All Classes and Interfaces

Interface modeling a builder funcction that accepts two parameters.
too niche
Logically, a BiCollector collects "pairs of things", just as a Collector collects "things".
Common utilities pertaining to BiCollector.
Similar to Iteration, but is used to iteratively generate() pairs into a lazy BiStream.
Generic binary search algorithm with support for and beyond sorted lists and arrays, in a fluent API.
Represents the search target that can be found through bisecting the double domain.
Represents the search target that can be found through bisecting the integer domain.
Represents the search target that can be found through bisecting the long integer domain.
Like a hash table, allows looking up comparable values by a key, except the lookup is through binary search instead of hashing.
Walker for binary tree topology (see Walker.inBinaryTree()).
An optional pair of values; either the pair is present with both values, or is absent with no value.
A class similar to Stream, but operating over a sequence of pairs of objects.
Builder for BiStream.
A predicate used to partition a BiStream into sub-groups of consecutive pairs.
Represents two unrelated or loosely-related things of type A and B.
Utility to break and convert input strings (normally identifier strings) in camelCase, UpperCamelCase, snake_case, UPPER_SNAKE_CASE and dash-case etc.
Immutable List implementation that supports O(1) concatenation.
A predicate of character.
A binary consumer that can throw checked exceptions.
A binary function that can throw checked exceptions.
A binary predicate that can throw checked exceptions.
A consumer that can throw checked exceptions.
A double-value consumer that can throw checked exceptions.
A function that can throw checked exceptions.
An int consumer that can throw checked exceptions.
A 64-bit long consumer that can throw checked exceptions.
A supplier that can throw checked exceptions.
Thrown when running into any unexpected cycle during traversal.
Utility class with one-stop Instant and ZonedDateTime parsing for all common date time strings, without needing a DateTimeFormatter:
Supports structured concurrency for the common case where all concurrent operations are required (as if you are running them sequentially).
Function to join two results from concurrent computation.
Function to join three results from concurrent computation.
Function to join four results from concurrent computation.
Function to join five results from concurrent computation.
A collector that expects a fixed number of input elements.
too niche
too niche
Facade class providing SafeQuery templates for GoogleSQL.
Walker for graph topology (see Walker.inGraph()).
Guava-specific Collectors and BiCollectors.
Please do not use it.
Represents a result of BinarySearch.
Transforms eager, recursive algorithms into lazy streams.
Encapsulates recursive iteration or a lazy block of code with side-effect.
A joiner (and Collector) that joins strings.
A 3-arg function of the signature of (T, T, T) -> R.
A 4-arg function of the signature of (T, T, T, T) -> R.
A 5-arg function of the signature of (T, T, T, T, T) -> R.
A 6-arg function of the signature of (T, T, T, T, T, T) -> R.
A 6-arg function of the signature of (T, T, T, T, T, T, T) -> R.
A 6-arg function of the signature of (T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T) -> R.
doesn't work well with futures, promises.
Utilities pertaining to Collection.
Static utilities pertaining to Collector in addition to relevant utilities in JDK and Guava.
Some additional utilities pertaining to Iterable.
Static utilities pertaining to Stream in addition to relevant utilities in JDK and Guava.
Additional utilities to help create Struct messages.
Additional utilities to help create Value and ListValue messages.
Utilities pertaining to Optional.
This class provides type-safe transition between 1-based Ordinal and 0-based indexes that are commonly used to index arrays and lists.
Utility to support structured concurrency for IO-bound subtasks of a single unit of work, while limiting the max concurrency.
A lookup table that stores prefix (a list of keys of type K) -> value mappings.
Builder of PrefixSearchTable.
Result of a previously evaluated condition.
Documents that the annotated class needs BigQuery client dependency and is part of the mug-bigquery artifact.
Documents that the annotated class needs Guava dependency and is part of the mug-guava artifact.
Documents that the annotated class needs Protobuf dependency and is part of the mug-protobuf artifact.
Immutable object that retries actions upon exceptions.
Represents a delay upon an event of type E prior to the retry attempt.
Retries based on return values.
A piece of provably-safe (from SQL injection) query string constructed by the combination of a compile-time string constant, other SafeQuery, safe literal values (booleans, enum constant names, numbers etc.), and/or mandatorily-quoted, auto-escaped string values.
An SPI class for subclasses to provide additional translation from placeholder values to safe query strings.
An injection-safe dynamic SQL, constructed using compile-time enforced templates.
An immutable selection of choices for implementing allowlists or denylists, supporting both limited and unlimited selections.
Parser for Selection.
The Dijkstra shortest path algorithm implemented as a lazy, incrementally-computed stream.
For lambdas that can throw SQLException.
A string parser to extract placeholder values from input strings according to a format string.
A functional SPI interface for custom interpolation.
A template that will produce instances of type T, after filling the template placeholders with the given variadic parameters.
A builder that supports building heterogeneous Struct more conveniently, while eliding most of the intermediary and verbose Value creation.
A helper that makes Structs and Values from POJOs.
SPI Used by ServiceLoader to plug in the executor used by Fanout.
Plugin priority from low to high.
Utilities for creating patterns that attempt to match a substring in an input string.
The style of the bounds of a match.
The result of successfully matching a Substring.Pattern against a string, providing access to the matched substring, to the parts of the string before and after it, and to copies with the matched substring removed or replaced.
A pattern that can be matched against a string, finding a single substring from it.
A substring pattern to be applied repeatedly on the input string, each time over the remaining substring after the previous match.
Annotates a method that uses a template string and fills the "{placeholder}"s in the template with arguments.
Used to annotate the template string parameter of a @TemplateFormatMethod method.
A simple unchecked wrapper of SQLException.
Implements generic graph and tree traversal algorithms (pre-order, post-order and breadth-first) as lazily evaluated streams, allowing infinite-size graphs.