#include "tensorstore/strided_layout.h"
explicit tensorstore::StridedLayout<Rank, OriginKind, CKind>::
StridedLayout(RankType rank,
const Indexshape,
const Indexbyte_strides);
template <ArrayOriginKind OKind = array_origin_kind>
requires (OKind == offset_origin)
explicit tensorstore::StridedLayout<Rank, OriginKind, CKind>::
StridedLayout(RankType rank,
const Indexorigin,
const Indexshape,
const Indexbyte_strides);

Constructs from the specified rank and origin/shape/byte_strides arrays.

RankType rank

Number of dimensions in the layout.

const Index *origin

Pointer to array of size rank specifying the origin.

const Index *shape

Pointer to array of size rank specifying the shape.

const Index *byte_strides

Pointer to array of size rank specifying the byte_strides.


array_origin_kind == offset_origin if origin is specified.