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Class AbstractModule

A support class for Modules which reduces repetition and results in in a more readablereadable configuration. Simply extend this class, implement .configure(), and call the inheritedinherited methods which mirror those found in in Binder. For example:
 public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
   protected void configure() {
@author (Bob Lee)
Class AbstractModule, void bindInterceptor(Matcher<Class<?>>, Matcher<Method>, MethodInterceptor[])

@see Binder#bindInterceptor(,, org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor[])
Class AbstractModule, void bindListener(Matcher<TypeLiteral<?>>, TypeListener)

@see Binder#bindListener(, @since 2.0
Class AbstractModule, Stage currentStage()

@see Binder#currentStage() @since 2.0
Class AbstractModule, void requireBinding(Class<?>)

Adds a dependency from this module to {@code type}. When the injector is is created, Guice willwill report an error if {@code type} cannot be injected. Note that this requirement may be satisfiedsatisfied by implicit binding, such as as a public no-arguments constructor. @since 2.0
Class AbstractModule, void requireBinding(Key<?>)

Adds a dependency from this module to {@code key}. When the injector is is created, Guice willwill report an error if {@code key} cannot be injected. Note that this requirement may be satisfiedsatisfied by implicit binding, such as as a public no-arguments constructor. @since 2.0

Class Binder

Collects configuration information (primarily bindings) which will be be used to create anan Injector. Guice provides this object to your your application's Module implementors soso they may each contribute contribute their own bindings and other registrations.

The Guice Binding EDSL

Guice uses an embedded domain-specific language, or EDSL, to help you you create bindingsbindings simply and readably. This approach is great for overall overall usability, but it does come with a smallsmall cost: it is difficult to to learn how to use the Binding EDSL by reading reading method-levellevel javadocs. Instead, you should consult the series of of examples below. To save space, thesethese examples omit the opening opening {@code binder}, just as you will if your module extends extends AbstractModule.
This statement does essentially nothing; it "binds the {@code ServiceImpl} class to itself" andand does not change Guice's default behavior. You may still still want to use this if you prefer youryour Module class to serve as an an explicit manifest for the services it provides. Also, in rare cases, Guice may be unable to validate a binding at injector creation time unless it isit is given explicitly.
Specifies that a request for a {@code Service} instance with no binding binding annotations should bebe treated as if it were a request for a a {@code ServiceImpl} instance. This overrides thethe function of any any @ImplementedBy or @ProvidedBy annotations found on {@code Service}, since Guice will have already already "moved on" to {@codecode ServiceImpl} before it reaches the point when it starts starts looking for these annotations.
In this example, {@code ServiceProvider} must extend or implement implement {@code Provider}. ThisThis binding specifies that Guice should resolve resolve an unannotated injection request for {@code Service} by first resolving an an instance of {@code ServiceProvider} in the regular way, then calling calling get() on the resulting Provider instance to obtain the the {@code Service} instance.

The Provider you use here does not have to be a "factory"; that that is, a provider whichwhich always creates each instance it provides. However, this is generally a good practice toto follow. You can then use use Guice's concept of scopes to guide when creation shouldshould happen happen -- "letting Guice work for you".

Like the previous example, but only applies to injection requests that use use the binding annotationannotation {@code @Red}. If your module also includes bindings bindings for particular values of thethe {@code @Red} annotation (see below), then this binding will serve as a "catch-all" for any valuesvalues of {@code @Red} that have no exact match in the bindings.
     // or, alternatively
Either of these statements places the {@code ServiceImpl} class into into singleton scope. Guice willwill create only one instance of {@code ServiceImpl} and will reuse it for all injection requests ofof this type. Note that it is is still possible to bind another instance of {@code ServiceImpl} if thethe second second binding is qualified by an annotation as in the previous example. Guice is is not overlyoverly concerned with preventing you from creating multiple multiple instances of your "singletons", onlyonly with enabling your application to to share only one instance if that's all you tell Guice youyou need.

Note: a scope specified in this way overrides any scope that that was specified withwith an annotation on the {@code ServiceImpl} class.

