#include "tensorstore/kvstore/generation.h"
struct tensorstore::TimestampedStorageGeneration;

Combines a local timestamp with a StorageGeneration indicating the local time for which the generation is known to be current.



Constructs with an unspecified generation and infinite past timestamp.

TimestampedStorageGeneration(StorageGeneration generation,
absl::Time time);

Constructs from the specified generation and time.

Data members

StorageGeneration generation;

Storage generation.

absl::Time time = absl::InfinitePast();

Timestamp associated with generation.


bool unconditional() const;

Checks if time is equal to the infinite future value.

static TimestampedStorageGeneration Unconditional();

Returns a timestamped generation with unspecified generation and infinite future timestamp.

Friend functions

friend bool operator==(const TimestampedStorageGenerationa,
const TimestampedStorageGenerationb);
friend bool operator!=(const TimestampedStorageGenerationa,
const TimestampedStorageGenerationb);

Compares two timestamped generations for equality.

friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostreamosconst TimestampedStorageGenerationx);

Prints a debugging string representation to an std::ostream.