#include "tensorstore/index_space/index_domain.h"
template <DimensionIndex Rank, ContainerKind CKind>
class tensorstore::IndexDomain;

Represents an index domain.

Index domains specify the bounds, implicit indicators, and optional labels for a list of dimensions. They are logically immutable and are inexpensive to copy.

Template Parameters:
DimensionIndex Rank

Specifies the rank at compile time, or dynamic_rank to indicate that the rank is determined at run time.

ContainerKind CKind

Specifies whether this owns an index domain (container), or merely holds an unowned reference to one (view).

Data members

constexpr const DimensionIndex static_rank = Rank;

Compile-time rank, or dynamic_rank if the rank is specified at run time.

constexpr const ContainerKind container_kind = CKind;

Specifies whether this owns an index domain (container), or merely holds an unowned reference to one (view).


using RankType = StaticOrDynamicRank<Rank>;

Type that represents the static or dynamic rank.



Constructs an invalid index domain.

explicit IndexDomain(RankType rank);

Constructs an unbounded domain with the specified rank.

explicit IndexDomain(span<const Index, Rank> shape);
explicit IndexDomain(const Index (&shape)[N]);

Constructs a domain with the specified shape.

explicit IndexDomain(BoxView<Rank> box);

Constructs a domain with the specified box.

explicit IndexDomain(const std::string_view (&labels)[N]);
explicit IndexDomain(span<const std::string_view, Rank> labels);
explicit IndexDomain(span<const std::string, Rank> labels);
explicit IndexDomain(span<const char*, Rank> labels);

Constructs an unbounded domain with the specified labels.

IndexDomain(const IndexDomain<OtherRank, OtherCKind>other);
IndexDomain(IndexDomain<OtherRank, OtherCKind>&other);

Converts from another compatible domain.

explicit IndexDomain(unchecked_t,
const IndexDomain<OtherRank, OtherCKind>other);
explicit IndexDomain(unchecked_t,
IndexDomain<OtherRank, OtherCKind>&other);

Converts from another domain (unchecked).


bool valid() const;

Returns true if this refers to a valid index domain.

RankType rank() const;

Returns the number of dimensions.

BoxView<Rank> box() const;

Returns the bounds of the domain.

span<const Index, Rank> origin() const;

Returns the vector of length rank() specifying the inclusive lower bound of each dimension.

span<const Index, Rank> shape() const;

Returns the vector of length rank() specifying the extent of each dimension.

span<const std::string, Rank> labels() const;

Returns the vector of length rank() specifying the dimension labels.

DimensionSet implicit_lower_bounds() const;

Returns the bit vector specifying for each dimension whether its lower bound is “implicit” (1) or “explicit” (0).

DimensionSet implicit_upper_bounds() const;

Returns the bit vector specifying for each dimension whether its upper bound is “implicit” (1) or “explicit” (0).

IndexDomainDimension<view> operator[](DimensionIndex i) const;

Returns the domain of dimension i.

IndexDomain<SubRank, container>
operator[](span<const DimensionIndex, SubRank> dims) const;
IndexDomain<SubRank, container>
operator[](const DimensionIndex (&dims)[SubRank]) const;

Returns a new domain in which dimension i is equal to dimension dims[i] of this domain.

Index num_elements() const;

Returns the number of elements in the domain.

IndexDomain<Rank> Transpose() const&;
IndexDomain<Rank> Transpose() &&;

Returns a new domain with the dimension order reversed.

Transpose(span<const DimensionIndex, Rank> permutation) const&;
Transpose(span<const DimensionIndex, Rank> permutation) &&;

Returns a new domain with the dimension order permuted.

Result<IndexTransform<InputRank, OutputRank, container>>
operator()(IndexTransform<InputRank, OutputRank, OtherCKind>
) const;

Slices an index transform by this index domain.

auto operator()(Transformable&transformable) const;

Applies the slicing operation defined by the overload of operator() defined above to an object with an associated index space that supports ApplyIndexTransform.

Friend functions

friend bool
operator==(const IndexDomainaconst IndexDomain<RankB, CKindB>b);
friend bool
operator!=(const IndexDomainaconst IndexDomain<RankB, CKindB>b);

Compares two index domains for equality.

friend PipelineResultType<IndexDomain&&, Func>
operator|(IndexDomain domainFunc&func);

“Pipeline” operator.

friend Result<IndexDomain<RankConstraint::And(Rank, OtherRank)>>
ApplyIndexTransform(BoxView<OtherRank> boxIndexDomain domain);

Restricts an index domain by a box of the same rank.

using tensorstore::IndexDomainView<Rank> = IndexDomain<Rank, view>;

Unowned view of an index domain.

constexpr bool tensorstore::IsIndexDomain<T>;

Bool-valued metafunction that evaluates to true if T is an instance of IndexDomain.

tensorstore::GetBoxDomainOf(const IndexDomain<Rank, CKind>domain);

Implements the HasBoxDomain concept for IndexDomain.

bool tensorstore::IsFinite(IndexDomainView<> domain);

Returns true if all dimensions of domain have finite bounds.

IndexDomain<Rank> tensorstore::WithImplicitDimensions(
IndexDomain<Rank, CKind> domain,
DimensionSet implicit_lower_bounds,
DimensionSet implicit_upper_bounds);

Returns a copy of domain with implicit_lower_bounds and implicit_upper_bounds set to the specified values.


tensorstore::MergeIndexDomains(IndexDomainView<> a,
IndexDomainView<> b);

Merges two index domains.

tensorstore::HullIndexDomains(IndexDomainView<> a,
IndexDomainView<> b);

Computes the hull of two index domains.

tensorstore::IntersectIndexDomains(IndexDomainView<> a,
IndexDomainView<> b);

Intersects two index domains.

tensorstore::ConstrainIndexDomain(IndexDomainView<> a,
IndexDomainView<> b);

Constrains index domain a by b.