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Changed Classes and Interfaces
BindingScopingVisitor Visits each of the strategies used to scope an injection.
BindingTargetVisitor Visits each of the strategies used to find an instance to satisfy an injection.
ConstructorBinding A binding to the constructor of a concrete clss.
ConvertedConstantBinding A binding created from converting a bound instance to a new type.
DefaultBindingScopingVisitor No-op visitor for subclassing.
DefaultBindingTargetVisitor No-op visitor for subclassing.
DefaultElementVisitor No-op visitor for subclassing.
DependencyAndSource A combination of a Dependency and the source where the dependency was bound.
ElementSource Contains information about where and how an element was bound.
ElementVisitor Visit elements.
HasDependencies Implemented by bindings, providers and instances that expose their dependencies explicitly.
InjectionPoint A constructor, field or method that can receive injections.
InjectionRequest A request to inject the instance fields and methods of an instance.
InterceptorBinding Registration of interceptors for matching methods of matching classes.
MembersInjectorLookup A lookup of the members injector for a type.
Message An error message and the context in which it occured.
ModuleAnnotatedMethodScanner Allows extensions to scan modules for annotated methods and bind those methods as providers, similar to {@code @Provides} methods.
ModuleAnnotatedMethodScannerBinding Represents a call to Binder.scanModulesForAnnotatedMethods in a module.
ProviderInstanceBinding A binding to a provider instance.
ProviderLookup A lookup of the provider for a type.
ProviderWithExtensionVisitor A Provider that is part of an extension which supports a custom BindingTargetVisitor.
ProvidesMethodBinding An {@literal @}Provides binding or binding produced by a ModuleAnnotatedMethodScanner.
ProvidesMethodTargetVisitor A visitor for the {@literal @}Provides bindings.
ProvisionListener Listens for provisioning of objects.
ProvisionListener.ProvisionInvocation Encapsulates a single act of provisioning.
ScopeBinding Registration of a scope annotation with the scope that implements it.
StaticInjectionRequest A request to inject the static fields and methods of a type.
Toolable Instructs an Injector running in Stage.TOOL that a method should be injected.
TypeConverterBinding Registration of type converters for matching target types.
TypeEncounter Context of an injectable type encounter.
TypeListener Listens for Guice to encounter injectable types.