AbsInt, start
absolute time, limiting dependence on, start-end
abstract interpretation, start
access control lists (ACLs)
- advanced authorization controls, start
- data isolation and, start
- graceful degradation and, start
- key isolation and, start
- safe proxies and, start
access controls
- designing for recovery, start
- Google's corporate network and, start
- understandability and, start
access denials, start
accidental errors, recovery from, start
accountability, risk taking and, start
ACLs, start
active entities, defined, start
activists, as attackers, start
AddressSanitizer (ASan), start
administrative APIs, start, start
advanced authorization controls, start
- business justifications, start
- multi-party authorization, start
- three-factor authorization (3FA), start-end
- advanced authorization controls, start-end
advanced mitigation strategies, start-end
- binary provenance, start-end
- code signing, start
- deployment choke points, start
- post-deployment verification, start
- provenance-based deployment policies, start-end
- verifiable builds, start-end
- advanced mitigation strategies, start
adversarial testing, start
adversaries, understanding, start-end
AFL (American Fuzzy Lop), start
Agile development, start
alternative components
ALTS (Application Layer Transport Security), start
American Fuzzy Lop (AFL), start
amplification attacks, start
Android Keystore, start
Android security team, start
Android, start
anonymization, start
Anonymous (hacktivist group), start
antivirus software, start
anycast, start
APIs (application programming interfaces)
- defined, start
- least-privilege-based design, start-end
- secure cryptographic APIs and Tink crypto framework, start-end
- third-party insider threats, start
- usability and understandability, start-end
App Engine, start
App Security Improvement (ASI), start
application frameworks
Application Layer Transport Security (ALTS), start
application logs, start
application-level data recovery, start
artifact, defined, start
artificial intelligence
- cyber attacks and, start
- protecting systems from automated attacks, start
ASan (AddressSanitizer), start
ASI (App Security Improvement), start
AST pattern matching, start-end
ATT&CK framework, start
attack surface
- binary provenance and, start
- redundancy and, start
attacker methods, start-end
- categorizing of tactics, techniques, and procedures, start
- Cyber Kill Chain framework for studying, start
- DoS attacks, start
- threat intelligence framework for studying, start
attacker profiles, start
attackers, start
- automated systems, start
- choosing an auditor, start
- collecting good audit logs, start
- least privilege and, start-end
authentication protocol, defined, start
- credential/secret rotation, start-end
- least-privilege policy framework for, start-end
- second-factor authentication using FIDO security keys, start-end
- understandability and, start
- advanced controls, start
- auditing to detect incorrect usage, start-end
- avoiding potential pitfalls, start
- business justifications, start
- investing in a widely used authorization framework, start
- least-privilege policy framework for, start-end
- multi-party, start
- temporary access, start
- three-factor authorization (3FA), start-end
authorized_keys file, start
automated attacks, start
automated code inspection tools, start-end
automated response mechanisms, start-end
- failing safe versus failing secure, start
- human involvement in, start
automated testing, start
- code deployment, start
- cyber attacks and, start
- response mechanism deployment, start
awareness campaigns, start
awareness, culture of, start-end
AWS Key Management Service, start
batteries-included frameworks, start
BeyondCorp architecture, start
- Device Inventory Service tools, start
- location-based trust and, start
- zero trust networking model, start
Bigtable, start
binary provenance, start-end, start
BIOS, start
blameless postmortems, start, start
blast radius, controlling, start-end
Blue Teams, start-end, start
breakglass mechanism
budget, for logging, start
bug bounties (Vulnerability Reward Programs), start, start, start-end
bugs, compromises versus, start
C++, start
- for publicly trusted CA, start
- sanitizing code, start
CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements, start
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, start, start
canaries, start
Cantrill, Bryan, start
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test) systems, start, start
CAs, start
CASBs (cloud access security brokers), start
casting, implicit, start
Cellcom, start
certificate authorities (CAs)
- at Google, start-end
- background on publicly trusted CAs, start
- build or buy decision, start
- complexity versus understandability, start
- data validation, start
- design, implementation, maintenance considerations, start-end
- Google's business need for, start
- hardening with fixits, start
- programming language choice, start
- resiliency for CA key material, start
- securing third-party/open source components, start
- testing, start
certificate revocation, start
Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), start
certification (security specialists), start
certification validity database, start
CFG (control-flow graph), start
champions, IR team, start
change budget, start
change, designing for, start-end
- architecture decisions to make changes easier, start-end
- best practices for designing your change, start
- complications: when plans change, start
- containers, start
- factors influencing speed of change, start-end
- Heartbleed security bug example, start
