In this section, we will walk through the blink example in Rust. It will blink in order each LED of the board every second in an infinite loop (going back to the first LED after the last LED).

The number of LEDs available on the board is advertised by the led::count() function. We want to make sure there is at least one LED available:

    // Make sure there is at least one LED.
    let num_leds = led::count();
    assert!(num_leds > 0, "Board has no LEDs.");

We start the infinite loop cycling through all LEDs in order:

    // Cycle indefinitely through all LEDs in order.
    for led_index in (0 .. num_leds).cycle() {

Within the infinite loop (notice the indentation), we first turn on the current LED using the led::set() function:

        // Turn on the current LED.
        led::set(led_index, led::On);

We now wait for half a second because we want to blink each LED for one second which means half a second on and half a second off:

        // Wait before turning it off.

Finally, we repeat the same process but turning the LED off before looping to the next LED:

        // Turn it off and wait before turning on the next LED.
        led::set(led_index, led::Off);

The final code looks like this:


use core::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    // Make sure there is at least one LED.
    let num_leds = led::count();
    assert!(num_leds > 0, "Board has no LEDs.");

    // Cycle indefinitely through all LEDs in order.
    for led_index in (0 .. num_leds).cycle() {
        // Turn on the current LED.
        led::set(led_index, led::On);
        // Wait before turning it off.

        // Turn it off and wait before turning on the next LED.
        led::set(led_index, led::Off);


The host runner currently has 1 LED and prints its state on stdout as an info-level log. Eventually, the number of LEDs will be configurable and how they are represented will be improved (for example through some graphical interface).

To test the applet on the host runner, you'll thus need to use:

cargo xtask applet rust blink runner host --log=info

The --log=info flag specifies that we want info-level (or more severe) logging. By default, only errors are printed.