tensorstore.ocdbt.dump(base: KvStore, node: str | None = None, *, context: Context | None = None) Future[Any]

Dumps the internal representation of an OCDBT database.

base: KvStore

Base kvstore containing the OCDBT database.

node: str | None = None

Reference to the node or value to dump, of the form "<type>:<file-id>:<offset>:<length>" where <type> is one of "value", "btreenode", or "versionnode", as specified in a "location" field within the manifest, a B+tree node, or a version node. If not specified, the manifest is dumped.

context: Context | None = None

Context from which the Context.cache_pool and Context.data_copy_concurrency resources will be used. If not specified, a new default context is used.


The manifest or node representation as JSON (augmented to include byte strings), or the value as a byte string.


>>> store = ts.KvStore.open({
...     "driver": "ocdbt",
...     "config": {
...         "max_inline_value_bytes": 1
...     },
...     "base": "memory://"
... }).result()
>>> store["a"] = b"b"
>>> store["b"] = b"ce"
>>> manifest = ts.ocdbt.dump(store.base).result()
>>> manifest
{'config': {'compression': {'id': 'zstd'},
            'max_decoded_node_bytes': 8388608,
            'max_inline_value_bytes': 1,
            'uuid': '...',
            'version_tree_arity_log2': 4},
 'version_tree_nodes': [],
 'versions': [{'commit_time': ...,
               'generation_number': 1,
               'root': {'statistics': {'num_indirect_value_bytes': 0,
                                       'num_keys': 0,
                                       'num_tree_bytes': 0}},
               'root_height': 0},
              {'commit_time': ...,
               'generation_number': 2,
               'root': {'location': 'btreenode::d/...:0:35',
                        'statistics': {'num_indirect_value_bytes': 0,
                                       'num_keys': 1,
                                       'num_tree_bytes': 35}},
               'root_height': 0},
              {'commit_time': ...,
               'generation_number': 3,
               'root': {'location': 'btreenode::d/...:2:78',
                        'statistics': {'num_indirect_value_bytes': 2,
                                       'num_keys': 2,
                                       'num_tree_bytes': 78}},
               'root_height': 0}]}
>>> btree = ts.ocdbt.dump(
...     store.base, manifest["versions"][-1]["root"]["location"]).result()
>>> btree
{'entries': [{'inline_value': b'b', 'key': b'a'},
             {'indirect_value': 'value::d/...:0:2',
              'key': b'b'}],
 'height': 0}
>>> ts.ocdbt.dump(store.base,
...               btree["entries"][1]["indirect_value"]).result()