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Font Manager

Classes and methods for handling fonts. More...

Detailed Description

Classes and methods for handling fonts.


struct  flatui::FontFamily
 A class holding font family information. The class provides various ways to support fonts such as a font collection (multiple fonts in a file), referencing a font by a famly name etc. More...
class  flatui::FontBufferParameters
 This class that includes font buffer parameters. It is used as a key in the unordered_map to look up FontBuffer. More...
struct  flatui::LinkInfo
 HTML link href, and the location of the link text in FontBuffer. More...
class  flatui::FontMetrics
 This class has additional properties for font metrics. More...
struct  flatui::FontVertex
 This struct holds all the font vertex data. More...
class  flatui::FontBufferAttributes
 A structure holding attribute information of texts in a FontBuffer. More...
class  flatui::FontBufferContext
 Temporary buffers used while generating FontBuffer. Word boundary information. This information is used only with a typography layout with a justification. More...
struct  flatui::GlyphInfo
 This struct holds the glyph information that is used when re-creating a FontBuffer. More...
class  flatui::FontBuffer
 this is used with the texture atlas rendering. More...
class  flatui::FontManager
 FontManager manages font rendering with OpenGL utilizing freetype and harfbuzz as a glyph rendering and layout back end. More...
struct  flatui::ScriptInfo
 This struct holds the script information used for a text layout. More...


enum  flatui::TextLayoutDirection { kTextLayoutDirectionLTR = 0, kTextLayoutDirectionRTL = 1, kTextLayoutDirectionTTB = 2 }
 Specify how to layout texts. Default value is TextLayoutDirectionLTR.
enum  flatui::TextAlignment {
  kTextAlignmentLeft = 0, kTextAlignmentRight = 1, kTextAlignmentCenter = 2, kTextAlignmentJustify = 4,
  kTextAlignmentLeftJustify = kTextAlignmentJustify, kTextAlignmentRightJustify = kTextAlignmentJustify | kTextAlignmentRight, kTextAlignmentCenterJustify = kTextAlignmentJustify | kTextAlignmentCenter
 Alignment of the text. More...
enum  flatui::FontBufferStatus { kFontBufferStatusReady = 0, kFontBufferStatusNeedReconstruct = 1, kFontBufferStatusNeedCacheUpdate = 2 }
 A status of FontBuffer correspoinding current glyph cache contents. Enumerations: More...
enum  flatui::EllipsisMode { kEllipsisModeTruncateCharacter = 0, kEllipsisModeTruncateWord = 1 }
 A flag controlling appending behavior of the ellipsis. Enumerations: More...


const int32_t flatui::kFreeTypeUnit = 64
 Constant to convert FreeType unit to pixel unit. More...
const float flatui::kLineHeightDefault = 1.2f
 Default value for a line height factor. More...
const float flatui::kKerningScaleDefault = 1.0f
 Default value for a kerning scale factor. More...
const mathfu::vec2i flatui::kCaretPositionInvalid = mathfu::vec2i(-1, -1)
 A sentinel value representing an invalid caret position.
const int32_t flatui::kIndexInvalid = -1
const uint32_t flatui::kDefaultColor = 0xffffffff
const int32_t flatui::kVerticesPerGlyph = 4
const int32_t flatui::kIndicesPerGlyph = 6
 The number of vertices/indices per a glyph entry.
const int32_t flatui::kGlyphCacheWidth = 1024
 The default size of the glyph cache width.
const int32_t flatui::kGlyphCacheHeight = 1024
 The default size of the glyph cache height.
const int32_t flatui::kGlyphCacheMaxSlices = 4
 The default size of the max glyph cache slices. The number of cache slices grows up to the value.
const char *const flatui::kDefaultLanguage = "en"
 The default language used for a line break.
const char *const flatui::kSystemFont = ".SystemFont"
 A constant to spefify loading a system font. Used with OpenFont() and SelectFont() API Currently the system font is supported on iOS/macOS and Android only.
static const HashedId flatui::kSystemFontId = HashId(kSystemFont)

Enumeration Type Documentation

A flag controlling appending behavior of the ellipsis. Enumerations:

  • kEllipsisModeTruncateCharacter - Truncate characters to make a space.
  • kEllipsisModeTruncateWord - Truncate whole word to make a space.

A status of FontBuffer correspoinding current glyph cache contents. Enumerations:

  • kFontBufferStatusReady - The font buffer is ready to use.
  • kFontBufferStatusNeedReconstruct - The glyph cache has been flushed.
  • The font buffer needs to be reconstructed.
  • kFontBufferStatusNeedCacheUpdate - The glyph cache texture needs to be
  • uploaded.

Alignment of the text.

: Used for a typographic alignment in a label. The enumeration is different from flatui::Alignment as it supports justification setting. Note that in RTL layout direction mode, the setting is flipped. (e.g. kTextAlignmentLeft becomes kTextAlignmentRight) kTextAlignLeft/Right/CenterJustify variants specify how the last line is flushed left, right or centered.


  • kTextAlignmentLeft - Text is aligned to the left of the given area. Default setting.
  • kTextAlignmentRight - Text is aligned to the right of the given area.
  • kTextAlignmentCenter - Text is aligned to the center of the given area.
  • kTextAlignmentJustify - Text is 'justified'. Spaces between words are stretched to align both the left and right ends of each line of text.
  • kTextAlignmentLeftJustify - An alias of kTextAlignmentJustify. The last line of a paragraph is aligned to the left.
  • kTextAlignmentRightJustify - Text is 'justified'. The last line of a paragraph is aligned to the right.
  • kTextAlignmentCenterJustify - Text is 'justified'. The last line of a paragraph is aligned to the center.

For more detail of each settings, refer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographic_alignment

Variable Documentation

flatui::kFreeTypeUnit = 64

Constant to convert FreeType unit to pixel unit.

In FreeType & Harfbuzz, the position value unit is 1/64 px whereas configurable in FlatUI. The constant is used to convert FreeType unit to px.

flatui::kKerningScaleDefault = 1.0f

Default value for a kerning scale factor.

The kerning value is derived as the factor * kerning value retrieved from harfbuzz. To change the kerning scale, use SetKerningScale() API.

flatui::kLineHeightDefault = 1.2f

Default value for a line height factor.

The line height is derived as the factor * a font height. To change the line height, use SetLineHeightScale() API.