
The examples/rust/exercises contains exercises to implement an applet that behaves like a security key over UART.

The part-<n> directories contain the successive parts towards the final applet. You will need to modify those applets by fixing the different TODO comments. The exercise description is at the top of the src/lib.rs file.

The part-<n>-sol directories contain the solution for each part. You don't need to modify those applets. You can look at them for hints while working part-<n>.

The client directory contains a binary to communicate with the applet. You don't need to modify this binary. You can use it by running cargo run in that directory. In particular you can get help with cargo run -- help and run send specific requests to the applet with cargo run -- register foo for example.

The interface directory contains a library defining the interface between the applet and the client. You don't need to modify this library but you need to read its documentation. You will use it from the applet.

You can run an applet on the host runner with:

cargo xtask applet rust exercises/part-1 runner host --web