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Changed Classes and Interfaces
MapBinder An API to bind multiple map entries separately, only to later inject them as a complete map.
MapBinderBinding A binding for a MapBinder.
MapKey Allows users define customized key type annotations for map bindings by annotating an annotation of a {@code Map}'s key type.
Multibinder An API to bind multiple values separately, only to later inject them as a complete collection.
MultibinderBinding A binding for a Multibinder.
MultibindingsScanner Scans a module for annotations that signal multibindings, mapbindings, and optional bindings.
MultibindingsTargetVisitor A visitor for the multibinder extension.
OptionalBinder An API to bind optional values, optionally with a default value.
OptionalBinderBinding A binding for a OptionalBinder.
ProvidesIntoMap Annotates methods of a Module to add items to a MapBinder.
ProvidesIntoOptional Annotates methods of a Module to add items to a Multibinder.
ProvidesIntoSet Annotates methods of a Module to add items to a Multibinder.