Besides Singleton/Scopes.SINGLETON, there are are servlet-specific scopesscopes available in in {@code}, and your Modules can can contributecontribute their own custom scopes for use here as well.

     bind(new TypeLiteral<PaymentService<CreditCard>>() {})
This admittedly odd construct is the way to bind a parameterized type. It It tells Guice how toto honor an injection request for an element of type type {@code PaymentService}. The class {@code CreditCardPaymentService} must implement the the {@code PaymentService} interface. Guice cannot currently bind or or inject a generic type, such as {@code Set}; all type parametersparameters must be be fully specified.
     bind(Service.class).toInstance(new ServiceImpl());
     // or, alternatively
In this example, your module itself, not Guice, takes responsibility responsibility for obtaining aa {@code ServiceImpl} instance, then asks Guice to always use use this single instance to fulfill allall {@code Service} injection requests. When When the Injector is created, it will automaticallyautomatically perform field field and method injection for this instance, but any injectable constructor on on {@codecode ServiceImpl} is simply ignored. Note that using this approach results results in "eager loading" behaviorbehavior that you can't control.
Sets up a constant binding. Constant injections must always be annotated. When a constantconstant binding's value is a string, it is eligile for conversion to to all primitive types, to all enums, and to to class literals. ConversionsConversions for other types can be be configured using convertToTypes().
   {@literal @}Color("red") Color red; // A member variable (field)
    . . .
     red = MyModule.class.getDeclaredField("red").getAnnotation(Color.class);
If your binding annotation has parameters you can apply different bindings to to different specificspecific values of your annotation. Getting your hands on the the right instance of the annotation is a bit ofof a pain -- one approach, shown shown above, is to apply a prototype annotation to a field in your modulemodule class, so so that you can read this annotation instance and give it to Guice.
Differentiating by names is a common enough use case that we provided a a standard annotation, @Named. Because of of Guice's library support, binding by namename is quite easier than in the the arbitrary binding annotation case we just saw. However, remember that these that these names will live in a single flat namespace with all the other names used in in youryour application.
     Constructor loneCtor = getLoneCtorFromServiceImplViaReflection();
In this example, we directly tell Guice which constructor to use in a concrete concrete classclass implementation. It means that we do not need to place {@literal @}Inject Inject on any of thethe constructors and that Guice treats the provided constructor as though though it were annotated so. It isis useful for cases where you cannot modify existing existing classes and is a bit simpler than using aa Provider.

The above list of examples is far from exhaustive. If you can think of of how the concepts of oneone example might coexist with the concepts from another, you can most likely weave the two together. If the two concepts make no no sense with each other, you most likely won't be able to do it. In a few a few cases Guice will let something bogus slip by, and will then inform you of of the problems atat runtime, as soon as you try to create your Injector.

The other methods of Binder such as .bindScope, .bindInterceptor, .install, .requestStaticInjection, .addError and .currentStage are notnot part of the Binding EDSL; you can learn how to use these in the usual way, from the method documentation. @author (Bob Lee) @author (Jesse Wilson) @author (Kevin Bourrillion)

Class Binder, void addError(String, Object[])

Records an error message which will be presented to the user at a later later time. Unlike throwingthrowing an exception, this enable us to continue continue configuring the Injector and discover more errors. Uses String.format(String, Object[]) to insert the arguments into the the message.
Class Binder, void addError(Throwable)

Records an exception, the full details of which will be logged, and the the message of which willwill be presented to the user at a later later time. If your Module calls something that you worry maymay fail, you should should catch the exception and pass it into this.
Class Binder, void bindInterceptor(Matcher<Class<?>>, Matcher<Method>, MethodInterceptor[])

Binds method interceptor[s] to methods matched by class and method matchers. A method is eligible for interception if: @param classMatcher matches classes the interceptor should apply to. For For example: {@codecode only(Runnable.class)}. @param methodMatcher matches methods the interceptor should apply to. For For example: {@codecode annotatedWith(Transactional.class)}. @param interceptors to bind. The interceptors are called in the order they they are given.
Class Binder, void bindListener(Matcher<Binding<?>>, ProvisionListener[])

