[xls/contrib] Tutorial: XLS[cc] memories.
This tutorial is aimed at walking you through usage of memories. Memories in this context refer to externally implemented SRAMs. The example given will be usage of a dual port "1 read 1 write" memory.
The channels tutorial should be followed as a prerequisite.
C++ Source
Create a source file test_memory.cc
template<typename T>
using InputChannel = __xls_channel<T, __xls_channel_dir_In>;
template<typename T>
using OutputChannel = __xls_channel<T, __xls_channel_dir_Out>;
template<typename T, int Size>
using Memory = __xls_memory<T, Size>;
class TestBlock {
InputChannel<int> in;
OutputChannel<int> out;
Memory<short, 32> store;
int addr = 0;
#pragma hls_top
void Run() {
const int next_addr = (addr + 1) & 0b11111;
store[addr] = in.read();
addr = next_addr;
Translate to IR
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/contrib/xlscc/xlscc test_memory.cc \
--block_from_class TestBlock --block_pb block.pb \
> test_memory.ir
Examine the metadata
The memory should appear in the resulting block block.pb
channels {
name: "in"
is_input: true
width_in_bits: 32
channels {
name: "out"
is_input: false
width_in_bits: 32
channels {
name: "store"
width_in_bits: 16
depth: 32
name: "TestBlock"
This block description information can be used to generate the RAM rewrites and IO constraints specified in later steps.
Optimize the IR with RAM rewrites
Create rewrites.textproto
with the following contents:
rewrites {
from_config {
depth: 32
to_config {
kind: RAM_1R1W
depth: 32
from_channels_logical_to_physical: {
key: "abstract_read_req"
value: "store_read_request"
from_channels_logical_to_physical: {
key: "abstract_read_resp"
value: "store_read_response"
from_channels_logical_to_physical: {
key: "abstract_write_req"
value: "store_write_request"
from_channels_logical_to_physical: {
key: "write_completion"
value: "store_write_response"
to_name_prefix: "store_"
Then run opt
with awareness of the RAM:
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/opt_main test_memory.ir --ram_rewrites_pb rewrites.textproto > test_memory.opt.ir
Generate Verilog with IO constraints
For this memory, we are assuming a fixed 1-cycle latency for reads and writes.
As such, we need to add these constraints to the codegen
command, in addition
to making it aware of the RAM rewrites, so that the correct ports are generated.
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/codegen_main test_memory.opt.ir \
--generator=pipeline \
--delay_model="sky130" \
--output_verilog_path=memory_test.v \
--module_name=memory_test \
--top=TestBlock_proc \
--reset=rst \
--reset_active_low=false \
--reset_asynchronous=false \
--reset_data_path=true \
--pipeline_stages=2 \
--flop_inputs=false \
--flop_outputs=false \
Below is a quick summary of the options.
This option informs codegen of the necessary information about the memory to generate the top level ports in the correct style. "ram" is the name prefix the ports will use.
Additional XLS[cc] examples.
For developers, it is possible to check if a specific feature is supported by checking translator_memory_test.cc for unit tests.