- keeping dependencies up to date, start
- long-term change: external demand, start-end
- medium-term change: improvement to security posture, start-end
- microservices, start-end
- rebuilding, start
- releasing frequently using automated testing, start
- second-factor authentication using FIDO security keys, start-end
- short-term change: zero-day vulnerability, start-end
- types of security changes, start
- building a case for, start
- picking your battles, start
- reducing fear with risk-reduction mechanisms, start-end
- resistance to, start
- slowing down a change, start
chaos engineering, start
charter, IR team, start
checksums, start
China, start
choke points, start
Chrome security team, start-end
- background, start
- designing for defense in depth, start
- helping users safely navigate the web, start
- security as team responsibility, start
- speed of detecting and fixing security flaws, start
- stages of evolution, start-end
- transparency and community engagement, start
- Chrome security team, start
CI/CD, start
CIA (confidentiality, integrity, availability) triad, start
Cisco, start
CL (communications lead), start, start
Clang-Tidy, start-end
CLI (command-line interface), start-end
client software, start
cloud access security brokers (CASBs), start
cloud assets
- compromised cloud instances, start
- identifying/inventorying, start
Cloud Key Management Service (KMS), start
ClusterFuzz, start
code inspection tools, automated, start-end
code reviews, start
code signing, start
Code Spaces, start
Codenomicon, start
collaborative debugging, start
Colombia, start
Columbia Disaster Investigation Board, start
command-line interface (CLI), start-end
common object model, start
- crisis management and, start-end
- emergency access and, start
- foundation for trust, start
- hedging, start
- hypothetical crisis management example, start
- keeping the right people informed with the right levels of detail, start
- meetings in crisis management situations, start
- misunderstandings, start
- overcommunication and transparency when advocating for change, start
- preparing, start
- when email or instant messaging system is compromised, start
- when taking a break from debugging, start
communications lead (CL), start, start
community engagement, start
compartmentalization, start-end
concolic testing, start
- isolation of, start
- reliability/security intersection, start
configuration distribution
- custom HTTP receiver (in-process), start
- custom HTTP receiver (sidecar), start
- custom OpenSSH ForceCommand, start
- in least-privilege environment, start-end
- POSIX API via OpenSSH, start
- software update API, start
- tradeoffs, start
configuration-as-code, start
conformance checks, start
containers, start
continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), start
- implementing verifiable builds, start-end
- provenance-based deployment policies, start
- unit tests, start
continuous validation
- designing for recovery, start
- exercising emergency components as part of normal workflows, start
- Google's CA, start
- injecting anticipated changes in behavior, start
- key rotation cycle measurement, start
- oversubscribing but preventing complacency, start
- resilient design and, start-end
- scenarios for, start-end
- splitting when you cannot mirror traffic, start
- validation focus areas, start
control plane, start
control-flow graph (CFG), start
coordinated vulnerability disclosure (CVD), start
- adding reliability/security to existing systems, start
- computing resources consumed by failure, start
- differentiating costs of failures, start-end
- logging, start
- recovery speed's effect on, start
- reliability/security failures, start
- resilience solutions, start
- third-party service providers, start
criminal actors
crises, incidents versus, start-end
crisis management, start-end
- avoiding panic, start
- beginning of response, start
- closure, start
- communications, start-end
- compromises versus bugs, start
- coordinated vulnerability disclosure, start
- crises versus incidents, start-end
- email attack example, start
- establishing your incident team, start
- handovers, start-end
- hypothetical example, start-end
- intersection of security and reliability, start
- investigative process, start-end
- keeping control of the incident, start-end
- keeping the right people informed with the right levels of detail, start
- operational security, start-end
- parallelizing the incident, start
- preparing communications and remediation, start
- reliability/security tradeoffs, start
- taking command of your incident, start-end
- trading good OpSec for the greater good, start
- triage, start-end
- when tools try to be helpful, start
- communications, start
- handovers, start
- operational security, start
- communications, start
- handovers, start
cross-site scripting (XSS), start
cryptographic code, start-end
cryptographic keys, start
cryptography, start
CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests), start
culture of no, start
culture of yes, start
culture, start
- aligning goals and participant incentives, start
- balancing accountability and risk taking, start
- building a case for change, start
- building a culture of security and reliability, start-end
- building empathy, start
- changing through good practice, start-end
- culture of awareness, start-end
- culture of inevitability, start
- culture of review, start-end
- culture of sustainability, start-end
- culture of yes, start
- defining a healthy security/reliability culture, start-end
- escalations and problem resolution, start