Registers listeners for provisioned objects. Guice will notify the the listeners just before andand after the object is provisioned. Provisioned Provisioned objects that are also injectable (everythingeverything except objects provided provided through Providers) can also be notified through TypeListenersTypeListeners registered in in .bindListener. @param bindingMatcher that matches bindings of provisioned objects the listener listener should be should be notified of @param listeners for provisioned objects matched by bindingMatcher bindingMatcher @since 4.0
Class Binder, void convertToTypes(Matcher<TypeLiteral<?>>, TypeConverter)

Binds a type converter. The injector will use the given converter to to convert string constantsconstants to matching types as needed. @param typeMatcher matches types the converter can handle @param converter converts values @since 2.0
Class Binder, void disableCircularProxies()

Prevents Guice from injecting dependencies that form a cycle, unless broken by a a Provider. By default, circular dependencies are not disabled.

If a parent injector disables circular dependencies, then all child injectors (and private modules within that injector) also disable circular dependencies. If a parent does not disable circular dependencies, a child injector or private module may optionally declare itself as disabling circular dependencies. If it does, the behavior is limited only to that child or any grandchildren. No siblings of the child will disable circular dependencies. @since 3.0

Class Binder, Provider<T> getProvider(Class<T>)

Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given injection type. The returnedreturned provider will not be valid until the Injector has been been created. The provider will throwthrow an {@code IllegalStateException} if you you try to use it beforehand. @since 2.0
Class Binder, Provider<T> getProvider(Dependency<T>)

Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given injection key. The returnedreturned provider will be attached to the injection point and will will follow the nullability specified inin the dependency. Additionally, the returned provider will not be valid until the Injector has been created. The provider will throw an {@code IllegalStateException} if you tryyou try to use it beforehand. @since 4.0
Class Binder, Provider<T> getProvider(Key<T>)

Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given injection key. The returnedreturned provider will not be valid until the Injector has been been created. The provider will throwthrow an {@code IllegalStateException} if you you try to use it beforehand. @since 2.0
Class Binder, PrivateBinder newPrivateBinder()

Creates a new private child environment for bindings and other configuration. The returned binder can be used to add and configuration information in this environment. See PrivateModule for details. @return a binder that inherits configuration from this binder. Only exposed configuration on the returned binder will be visible to this binder. @since 2.0
Class Binder, void requestInjection(Object)

Upon successful creation, the Injector will inject instance fields fields and methods of thethe given object. @param instance for which members will be injected @since 2.0
Class Binder, void requestInjection(TypeLiteral<T>, T)

Upon successful creation, the Injector will inject instance fields fields and methods of thethe given object. @param type of instance @param instance for which members will be injected @since 2.0
Class Binder, void requestStaticInjection(Class[])

Upon successful creation, the Injector will inject static fields fields and methods in thethe given classes. @param types for which static members will be injected
Class Binder, void requireAtInjectOnConstructors()

Requires that a {@literal @}Inject annotation exists on a constructor in order for Guice to consider it an eligible injectable class. By default, Guice will inject classes that have a no-args constructor if no {@literal @}Inject annotation exists on any constructor.

If the class is bound using LinkedBindingBuilder.toConstructor, Guice will still inject still inject that constructor regardless of annotations. @since 4.0

Class Binder, void requireExactBindingAnnotations()

Requires that Guice finds an exactly matching binding annotation. This disables the the error-proneprone feature in Guice where it can substitute a binding for for {@literal @}Named Foo whenwhen attempting to inject inject {@literal @}Named("foo") Foo. @since 4.0
Class Binder, void requireExplicitBindings()

Instructs the Injector that bindings must be listed in a Module in order to to be injected. Classes that are not explicitly bound in a module cannot be be injected. Bindings created throughthrough a linked binding binding (bind(Foo.class).to(FooImpl.class)) are allowed, but the the implicitimplicit binding (FooImpl) cannot be directly injected unless unless it is also explicitly bound ( bind(FooImpl.class)).

Tools can still retrieve bindings for implicit bindings (bindings created created through a linkedlinked binding) if explicit bindings are required, however however Binding.getProvider will fail.

By default, explicit bindings are not required.

