Reranker Framework (ReFr)
Reranking framework for structure prediction and discriminative language modeling
abstract-file-backed-feature-extractor.H | Provides the abstract reranker::AbstractFileBackedFeatureExtractor class, which makes it easy for concrete subclasses to extract features based on lines of a file |
basic-file-backed-feature-extractor.C | Provides the reranker::BasedFileBackedFeatureExtractor class |
basic-file-backed-feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::BasedFileBackedFeatureExtractor class |
candidate-set-iterator.H | Provides an interface and some implementations for iterating over CandidateSet instances |
candidate-set-proto-reader-test.C | Test driver for reader of reranker::CandidateSet messages |
candidate-set-proto-reader.C | Implementation for class that reads CandidateSetMessage instances and converts them to reranker::CandidateSet instances |
candidate-set-proto-reader.H | Reads CandidateSetMessage instances and converts them to reranker::CandidateSet instances |
candidate-set-proto-writer-test.C | Test driver for writer of reranker::CandidateSet messages |
candidate-set-proto-writer.C | Implementation for serializer for reranker::CandidateSet instances to CandidateSetMessage instances |
candidate-set-proto-writer.H | Serializer for reranker::CandidateSet instances to CandidateSetMessage instances |
candidate-set-reader.H | Class for reading streams of training or test instances, where each training or test instance is a reranker::CandidateSet object |
candidate-set-writer.H | Class for writing streams of training or test instances, where each training or test instance is a reranker::CandidateSet object |
candidate-set.C | Implementation of reranker::CandidateSet |
candidate-set.H | Class to hold a single training instance for a reranker, which is a set of examples, typically the n-best output of some input process, posibly including a gold-standard feature vector |
candidate.C | Candidate and Candidate::Comparator factory implementation |
candidate.H | Provides the reranker::Candidate class for representing a candidate hypothesis from an initial model |
compile-features.C | Definition for executable that reads in reranker::CandidateSet instances and either outputs all symbolic feature names, or else reads in a symbol table from file and compiles all feature vectors in each reranker::CandidateSet instance using that supplied symbol table, serializing the reranker::CandidateSet instances to stdout |
dot-product.H | Provides a dot product implementation of the reranker::KernelFunction interface |
environment-impl.C | Implementation of the Environment class |
environment-impl.H | Provides an environment for variables and their values, either primitive or Factory-constructible objects, or vectors thereof |
environment-test.C | Test driver for the Environment class |
environment.C | Contains the implementation of the static method to construct an empty Environment instance |
environment.H | Provides an interface for an Environment, which contains a map from variables of a specific type (primitives, Factory-constructible objects, or vectors thereof) to their values |
example-feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::ExampleFeatureExtractor class, which illustrates how to write a reranker::FeatureExtractor implementation |
executive-feature-extractor-test.C | Provides a unit test for the reranker::ExecutiveFeatureExtractor class |
executive-feature-extractor.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::ExecutiveFeatureExtractor interface |
executive-feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::ExecutiveFeatureExtractor class |
extract-features.C | Definition for executable that reads in reranker::CandidateSet instances from a stream and then runs feature extractors on those instances using an reranker::ExecutiveFeatureExtractor |
factory.C | Implementation of a generic dynamic object factory |
factory.H | Provides a generic dynamic object factory |
feature-extractor-test.C | Test driver for the reranker::FeatureExtractor and reranker::FeatureExtractorFactory classes |
feature-extractor.C | Feature extractor interface and factory implementation |
feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::FeatureExtractor interface |
feature-vector-reader.H | De-serializer for reranker::FeatureVector instances from FeatureVecMessage instances |
feature-vector-test.C | Test for the reranker::FeatureVector class |
feature-vector-writer.H | Serializer for reranker::FeatureVector instances to FeatureVecMessage instances |
feature-vector.H | Defines the reranker::FeatureVector class, which, as it happens, is used to store feature vectors |
file-backed-loss-setter.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::FileBackedLossSetter class |
file-backed-loss-setter.H | Provides the reranker::FileBackedLossSetter class |