- increasing productivity and usability, start-end
- leadership buy-in for security/reliability changes, start-end
- least privilege's impact on, start
- overcommunication and transparency, start
- picking your battles, start
- reducing fear with risk-reduction mechanisms, start-end
- safety nets as norm, start
- security and reliability as default condition, start
- culture, start-end
CVD (coordinated vulnerability disclosure), start
Cyber Grand Challenge, start
Cyber Kill Chain, start
cyber warfare, start
Dapper, start
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), start
data corruption, start
data integrity, start
data isolation, start
data plane, start
data sanitization, start
data summarization, start
DDoS attacks, start
debugging, start-end
- cleaning up code, start
- collaborative debugging, start
- correlation-versus-causation problem, start
- data corruption and checksums, start
- deleting legacy systems, start
- distinguishing common from uncommon bugs, start
- filtering out normal events from bugs, start
- hypothesis testing with actual data, start
- importance of regular practice, start
- improving access/authorization controls, start
- improving observability, start
- isolating the problem, start
- recording observations, start
- reliability of logging, start
- reproducing the bug, start
- rereading documentation, start
- robust, secure access to systems, start
- security investigations versus, start
- security issues, start
- setting aside time for debugging and investigations, start
- stopping when things start to go wrong, start
- taking a break, start
- techniques, start-end
- what to do when you're stuck, start-end
declaring an incident, start, start
decompilers, start
defacing of websites, start
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), start
defense in depth, start-end
Delta Airlines, start
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, start-end
- amplification attacks, start
- attacker's strategy, start
- CAPTCHA implementation, start
- client retry behavior in self-inflicted attacks, start
- DDoS attacks versus, start
- defendable architecture, start-end
- defendable services, start
- defender's strategy, start
- designing for defense against, start-end
- graceful degradation, start
- mitigating, start-end
- mitigation system, start
- monitoring/alerting, start
- problems with failing open, start
- reliability/security intersection, start
- self-inflicted attacks, start-end
- strategic response, start
- user behavior in self-inflicted attacks, start
deny lists, start
dependencies, keeping up to date, start
deploying code, start-end
- actionable error messages, start
- advanced mitigation strategies, start-end
- automation for, start
- best practices, start-end
- binary provenance, start-end
- breakglass with, start
- code reviews, start
- code signing, start
- concepts and terminology, start-end
- creating unambiguous policies, start
- deployment choke points, start
- ensuring unambiguous provenance, start
- errors manifested during deployment, start
- maintaining confidentiality of secrets, start
- post-deployment verification, start
- practical advice, start-end
- provenance-based deployment policies, start-end
- securing against threat model, start-end
- supply chain issues, start
- threat model, start
- treating configuration as code, start
- trusting third-party code, start
- verifiable builds, start-end
- verifying artifacts, start
- advanced mitigation strategies, start
deployment (generally)
DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules), start
design document template (Google), start
design tradeoffs, start-end
- balancing requirements, start-end
- cost of adding reliability and security to existing systems, start
- feature requirements, start
- features versus emergent properties, start-end
- Google design document template, start
- initial versus sustained velocity, start-end
- managing tensions/aligning goals, start-end
- microservices and Google web application framework, start
- nonfunctional requirements, start
- objectives/requirements, start-end
- payment processing example, start-end
developers, least privilege and, start
Device Inventory Service tools, start
DevOps, start
DevSecOps, start, start
dictionaries, fuzz engines and, start
digital forensics, start-end
disassemblers, start
disaster planning, start-end
- configuring systems, start
- defining "disaster", start
- dynamic response strategies, start
- prestaging systems and people before an incident, start-end
- processes and procedures, start
- real-world examples from Google, start-end
- risk analysis, start
- setting up an incident response team, start-end
- testing systems and response plans, start-end
- training, start
Disaster Recovery Testing (DiRT) program, start, start
disaster risk analysis, start, start
distinct failure domains, start-end
- alternate component pitfalls, start
- alternate component types, start-end
- benefits of splitting system into, start
- data isolation, start
- functional isolation, start
- high-availability components, start
- high-capacity components, start
- low-dependency components, start-end
- resilience and, start
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, start
- Anonymous's attack on Israeli websites, start
- DoS attacks versus, start
- reliability/security intersection, start
DNS (Domain Name System) queries, start
- culture of awareness and, start
- maintaining access to, start
- rereading, start
dogfooding, start
DoS extortion, start
dumb fuzzing, start
dynamic program analysis, start-end
dynamic type checking, start
elections, hacking of, start