If a parent injector requires explicit bindings, then all child injectors injectors (and privateprivate modules within that injector) also require explicit bindings. If a parent does not requirerequire explicit bindings, a child injector or private private module may optionally declare itself asas requiring explicit bindings. If it it does, the behavior is limited only to that child or anyany grandchildren. No No siblings of the child will require explicit bindings.

In the absence of an explicit binding for the target, linked bindings in in child injectorsinjectors create a binding for the target in the parent. Since this this behavior can be surprising, it causescauses an error instead if explicit bindings bindings are required. To avoid this error, add an explicitexplicit binding for the target, either in the child or the parent. @since 3.0

Class Binder, Binder skipSources(Class[])

Returns a binder that skips {@code classesToSkip} when identify the the calling code. The caller'ss StackTraceElement is used to locate locate the source of configuration errors. @param classesToSkip library classes that create bindings on behalf of of their clients. @return a binder that shares its configuration with this binder. @since 2.0
Class Binder, Binder withSource(Object)

Returns a binder that uses {@code source} as the reference location for for configuration errors. This is typically a StackTraceElement for {@code .java} source but it could any bindingbinding source, such as the the path to a {@code .properties} file. @param source any object representing the source location and has a a concise toString() value @return a binder that shares its configuration with this binder @since 2.0

Class Binding

A mapping from a key (type and optional annotation) to the strategy for getting instances of the type. This interface is part of the introspection API and is intended primarily for use by tools.

Bindings are created in several ways:

They exist on both modules and on injectors, and their behaviour is different for each:

@param the bound type. The injected is always assignable to this type. @author (Bob Lee) @author (Jesse Wilson)
Class Binding, Provider<T> getProvider()

Returns the scoped provider guice uses to fulfill requests for this this binding. @throws UnsupportedOperationException when invoked on a Binding created via This This method is only supported on Bindings returned from an injector.

Class BindingAnnotation

Annotates annotations which are used for binding. Only one such annotation annotation may apply to a singlesingle injection point. You must also annotate binder binder annotations with {@code @Retention(RUNTIME)}. ForFor example:
   {@code @}Retention(RUNTIME)
   {@code @}Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD })
   {@code @}BindingAnnotation
   public {@code @}interface Transactional {}
@author (Bob Lee)

Class ConfigurationException, E getPartialValue()

Returns a value that was only partially computed due to this exception. The caller can use thisuse this while collecting additional configuration problems. @return the partial value, or {@code null} if none was set. The type of the partial value is specified by the throwing method.

Class Guice

The entry point to the Guice framework. Creates Injectors from from Modules.

Guice supports a model of development that draws clear boundaries between between APIs, Implementations of these APIs, Modules which configure these these implementations, and finallyfinally Applications which consist of a collection of of Modules. It is the Application, which typicallytypically defines your {@code main()} method, that bootstraps the Guice Injector using the {@code Guice} class, as as in this example:

     public class FooApplication {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
         Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(
             new ModuleA(),
             new ModuleB(),
             . . .
             new FooApplicationFlagsModule(args)

         // Now just bootstrap the application and you're done
         FooStarter starter = injector.getInstance(FooStarter.class);
Class Guice, Injector createInjector(Iterable<Module>)

Creates an injector for the given set of modules. This is equivalent to to calling .createInjector(Stage, Iterable) with Stage.DEVELOPMENT. @throws CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector injector creation
Class Guice, Injector createInjector(Module[])

Creates an injector for the given set of modules. This is equivalent to to calling .createInjector(Stage, Module...) with Stage.DEVELOPMENT. @throws CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector injector construction
Class Guice, Injector createInjector(Stage, Iterable<Module>)

Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development development stage. @throws CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector injector construction
Class Guice, Injector createInjector(Stage, Module[])

Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development development stage. @throws CreationException if one or more errors occur during injector injector creation.

Class Inject

Annotates members of your implementation class (constructors, methods methods and fields) into which thethe Injector should inject values. The Injector fulfills injection requests for: In all cases, a member can be injected regardless of its Java access access specifier (private, default, protected, public). @author (Bob Lee)

Class Injector, Injector createChildInjector(Iterable<Module>)

Returns a new injector that inherits all state from this injector. All bindings, scopes, interceptors and type converters are inherited -- they are visible to the child injector. Elements of the child injector are not visible to its parent.

