances in the {@code seedMap} as scoped keys. @since 3.0

Class ServletScopes, RequestScoper scopeRequest(Map<Key<?>, Object>)

Returns an object that will apply request scope to a block of code. This is is not the same as thethe HTTP request scope, but is used if no HTTP request request scope is in progress. In this way, keys cancan be scoped as @RequestScoped and and exist in non-HTTP requests (for example: RPC requests) as wellwell as in HTTP HTTP request threads.

The returned object will throw a ScopingException when opened opened if there is a requestrequest scope already active on the current thread. @param seedMap the initial set of scoped instances for Guice to seed the the request scope with. To To seed a key with null, use {@code null} as as the value. @return an object that when opened will initiate the request scope @since 4.1

Class ServletScopes, RequestScoper transferRequest()

Returns an object that "transfers" the request to another thread. This acts acts as a way ofof transporting request context data from the current thread to a a future thread. The transferredtransferred scope is the one active for the thread that that calls this method. A later call to {@code open()} activates the transferred transferred the scope, including propagating any objects scoped at that time.

As opposed to .continueRequest, this method propagates all all existing scoped objects. The primary use case is in server implementations implementations where you can detach the request processingprocessing thread while waiting for data, and reattach to a different thread to finish processing at aa later time.

Because request-scoped objects are not typically thread-safe, it is is important to avoidavoid applying the same request scope concurrently. The The returned Scoper will block on open until thethe current thread has released released the request scope. @return an object that when opened will initiate the request scope @throws OutOfScopeException if this method is called from a non-request request thread, or if thethe request has completed. @since 4.1

Class ServletScopes, Callable<T> transferRequest(Callable<T>)

Wraps the given callable in a contextual callable that "transfers" the the request to anotheranother thread. This acts as a way of transporting transporting request context data from the current thread to aa future thread.

As opposed to .continueRequest, this method propagates all all existing scoped objects. The primary use case is in server implementations implementations where you can detach the request processingprocessing thread while waiting for data, and reattach to a different thread to finish processing at aa later time.

Because request-scoped objects are not typically thread-safe, the the callable returned by thisthis method must not be run on a different thread thread until the current request scope has terminated. The returned callable will will block until the current thread has released the request scope. @param callable code to be executed in another thread, which depends on on the request scope. @return a callable that will invoke the given callable, making the request request context available to context available to it. @throws OutOfScopeException if this method is called from a non-request request thread, or if thethe request has completed. @since 4.0

Class UriPatternType

An enumeration of the available URI-pattern matching styles styles @since 3.0