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), start
- communicating when system is compromised, start
- crisis management email attack example, start
embargoed vulnerabilities, start
emergency access
emergent properties
- aligning security/reliability goals, start
- feature requirements versus, start-end
- reliability and security as, start
empathy, start
encryption keys, start
Envoy HTTP proxy, start
epoch, start
error messages, start
Error Prone, start, start, start
errors, threat modeling and, start
escalations, problem resolution and, start
espionage, start
EternalBlue, start
evolution of systems, start
exception handling, start
explicit revocation mechanism, start-end
- avoiding risky exceptions, start
- centralized service to revoke certificates, start
- failing open, start
- handling emergencies directly, start
- removing dependency on accurate notions of time, start
- revoking credentials at scale, start
exponential backoff, start, start
external researchers, start-end
Facetime privacy bug, start
failing closed (secure)
- failing safe versus, start
- security/reliability tradeoffs, start
failing open (safe)
- failing secure versus, start
- revocation system, start
- security/reliability tradeoffs, start
failing static, start
failover strategies, start, start
failure domains, start
failures, cost of
- computing resources consumed by, start
- differentiating costs of, start-end
- effect on user experience, start
- speed of mitigation, start
failures, system-wide, start
false positives/negatives, start
fault injection, start
- reducing with risk-reduction mechanisms, start-end
- resistance to change and, start
feature requirements, start
FIDO security keys, start-end
- capturing state for updates, start
- rollbacks, start
first-party insiders, start
fixits, start
ForceCommand, start
forensic timeline, start
forensics, digital, start-end
forward-only MASVN, start
Fourth Industrial Revolution, start
Frama-C, start
frameworks, software development, start
- access control policies, start
- benefits of, start
- lessons for evaluation/construction, start-end
- reliability/security benefits of, start
- reliability/security enforcement, start-end
- rollout strategy, start
- RPC backends, start-end
- simple, safe, reliable libraries for common tasks, start
- understandability and, start-end
full-stack frameworks, start
functional isolation, start
functional requirements, start
fuzz engines, start-end
fuzz testing (fuzzing), start
- "known safe" functions, start
- Chrome security team and, start
- ClusterFuzz, start
- continuous fuzzing, start
- example fuzzer, start-end
- fixits and, start
- how fuzz engines work, start-end
- OSS-Fuzz, start
- security/reliability benefits, start
- writing effective fuzz drivers, start
- fuzz testing (fuzzing), start-end
games, for developing culture of awareness, start
General Electric (GE), start
GFE (Google Front End), start
global network failure, start
Gmail, start
Go Race Detector, start
Go, start
goals, aligning, start-end
- emergent-property requirements, start
- microservices and Google web application framework, start
- participant incentives and, start
Google App Engine
Google design document template, start
Google Front End (GFE), start
Google Sanitizers, start, start
Google Search, start
- DiRT exercise testing emergency access, start
- disaster planning at, start-end
- earthquake response test, start
- embedding security at, start-end
- industry-wide vulnerabilities in Linux kernel, start
- password manager incident, start
- reliability- and security-related sections of design doc template, start
- safe proxies case study, start-end
- security/reliability education, start
- smart system for intake, start
- sustainable reliability and security culture at, start
- Tool Proxy, start-end
- as attackers, start-end
- cyber attacks as domestic activity monitoring, start
- intelligence gathering, start
- military purposes of attacks, start
- protecting systems from nation-state actors, start
graceful degradation
graceful failure, start
Gregg, Brendan, start
Hacker Camp, start
hacking (origin of term), start
- as attackers, start
- protecting systems from, start
handovers, start-end, start, start
hardware security module (HSM), start
health, of team members, start
Heartbleed security bug, start, start
hedging, start
hermetic builds, start
hero mode, start
HIDS (host intrusion detection system), start
high-availability components, start
high-capacity service, start
hobbyists, as attackers, start
Honggfuzz, start
host intrusion detection system (HIDS), start
host management, start-end
HSM (hardware security module), start
HTTPS, start, start-end
human resource testing, start
IC (incident commander), start, start
idempotent operations, start
identifiers, start
IMAG, start
imminent risk, start
immutability, logging design for, start
implicit casting, start
implicit type conversions, start
in-memory state, start
incentives, aligning goals with, start
Incident Command System, start, start
incident commander (IC), start, start
Incident Management at Google (IMAG)
incident management, start
incident response (IR) team, start-end
- avoiding single points of failure, start
- communicating when email or instant messaging system is compromised, start
- communications, start-end
- creating/staffing, start-end
- developing response plans, start-end
- establishing team charter, start
- handovers, start-end
- identifying team members and roles, start-end
- keeping control of the incident, start-end
- maintaining access to documentation and update information, start
- morale issues, start
