An open source project by
flatui | Namespace for FlatUI library |
details | |
FloatConverter | Converts from a mathfu::vector to a const float pointer and vice versa |
FloatConverter< float > | |
FloatConverter< mathfu::Vector< float, d > > | |
AnimCurveDescription | Describes a curve's typical shape |
Margin | Specifies the margins for a group, in units of virtual resolution |
FontFamily | A class holding font family information. The class provides various ways to support fonts such as a font collection (multiple fonts in a file), referencing a font by a famly name etc |
FontBufferParameters | This class that includes font buffer parameters. It is used as a key in the unordered_map to look up FontBuffer |
LinkInfo | HTML link href, and the location of the link text in FontBuffer |
FontMetrics | This class has additional properties for font metrics |
FontVertex | This struct holds all the font vertex data |
FontBufferAttributes | A structure holding attribute information of texts in a FontBuffer |
UnderlineInfo | |
FontBufferContext | Temporary buffers used while generating FontBuffer. Word boundary information. This information is used only with a typography layout with a justification |
GlyphInfo | This struct holds the glyph information that is used when re-creating a FontBuffer |
FontBuffer | This is used with the texture atlas rendering |
FontManager | FontManager manages font rendering with OpenGL utilizing freetype and harfbuzz as a glyph rendering and layout back end |
ScriptInfo | This struct holds the script information used for a text layout |
FontShader | Helper class to handle shaders for a font rendering. The class keeps a reference to a shader, and a location of uniforms with a fixed names. A caller is responsive not to call set_* APIs that specified shader doesn't support |