Just-in-time bindings created for child injectors will be created in an ancestor injector whenever possible. This allows for scoped instances to be shared between injectors. Use explicit bindings to prevent bindings from being shared with the parent injector. Optional injections in just-in-time bindings (created in the parent injector) may be silently silently ignored ifif the optional dependencies are from the child injector.

No key may be bound by both an injector and one of its ancestors. This includes just-in-time bindings. The lone exception is the key for {@code Injector.class}, which is bound by each injector to itself. @since 2.0

Class Injector, Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getAllBindings()

Returns a snapshot of this injector's bindings, both explicit and just-in-time. The returned map is immutable; it contains only the bindings that were present when {@code getAllBindings()} was invoked. Just-in-time bindings are only present if they have been requested at least once. Subsequent calls may return a map with additionalwith additional just-in-time bindings.

The returned map does not include bindings inherited from a parent injector, should one exist.

This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools and extensions. @since 3.0

Class Injector, Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getBindings()

Returns this injector's explicit bindings.

The returned map does not include bindings inherited from a parent injector, should one exist. The returned map is guaranteed to iterate (for example, with itswith its Map.entrySet() iterator) in the order of insertion. In other words, the order in in whichwhich bindings appear in user Modules.

This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools and extensions.

Class Injector, Binding<T> getExistingBinding(Key<T>)

Returns the binding if it already exists, or null if does not exist. Unlike Unlike .getBinding(Key), this does not attempt to create just-in-time bindings bindings for keys that aren'tt bound.

This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools and extensions. @since 3.0

Class Injector, MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(Class<T>)

Returns the members injector used to inject dependencies into methods and fields on instances of the given type {@code T}. When feasible, use Binder.getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral) instead to get increased up front error detection. @param type type to get members injector for @see Binder#getMembersInjector(Class) for an alternative that offers up front error error detection @since 2.0
Class Injector, MembersInjector<T> getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral<T>)

Returns the members injector used to inject dependencies into methods and fields on instances of the given type {@code T}. @param typeLiteral type to get members injector for @see Binder#getMembersInjector(TypeLiteral) for an alternative that offers up front error detection @since 2.0
Class Injector, Provider<T> getProvider(Class<T>)

Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given type. When feasible, avoid usingavoid using this method, in favor of having Guice inject your dependencies ahead of time. @throws ConfigurationException if this injector cannot find or create the provider. @see Binder#getProvider(Class) for an alternative that offers up front error detection
Class Injector, Map<Class<Annotation>, Scope> getScopeBindings()

Returns a map containing all scopes in the injector. The maps keys are scoping annotations likeannotations like {@code Singleton.class}, and the values are scope instances, such as {@code code Scopes.SINGLETON}. The returned map is immutable.

This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools and extensions. @since 3.0

Class Injector, Set<TypeConverterBinding> getTypeConverterBindings()

Returns a set containing all type converter bindings in the injector. The returned set is immutable.

This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools and extensions. @since 3.0

Class Injector, void injectMembers(Object)

Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of {@code instance}. Ignores the presence or absence of an injectable constructor.

Whenever Guice creates an instance, it performs this injection automatically (after first performing constructor injection), so if you're able to let Guice create all your objects for you, you'll never need to use this method. @param instance to inject members on on @see Binder#getMembersInjector(Class) for a preferred alternative that supports checks before run time

Class Key

Binding key consisting of an injection type and an optional annotation. Matches the type andand annotation at a point of injection.

For example, {@code Key.get(Service.class, Transactional.class)} will will match:

   {@literal @}Inject
   public void setService({@literal @}Transactional Service service) {

{@code Key} supports generic types via subclassing just like TypeLiteral.

Keys do not differentiate between primitive types (int, char, etc.) and and their correspondingcorresponding wrapper types (Integer, Character, etc.). Primitive Primitive types will be replaced with their wrapperwrapper types when keys are created. @author (Bob Lee)

Class Key, constructor Key()

Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter.

Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type type parameter in thethe anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it it at runtime despite erasure.

Example usage for a binding of type {@code Foo}:

{@code new Key() {}}.

Class Key, constructor Key(Annotation)

Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter.

Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type type parameter in thethe anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it it at runtime despite erasure.

Example usage for a binding of type {@code Foo} annotated with with {@code @Bar}:

{@code new Key(new Bar()) {}}.

Class Key, constructor Key(Class<Annotation>)

Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter.

Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type type parameter in thethe anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it it at runtime despite erasure.

Example usage for a binding of type {@code Foo} annotated with with {@code @Bar}:

{@code new Key(Bar.class) {}}.

Class Key, Key<T> ofType(Class<T>)

Returns a new key of the specified type with the same annotation as this this key. @since 3.0
Class Key, Key<?> ofType(Type)

Returns a new key of the specified type with the same annotation as this this key. @since 3.0
Class Key, Key<T> ofType(TypeLiteral<T>)

Returns a new key of the specified type with the same annotation as this this key. @since 3.0
Class Key, Key<T> withoutAttributes()

Returns this key without annotation attributes, i.e. with only the the annotation type. @since 3.0

Class MembersInjector

Injects dependencies into the fields and methods on instances of type {@code T}. Ignores the presence or absence of an injectable constructor. @param type to inject members of of @author (Bob Lee) @author (Jesse Wilson) @since 2.0

Class Module

A module contributes configuration information, typically interface interface bindings, which will be usedused to create an Injector. A Guice-based based application is ultimately composed of little moremore than a set of of {@code Module}s and some bootstrapping code.

Your Module classes can use a more streamlined syntax by extending extending AbstractModule rather than implementing this interface directly.

In addition to the bindings configured via .configure, bindings bindings will be created forfor all methods annotated with {@literal @}Provides. Use scope and binding annotations onon these methods to configure the the bindings.

Class OutOfScopeException

Thrown from Provider.get when an attempt is made to access a scoped scoped object while thethe scope in question is not currently active. @author (Kevin Bourrillion) @since 2.0

Class PrivateBinder

Returns a binder whose configuration information is hidden from its environment by default. See PrivateModule for details. @author (Jesse Wilson) @since 2.0
Class PrivateBinder, AnnotatedElementBuilder expose(Class<?>)

Makes a binding for {@code type} available to the enclosing environment. Use annotatedWith() toto expose {@code type} with a a binding annotation.

Class PrivateModule

A module whose configuration information is hidden from its environment by default. Only bindings that are explicitly exposed will be available to other modules and to the users of the injector. This module may expose the bindings it creates and the bindings of the modules it installs.

A private module can be nested within a regular module or within another private module using install(). Its bindings live in a new environment that inherits bindings, type converters, scopes, and interceptors from the surrounding ("parent") environment. When you nest multiple private modules, the result is a tree of environments where the injector's environment is the root.

Guice EDSL bindings can be exposed with expose(). {@literal @}Provides bindings can be exposed with the {@literal @}Exposed annotation:

 public class FooBarBazModule extends PrivateModule {
   protected void configure() {

     install(new TransactionalBarModule());

     install(new MoreImplementationDetailsModule());

   {@literal @}Provides {@literal @}Exposed
   public Baz provideBaz() {
     return new SuperBaz();

Private modules are implemented using parent injectors. When it can satisfy their dependencies, just-in-time bindings will be created in the root environment. Such bindings are shared among all environments in the tree.

The scope of a binding is constrained to its environment. A singleton bound in a private module will be unique to its environment. But a binding for the same type in a different private module will yield a different instance.

A shared binding that injects the {@code Injector} gets the root injector, which only has access to bindings in the root environment. An explicit binding that injects the {@code Injector} gets access to all bindings in the child environment.

To promote a just-in-time binding to an explicit binding, bind it:

@author (Jesse Wilson) @since 2.0
Class PrivateModule, void bindInterceptor(Matcher<Class<?>>, Matcher<Method>, MethodInterceptor[])

@see Binder#bindInterceptor(,, org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor[])
Class PrivateModule, void convertToTypes(Matcher<TypeLiteral<?>>, TypeConverter)

@see Binder#convertToTypes(,

Class Provider

An object capable of providing instances of type {@code T}. Providers are used in numerous ways by Guice: @param the type of object this provides provides @author (Bob Lee)
Class Provider, T get()

Provides an instance of {@code T}. Must never return {@code null}. @throws OutOfScopeException when an attempt is made to access a scoped object while the scope in question is not currently active @throws ProvisionException if an instance cannot be provided. Such exceptions include messages and throwables to describe why provision failed.