- operating parameters, start
- playbooks for, start
- processes and procedures, start
- severity/priority models, start
- training, start
- handovers, start
- morale issues, start
incident, crisis versus, start-end
incremental development and design, start
indicators of compromise (IOCs), start
inevitability, culture of, start
Infer, start
information warfare, start
initial velocity, sustained velocity versus, start-end
injection sinks, start
insider risk
insider threat, start
instant messaging, communicating when system is compromised, start
intake, start
integration testing, start
intelligence gathering, start
interactive sessions, start
interactive talks, start
Internet Relay Chat (IRC), start
intersection of security and reliability, start-end
- assessment, start
- budgeting for long-term log storage, start
- commonalities between reliability and security, start-end
- communicating when email or instant messaging system is compromised, start
- confidentiality, integrity, availability, start-end
- crisis response, start
- deployment of design, start
- design considerations, start
- effects of insiders, start
- emergency access, start
- evolution, start
- Google password manager incident, start
- invisibility, start
- logging, start
- permissions, start
- recognizing a compromise, start
- recovery, start
- relationship between security and reliability, start
- resilience, start
- simplicity, start
intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), start
invariants, start
investigating systems, start-end
- debugging techniques, start-end
- debugging versus, start
- from debugging to investigation, start-end
- intersection of security and reliability, start
- logs, appropriate/useful, start-end
- robust, secure debugging access, start
- temporary files, start-end
invisibility, of reliability and security, start
IP addresses, microservices and, start
IPsec, start
IR team, start
Iran, start
isolation of assets, start-end
isolation of trust, start
Israel, start
Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA), start
JavaScript, start
jitter, start
just-in-time notifications, start
key isolation, start
Key Management Service (KMS), start
Key Revocation List (KRL), start, start
key rotation
- cycle measurement, start
- Heartbleed bug and, start
- preventing rollback with, start
- SSL keys, start
- time separation and, start
KMS (Key Management Service), start
known safe functions, start
known_hosts file, start
Knusperli, start-end
Kralevich, Nick, start
KRL (Key Revocation List), start, start
ksplice, start
Kubernetes, start
lame-duck mode, start
law enforcement agencies
- as attackers, start-end
- cyber attacks as domestic activity monitoring, start
law of diminishing returns, start
- building a case for change, start
- buy-in for security/reliability changes, start-end
- escalations and problem resolution, start
- picking your battles, start
- understanding the decision-making process, start
least privilege, start-end
- advanced authorization controls, start
- auditing, start-end
- best practices, start-end
- breakglass, start
- business justifications, start
- classifying access based on risk, start
- complexity of security posture, start
- concepts and terminology, start
- configuration distribution, start-end
- defined, start
- designing for, start-end
- developer complexity and, start
- diagnosing access denials, start
- graceful failure and breakglass mechanisms, start
- impact on collaboration and company culture, start
- investing in a widely used authorization framework, start
- multi-party authorization, start
- policy framework for authentication/authorization decisions, start-end
- proxies, start
- quality of security-impacting data, start
- reliability/security tradeoffs, start
- small functional APIs, start-end
- temporary access and, start
- testing and, start-end
- three-factor authorization (3FA), start-end
- tradeoffs/tensions, start
- user productivity and, start
- zero touch, start
- zero trust networking, start
- advanced authorization controls, start-end
- breakglass, start
legacy systems, start
Liberia, start
libFuzzer, start
linters, start
LLVM Clang, start
load balancing, start
load shedding, start
location separation, start-end
- aligning physical and logical architecture, start
- isolation of confidentiality, start
- isolation of trust, start
location-based trust, start
Lockheed Martin, start
- attackers' bypassing of, start
- budget for, start
- collecting appropriate/useful logs, start-end
- designing for immutability, start
- determining which security logs to retain, start-end
- intersection of security and reliability, start
- logs as attack target, start
- privacy issues, start
- reliability issues, start
Lonestar, start
lost causes, value of, start
low-dependency service, start-end
malicious actions, recovery from, start
malware reports, start
MASVN (minimum acceptable security version numbers), start-end
mean time to detection (MTTD), start
mean time to repair (MTTR), start
meetings, in crisis management situations, start
Mehta, Neel, start
memory corruption, checksums and, start
memory-safe languages, start
mental models
- idempotency and, start
- understandability and, start
- designing for change with, start-end
- Google's frontend design, start
- Google-internal framework, start
- rate-limiting mechanism as, start
- role separation, start
military, cyber warfare and, start
Miller, Matt, start
minimum acceptable security version numbers (MASVN), start-end
Mission Control program, start
mission, of IR team, start
mistakes, threat modeling and, start
