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public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Static utility methods for creating and working with instances of Provider.


Public Methods
static <T> Provider<T> guicify(Provider<T> provider)
Returns a Guice-friendly for the given JSR-330 javax.inject.Provider.
static <T> Provider<T> of(T instance)
Returns a provider which always provides instance.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Provider<T> guicify (Provider<T> provider)

Returns a Guice-friendly for the given JSR-330 javax.inject.Provider. The converse method is unnecessary, since Guice providers directly implement the JSR-330 interface.

public static Provider<T> of (T instance)

Returns a provider which always provides instance. This should not be necessary to use in your application, but is helpful for several types of unit tests.

instance the instance that should always be provided. This is also permitted to be null, to enable aggressive testing, although in real life a Guice-supplied Provider will never return null.