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Changed Methods
Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getAllBindings() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns a snapshot of this injector's bindings, both explicit and just-in-time.
Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getBindings() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns this injector's explicit bindings.
Binding<T> getExistingBinding(Key<T>) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the binding if it already exists, or null if does not exist.
Map<Class<Annotation>, Scope> getScopeBindings() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns a map containing all scopes in the injector.
Set<TypeConverterBinding> getTypeConverterBindings() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns a set containing all type converter bindings in the injector.
void injectMembers(Object) Documentation changed from old to new.
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of {@code instance}.
Injector createChildInjector(Iterable<Module>) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns a new injector that inherits all state from this injector.
MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral<T>) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the members injector used to inject dependencies into methods and fields on instances of the given type {@code T}.
MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(Class<T>) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the members injector used to inject dependencies into methods and fields on instances of the given type {@code T}.
Provider<T> getProvider(Class<T>) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given type.