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), start
mitigation doc, start
mitigation strategies, advanced, start
MITRE, start
morale issues
- IC's responsibility for, start
- on incident response teams, start
motivations, of attacker, start
MTTD (mean time to detection), start
MTTR (mean time to repair), start
multi-party authorization (MPA), start
- code review as, start
- reliability and, start
- resilience and, start
- unilateral insider risk protection, start
multicomponent failure testing, start
multilevel nesting, start
mutation testing, start
NASA, start
nation-state actors, protecting systems from, start
Netflix, start
network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs), start
nonfunctional requirements, start
nontechnical risks, start
North Korea, start
notes, keeping during recovery, start, start
NotPetya ransomware, start
NSA, start
NSO Group, start
observability, improving, start
OIDC (OpenID Connect), start, start
OL (operations lead), start
one-time passwords (OTPs), start-end
one-time programmable (OTP) devices, start
OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop, start
open source components
- for Google custom CA, start
- third-party insider threats, start
OpenID Connect (OIDC), start, start
- configuration distribution via, start
- custom OpenSSH ForceCommand, start
OpenSSL library, start, start
operating parameters, IR team, start
operating system logs, start
Operation Aurora, start, start
operational overload, start, start
operational security (OpSec)
- crisis management, start-end
- hypothetical crisis management example, start
- trading good OpSec for the greater good, start
operations lead (OL), start
OSS-Fuzz, start
OTP (one-time programmable) devices, start
OTPs (one-time passwords), start-end
overcommunication, start, start, start
overprovisioning, start
panic rooms, start
parallelizing an incident, start
Park Jin Hyok, start
partial restores, start
passwords, start
patch, defined, start
payment processing system design (case study), start-end
- security/reliability considerations, start
- third-party service provider for sensitive data, start-end
Peach Fuzzer, start
penetration testers, start, start
permissions, start
persistent data, start
personally identifiable information (PII), start
Petya ransomware, start
phishing attack
- credential rotation and, start
- recovery from, start-end
- two-factor authentication to address risk of, start
phone bridges, start
physical location, start-end
PII (personally identifiable information), start
pivot points, start
playbooks, IR team, start
poisoned regions, start
police, start
- avoiding automated unsupervised changes, start
- creating unambiguous, start
POSIX API, start, start
post_install command, start
postmortems, start-end, start, start
pre_rm command, start
prestaging (disaster planning), start-end
priority models, IR teams and, start
privacy, logging and, start
- intersection of security and reliability, start
- safe proxies in production environments, start-end
- single system testing/fault injection, start
- testing response in production environments, start
profile, attacker, start
program analysis
Project Shield, start
provenance-based deployment policies, start-end
proxies, start
pseudonymization, start
publicly trusted certificate authority (CA), start-end
Purple Team, start, start
Pwn2Own, start
Pwnium, start
quality-of-service (QoS) controls, start
quarantine (isolation)
random errors, recovery from, start
ransomware attacks, start
Rapid (software release tool at Google), start
rate-limiting mechanism, start
readability, start
recovery checklists, start, start, start, start
recovery data, start
recovery speed, start
recovery, designing for, start-end
- accidental errors, start
- design for reasonable speed, start-end
- design for testing/continuous validation, start
- design principles, start-end
- emergency access, start-end
- explicit revocation mechanism, start-end
- isolating the rate-limiting mechanism, start
- knowing intended state, start-end
- limiting dependencies on external notions of time, start-end
- malicious actions, start
- random errors, start
- rollbacks as tradeoff between security and reliability, start-end
- scenarios requiring recovery, start-end
- software errors, start
- unexpected benefits, start
recovery, start-end
- aftermath of, start-end
- attacker's response to, start
- checklists, start
- compromised cloud instances, start
- compromised infrastructure/tooling, start
- credential/secret rotation, start-end
- data sanitization, start
- examples, start-end
- initiating, start-end
- intersection of security and reliability, start
- isolation of assets, start-end
- large-scale phishing attack, start-end
- logistics, start-end
- mitigation option questions, start-end
- open-ended questions/considerations, start-end
- planning, start-end
- postmortems, start-end
- recovery data, start
- reintroduction of attack vectors, start
- repeating risks, start
- roles and responsibilities in, start
- scoping, start
- speed of mitigation, start
- system rebuilds and software upgrades, start
- targeted attack requiring complex recovery, start
- timeline, start
- variants of attack, start
- recovery, start-end
Red Teams, start
- controlling, start-end
- failover strategies, start
- payment processing system example, start
- reliability/security tradeoffs, start
refactoring, start, start
reference documentation, start
related insiders, start
reliability risks, start, start
- as emergent property of system design, start
- security and, start
remediation lead (RL), start, start, start
remote procedure calls (RPCs)