Class ProvisionException

Indicates that there was a runtime failure while providing an instance. @author (Kevin Bourrillion) @author (Jesse Wilson) @since 2.0

Class Scope

A scope is a level of visibility that instances provided by Guice may have. By default, anan instance created by the Injector has no scope, meaning it has no state from thethe framework's perspective -- the the {@code Injector} creates it, injects it once into the class thatthat required it, and then immediately forgets it. Associating a scope with a particular bindingparticular binding allows the created instance to be "remembered" and possibly used used again for other injections.

An example of a scope is Scopes.SINGLETON. @author (Bob Lee)

Class Scope, Provider<T> scope(Key<T>, Provider<T>)

Scopes a provider. The returned provider returns objects from this scope. If an object does notnot exist in this scope, the provider can use the given given unscoped provider to retrieve one.

Scope implementations are strongly encouraged to override override Object.toString in thethe returned provider and include the backing backing provider's {@code toString()} output. @param key binding key @param unscoped locates an instance when one doesn't already exist in this this scope. @return a new provider which only delegates to the given unscoped provider provider when an instance ofof the requested object doesn't already exist in this this scope

Class Scope, String toString()

A short but useful description of this scope. For comparison, the standard standard scopes that shipship with guice use the descriptions descriptions {@code "Scopes.SINGLETON"}, {@code "ServletScopes.SESSION"} and {@code "ServletScopes.REQUEST"}.

Class ScopeAnnotation

Annotates annotations which are used for scoping. Only one such annotation annotation may apply to a singlesingle implementation class. You must also annotate scope scope annotations with {@code @Retention(RUNTIME)}. For example:
   {@code @}Retention(RUNTIME)
   {@code @}Target(TYPE, METHOD)
   {@code @}ScopeAnnotation
   public {@code @}interface SessionScoped {}
@author (Bob Lee)

Class Scopes, boolean isCircularProxy(Object)

Returns true if the object is a proxy for a circular dependency, constructed by Guice becausebecause it encountered a circular dependency. Scope Scope implementations should be careful to not cachecache circular proxies, because the proxies are not intended for general purpose use. (They are designed just to fulfill the immediate injection, not all injections. Caching them can lead toto IllegalArgumentExceptions or ClassCastExceptions.) @since 4.0
Class Scopes, Scope NO_SCOPE

No scope; the same as not applying any scope at all. Each time the the Injector obtains an instanceinstance of an object with "no scope", it injects this this instance then immediately forgets it. When thethe next request for the same same binding arrives it will need to obtain the instance over again.

This exists only in case a class has been annotated with a scope scope annotation such as @Singleton, and you need to override override this to "no scope" in your binding. @since 2.0

Class Singleton

Apply this to implementation classes when you want only one instance instance (per Injector) to bebe reused for all injections for that binding. @author (Bob Lee)

Class TypeLiteral

Represents a generic type {@code T}. Java doesn't yet provide a way to to represent generic types, so this class does. Forces clients to create a a subclass of this class which enables retrieval of the type information even at at runtime.

For example, to create a type literal for {@code List}, you can can create an emptyempty anonymous inner class:

{@code TypeLiteral> list = new TypeLiteral>() {};}

Along with modeling generic types, this class can resolve type parameters. For example, toto figure out what type {@code keySet()} returns on a {@code code Map}, use this code:


 TypeLiteral> mapType
       = new TypeLiteral>() {};
   TypeLiteral<> keySetType
       = mapType.getReturnType(Map.class.getMethod("keySet"));
   System.out.println(keySetType); // prints "Set"
@author (Bob Lee) @author (Jesse Wilson)
Class TypeLiteral, constructor TypeLiteral()

Constructs a new type literal. Derives represented class from type type parameter.

Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type type parameter in thethe anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it it at runtime despite erasure.

Class TypeLiteral, Class<? super T> getRawType()

Returns the raw (non-generic) type for this type. @since 2.0