@blockly/suggested-blocks Built on Blockly

A Blockly plugin that suggests blocks for the user based on which blocks they've used already in the workspace.



yarn add @blockly/suggested-blocks


npm install @blockly/suggested-blocks --save


import * as Blockly from 'blockly/core';
import * as SuggestedBlocks from '@blockly/suggested-blocks';

const toolbox = {
  kind: 'categoryToolbox',
  contents: [
      kind: 'category',
      name: 'My Category',
      contents: [
        /* your category contents */
      kind: 'category',
      name: 'Frequently Used',
      custom: 'MOST_USED',
      categorystyle: 'frequently_used_category',
      kind: 'category',
      name: 'Recently Used',
      custom: 'RECENTLY_USED',
      categorystyle: 'recently_used_category',

// Inject Blockly.
const workspace = Blockly.inject('blocklyDiv', {
  toolbox: toolbox,

// Initialize the plugin


  • init: Initializes the suggested blocks categories in the toolbox. Takes several arguments:
    • workspace: The workspace to use the plugin with. If you have multiple workspaces, you need to register the plugin for each workspace separately, and the stats will be tracked separately.
    • numBlocksPerCategory (optional): The maximum number of blocks to show in each category. Defaults to 10.
    • waitForFinishedLoading (optional): Whether to wait for the Blockly.Events.FinishedLoading event before taking action on any new BlockCreate events. If you disable event firing while you load the initial state of the workspace, you'll need to set this to false, or the plugin will never place blocks in either category. By default, this value is true, so that events fired while loading initial serialized state do not affect the statistics. If you leave this value as true, you need to ensure the FinishedLoading event is always fired; if you don't call Blockly.serialization.workspaces.load when there is no saved state to load, you'll need to fire it yourself for this plugin to work correctly.


Apache 2.0