- framework for backends, start-end
- safe proxies and, start
- three-factor authorization and, start
- tool proxies and, start
reproducible builds, start
researchers, start-end
resilience, designing for, start-end
- continuous validation, start-end
- controlling blast radius, start-end
- controlling degradation, start-end
- controlling redundancies, start-end
- defense in depth, start-end
- design principles, start
- failure domains, start-end
- intersection of security and reliability, start
- overcoming resistance to, start
- response mechanism deployment, start-end
- solutions in order of costs, start
- starting points for, start-end
resistance to change, start
response mechanism deployment, start-end
- automated response, start
- load shedding, start
- reliability/security tradeoffs, start
- throttling, start
response plans
- auditing automated systems, start
- communicating when email/instant messaging system is compromised, start
- conducting nonintrusive tabletops, start-end
- developing, start-end
- DiRT exercise testing emergency access, start
- earthquake response test, start
- evaluating responses, start
- human resource testing, start
- in production environments, start
- industry-wide vulnerabilities in Linux kernel, start
- multicomponent testing, start
- real-world examples from Google, start-end
- Red Team exercises, start
- single system testing/fault injection, start
- system-wide failures/failovers, start
- testing, start-end
reverse engineering, start, start
review, culture of, start-end
revocation list, start
revocation mechanism, start
risk analysis, start, start
risk assessment
- disaster risk assessment matrix, start
- understanding adversaries, start-end
risk ratings, start
risk reduction, reducing fear with, start-end
risk taking, balancing accountability with, start
- classifying access based on, start
- reliability versus security design considerations, start
RL (remediation lead), start, start, start
role separation, start
roles and responsibilities, start-end
- Blue and Red Teams, start-end
- embedding security at Google, start-end
- embedding security specialists and security teams, start
- external researchers, start-end
- integrating security into the organization, start-end
- recovery and, start
- security/reliability as everyone's responsibility, start-end
- security/reliability risk evaluation, start
- specialists' roles, start
- understanding security expertise, start
- deny lists, start
- firmware/hardware-centric constraints, start
- minimum acceptable security version numbers, start-end
- rotating signing keys, start
- security/reliability tradeoffs, start-end
rotation of keys, start
RPCs, start
RSA, start, start
safe proxies (case study), start-end
SafeHtml, start, start
SafeSql, start
safety nets, start
same-origin policy, start
sandboxing, start, start, start
sanitizing code, start
sanitizing data, start
scalable revocation, start
scope, of IR team charter, start
security (generally)
- as emergent property of system design, start
- integrating into the organization, start-end
- reliability and, start
security boundaries
- defined, start
- small TCBs and strong security boundaries, start
- threat models and, start
- understandability and, start-end
security by design, start
security champions, start
security changes, start
security experts, start
security investigations, start
security logs
- application logs, start
- cloud logs, start
- determining which security logs to retain, start-end
- host agents, start
- network-based logging and detection, start
- operating system logs, start
security posture, changes to, start-end
security risks, start, start
security specialists
- certifications and academia, start
- embedding into the organization, start
- hiring, start
- role of, start
security teams, start
seed corpus, start
self-inflicted DoS attacks, start-end
self-registration, start
self-resolution, start
severity model, start
Shellshock, start
Shipshape, start
sidecar daemon, start
signing keys, start
Simian Army, start
simplicity, start
single sign-on (SSO) services, start
single system testing, fault injection and, start
Site Isolation project, start
Site Reliability Engineer/Engineering (SRE)
- crisis management, start
- problem space's similarities to security problems, start
- risk evaluation by, start
- Security Engineering's similarities to, start
- SRE Security Exchange Program, start
software development, start
software errors, recovery from, start
software supply chain, start-end
software upgrades, recovery and, start
Sony Pictures, start
Space Shuttle Columbia incident, start
Spanner, start, start-end
SQL injection (SQLI), start, start-end
SRE Security Exchange Program, start
SRE, start
SSL key rotation, start
SSO (single sign-on) services, start
staged rollouts, start
stalkerware, start
state exhaustion attack, start
static analysis, start-end
- abstract interpretation, start
- automated code inspection tools, start-end
- formal methods, start
- integration into developer workflow, start-end
- reverse engineering and test input generation, start
static type checking, start
Stoll, Clifford, start
stored XSS bugs, start
Strava, start
strongly typed language, start, start-end
structured justification, start
supply chain, start
- code deployment issues, start
- security benefits of designing for recovery, start
sustainability, culture of, start-end
sustained velocity, initial velocity versus, start-end
Syrian Electronic Army, start
system invariants, start-end, start
system logs, as attack target, start
system rebuilds, start
systems (generally)
