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public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

The entry point to the Guice framework. Creates Injectors from Modules.

Guice supports a model of development that draws clear boundaries between APIs, Implementations of these APIs, Modules which configure these implementations, and finally Applications which consist of a collection of Modules. It is the Application, which typically defines your main() method, that bootstraps the Guice Injector using the Guice class, as in this example:

     public class FooApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(
new ModuleA(),
new ModuleB(),
. . .
new FooApplicationFlagsModule(args)

// Now just bootstrap the application and you're done
FooStarter starter = injector.getInstance(FooStarter.class);


Public Methods
static Injector createInjector(Module... modules)
Creates an injector for the given set of modules.
static Injector createInjector(Stage stage, Module... modules)
Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development stage.
static Injector createInjector(Stage stage, Iterable<? extends Module> modules)
Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development stage.
static Injector createInjector(Iterable<? extends Module> modules)
Creates an injector for the given set of modules.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Injector createInjector (Module... modules)

Creates an injector for the given set of modules.

CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector construction

public static Injector createInjector (Stage stage, Module... modules)

Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development stage.

CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector creation.

public static Injector createInjector (Stage stage, Iterable<? extends Module> modules)

Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development stage.

CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector construction

public static Injector createInjector (Iterable<? extends Module> modules)

Creates an injector for the given set of modules.

CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector creation