file-backed-ngram-feature-extractor.C | Provides the reranker::FileBackedNgramFeatureExtractor class |
file-backed-ngram-feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::FileBackedNgramFeatureExtractor class | | A python program which will train a reranking model on a Hadoop cluster using the Iterative Parameter Mixtures perceptron training algorithm | | A set of utilities to help interface with Hadoop |
interpreter-test.C | Test driver for the Interpreter class |
interpreter.C | Interpreter implementation |
interpreter.H | Provides an interpreter for assigning primitives and Factory-constructible objects to named variables, as well as vectors thereof |
kernel-function.H | Provides the reranker::KernelFunction interface |
mira-style-model.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::MiraStyleModel reranker class |
mira-style-model.H | Provides the reranker::MiraStyleModel reranker class |
model-combine-shards.C | Combine the model shards output from the Model Merging Reducer |
model-combine-symbols.C | Combine the model symbols |
model-merge-reducer-main.C | MapReduce Reducer to merge the features from multiple models |
model-merge-reducer.C | MapReduce Reducer classes for model merging |
model-merge-reducer.H | Reducer classes for trainer |
model-proto-reader.C | Implementation for de-serializer for reranker::Model instances from ModelMessage instances |
model-proto-reader.H | Interface for de-serializer for reranker::Model instances from ModelMessage instances |
model-proto-writer.C | Implementation of factory for serializers of reranker::Model instances to ModelMessage instances |
model-proto-writer.H | Interface for serializer for reranker::Model instances to ModelMessage instances |
model-reader.H | Provides the ModelReader class, which can create Model instances from a file |
model.C | Model and model factory implementation |
model.H | Reranker model interface |
ngram-feature-extractor.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::NgramFeatureExtractor class |
ngram-feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::NgramFeatureExtractor class |
perceptron-model-proto-reader.C | Implementation of de-serializer for reranker::PerceptronModel instances from ModelMessage instances |
perceptron-model-proto-reader.H | De-serializer for reranker::PerceptronModel instances from ModelMessage instances |
perceptron-model-proto-writer.C | Implementation for serializer for reranker::PerceptronModel instances to ModelMessage instances |
perceptron-model-proto-writer.H | Serializer for reranker::PerceptronModel instances to ModelMessage instances |
perceptron-model-test.C | Test driver for training a reranker::PerceptronModel |
perceptron-model.C | Provides the reranker::PerceptronModel class implementation |
perceptron-model.H | Provides the reranker::PerceptronModel reranker class |
piped-model-evaluator.C | An executable that loads one or more development test files into memory and then continuously reads filenames from stdin , loading the Model instance from each file and evaluating on the development test data, printing the loss to stdout | | |
rank-feature-extractor.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::RankFeatureExtractor class |
rank-feature-extractor.H | Provides the reranker::RankFeatureExtractor class |
run-model.C | Definition for executable that reads in reranker::CandidateSet instances from a stream and then optionally runs feature extractors on those instances using an reranker::ExecutiveFeatureExtractor and, finally, trains or tests a model on those instances |
stream-init.H | Provides a generic dynamic object factory |
stream-tokenizer-test.C | Test driver for the Tokenizer class |
stream-tokenizer.C | Implementation of the StreamTokenizer class |
stream-tokenizer.H | Provides the StreamTokenizer class |
string-canonicalizer.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::StringCanonicalizer class |
string-canonicalizer.H | Provides the reranker::StringCanonicalizer class |
symbol-table.C | Provides the implementation of the reranker::StaticSymbolTable, which holds an ever-growing symbol table |
symbol-table.H | Provides the reranker::Symbols interface as well as the reranker::StaticSymbolTable implementation |
symbolize-model.C | Definition for executable that reads in a model and a symbol table for that model and then writes that model back out to a file again, ensuring that the symbol table is used to decompile any non-symbolic feature uid’s in the model |
tokenizer.H | Provides the Tokenizer class |
training-time.H | Provides the reranker::Time class, which holds the three notions of training time: current epoch, current time step within the current epoch and absolute time step |
training-vector-set.H | Provides the reranker::TrainingVectorSet class |