- in context of systems engineering, start
- investigating, start
tabletop exercises, start-end
tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), start, start
talks, interactive, start
TCB, start
technical debt
- compromised assets as, start
- during recovery, start
- repaying when writing code, start
technical program managers (TPMs), start
temporary access, least privilege and, start
test, defined, start
testing (automated), start
testing (code), start-end
testing (general)
- designing for recovery, start
- Google's certificate authority, start
- least privilege and, start-end
- test environment security/reliability tradeoffs, start
testing (response plans)
- auditing automated systems, start
- conducting nonintrusive tabletops, start-end
- DiRT exercise testing emergency access, start
- earthquake response test, start
- evaluating responses, start
- human resource testing, start
- in production environments, start
- industry-wide vulnerabilities in Linux kernel, start
- multicomponent testing, start
- real-world examples from Google, start-end
- Red Team exercises, start
- single system testing/fault injection, start
- system-wide failures/failovers, start
third-party code, start
third-party components, start
third-party insiders, start
third-party service providers
threat intelligence, start
threat mitigation, start
threat modeling
- deploying code, start
- insider risk, start
- mistakes and, start
- securing code against threat model, start-end
- security boundaries and, start
- Trojan Horse attack, start
- securing code against threat model, start
three-factor authorization (3FA), start-end
ticket queue, start
time dependence, limiting, start-end
Tink library, start-end
Tool Proxy (Google binary), start-end
TPMs (technical program managers), start
tradeoffs, design, start
tradeoffs, reliability/security
- controlling degradation, start
- deny lists, start
- imminent risk, start
- incident management, start
- redundancy, start
- response mechanisms, start
- rollbacks, start-end
- system usability in least-privilege environment, start
- test environments, start
- Chrome security team case study, start
- when advocating for change, start
transport security, start
triage, start-end, start
Tricorder, start
Trojan Horse attack, start-end
- compromise, start
- deployment, start
- execution, start
- threat modeling and vulnerability discovery, start
trust, isolation of, start
trusted computing base (TCB), start-end
- small TCBs and strong security boundaries, start
- understandability and, start
TrustedSqlString, start-end
TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures), start, start
two-factor authentication (2FA)
type checking, start
type conversions, implicit, start
UCLA Medical Center, start
Ukraine, start
understandability, start-end
- access control and, start
- analyzing invariants, start
- API usability and, start-end
- application frameworks for service-wide requirements, start-end
- authentication and transport security, start
- benefits of, start-end
- breaking down complexity, start
- centralized responsibility for security/reliability requirements, start
- complex data flows, start-end
- complexity versus, start
- designing understandable systems, start-end
- Google CA implementation, start
- identities, start-end
- interface specifications, start-end
- mental models and, start
- security boundaries, start-end
- software design, start-end
- system architecture, start-end
- system invariants and, start-end
unit testing, start-end
- effect on code, start-end
- when to write unit tests, start
- writing effective unit tests, start
universal two-factor (U2F) hardware security tokens, start
Unix, small functional APIs and, start-end
unmanaged complexity, understandability versus, start
unzipping, start
Upvote, start
URLs, start
user experience, failures' effect on, start
user productivity, least privilege and, start
Valgrind, start, start
validation, continuous, start
velocity, initial versus sustained, start-end
verifiable builds, start-end
Verizon, start
version advancement, start
virtual LANs (VLANs), start
vulnerability researchers, as attackers, start
Vulnerability Reward Programs (bug bounties), start, start, start-end
vulnerability scanning teams, start
wall-clock time, limiting dependencies on, start-end
WannaCry Ransomware, start, start
web application firewall (WAF), start
web applications, Google-internal framework, start
web origin, defined, start
WebKit, start
Wheel of Misfortune, start
Wilkes, Maurice, start
writing code, start-end
- avoiding multilevel nesting, start
- choice of tools for, start-end
- common security vulnerabilities, start-end
- eliminating YAGNI smells, start
- frameworks to enforce security and reliability, start-end
- lessons for framework evaluation/construction, start-end
- memory-safe languages for, start
- refactoring, start
- repaying technical debt, start
- rollout strategy, start
- sanitizing code, start
- security and reliability by default, start-end
- simple, safe, reliable libraries for common tasks, start
- simplicity's importance to, start-end
- static type checking for, start
- strong typing for, start
- understandability, start-end
- strong typing for, start-end
Wycheproof, start
XSS (cross-site scripting), start
YAGNI ("You Aren't Gonna Need It"), start
Yahoo!, start
yes, culture of, start
YouTube, start
Zero Touch interfaces, start
Zero Touch Prod (ZTP), start, start
zero trust networking, start
- access control and, start
- Google's corporate network, start
- location-based trust and, start
zero-day vulnerability
Zipkin, start
ZTP (Zero Touch Prod), start, start